Discussion Paper – Traffic Congestion and Transport Problem –
Kenmore and Districts.
Come along and contribute your ideas. Help us find the solution. Our guest speaker at 21/September/2006 breakfast meeting of Kenmore Chamber of Commerce is Eddie Peters, Metropolitan District Director, Department of Main Roads.
Bruce Baker, executive member of Kenmore Chamber of Commerce
Brief summary of the issues:
We have a transport problem
in Kenmore and Districts – and in wider Brisbane. Evidence:Article in Courier Mail 9/9/06 – Appendix A. Alternately do a google search for "Traffic gridlock Brisbane" or something similar and you will see that this approaching problem has been coming for years.
Look at photographs at Appendix B [NOT INCLUDED].
The problem has now arrived.
But this is not news for anyone who lives in the Kenmore region.
Appendix A puts a cost to this problem: "The cost of traffic congestion in Brisbane was expected to rise from $2.6 billion a year to $9.3 billion a year within a decade" How much of this is going to be borne by you or your business?
While very new to the great detail of this very big and very complex problem, my strong impression is that:
Given the extent of the traffic congestion problem NOW.
The lead times to get partial solutions into place (eg 10 years to completion of Northern Link)
the planned 50% population growth over next 20 years
NO current plans seem anywhere near enough to an adequate solution given the magnitude of the problem. However, it is important that we listen to experts in their fields to hear their assessments.
And we need to hear the views of our community.
Goal in our meeting on 21st September
Inform you
Of the nature of "The problem"
Current ideas to fix THE PROBLEM
Provoke you
Of these ideas on our community
Of these ideas on business in our area
Are current proposed solutions thinking big enough?
Prepare you
to contribute to the Western Brisbane Transport Study
What business opportunities arise from these ideas?
How much is traffic congestion going to cost your business?
"The cost of traffic congestion in Brisbane was expected to rise from $2.6 billion a year to $9.3 billion a year within a decade"
How much of this cost will be borne by your business?
We must recognise that any solution to this problem, will have detrimental effects to various parts our community. But no action is NOT a choice. We must search for the best solution with the best outcome for the community as a whole.
There are projects focused along Moggill Rd
Kilkivan Ave to Brookfield Rd
Kenmore Rd to Kenmore Rd
Kilkivan Ave to
Pullenvale Rd
- About to
Pinjarra Rd to
Pullenvale Rd
Kenmore bypass
We look forward to hearing our guest speaker Eddie Peters give us an update and a perspective from Department of Main Roads.
There are many projects and ideas looking at various aspects of "The Problem". Most importantly, there is the Western Brisbane Transport Study which seeks to deliver a Western transport strategy by early 2008. Other sources of plans include "SE Qld Regional Plan 2005 -2026", "BCC Transport Plan for Brisbane 2002-2016" & "BCC City Centre Master Plan 2006 "
Other Options that I have heard of
What is your view?
Article in Courier Mail 9/9/06.City grinds to a halt
ROADS into Brisbane's city heart have reached their peak-hour carrying capacity and are likely to suffer gridlock within the next 20 years.
The dire warning came from Brisbane City Council transport and traffic staff, who predicted traffic jams at key inbound access points to the central business district by 2026 –
regardless of planned road projects such as the North-South Bypass Tunnel.The information was provided to the council's secret civic cabinet meeting, which was told inbound CBD road capacity was currently at an "equilibrium" – a state of rest due to the equal action of opposing forces.
Cabinet was told that if the equilibrium was to be maintained, the council either had to build more road space and provide more inner-city parking or restrict parking to encourage walking, cycling and public transport use. Motorist lobby group RACQ seized on the report as evidence Liberal Lord Mayor Campbell Newman's TransApex series of toll roads and tunnels would not help traffic congestion in the long term.
"TransApex will not solve congestion," RACQ spokesman Gary Fites said. "Massive public transport funding will not solve congestion . . . (It) reinforces the need for a more comprehensive transport package involving all levels of government."
The cost of traffic congestion in Brisbane was expected to rise from $2.6 billion a year to $9.3 billion a year within a decade – over double the increases faced by Sydney or Melbourne.
Labor Deputy Mayor David Hinchliffe said the council would "revolutionise" public transport in Brisbane to cope with road problems. But the city is already facing severe bus overcrowding, chronic bus shortages, and a lack of kerbside CBD space for buses to stop.
Appendix B - Photos [not included]