Text Box:  $30,000 pa = Least realistic cost of living for a typical family unit = convenient criteria for 'absolute' poverty
Text Box: Households

Text Box: 10,000

Text Box: High Average Incomes Distribution
Median Income = $70,000
Relative Poverty Line = $35,000
18% in 'relative' poverty
13% in 'absolute' poverty


Text Box:  Relative poverty measures (ie where a 'poverty' level is set at (say) 50% of median income) do not always give a realistic outcome. The diagram shows that with a low average income distribution  no family might be seen to be in 'relative' poverty though (say) 80% might be in 'absolute' poverty. 
The income \/s cost figures used here are to illustrate a point - rather than be realistic.
Text Box: Low Average Incomes Distribution
Median Income = $15,000
Relative Poverty Line = $7500
0% in 'relative' poverty
80% in 'absolute' poverty