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This preliminary proposal for the Brisbane West Trail involves the interconnection of a large number of existing parks in Brisbane's western suburbs along Moggill, Gap, Cubberla and Witton Creeks, with the circuit being closed on the north through the abutting Brisbane Forest and Mt Cootha Parks and by parks along an out-dated road reserve to the south.

Table:  Features along the Trail and Current Status

Code Feature Brisbane West Trail - current status
A 'The Hut' - Mt Cootha Park - paths up, or around, Mt Cootha close Trail circuit to Feature P Crosses Fleming Road - near small shopping centre
A to B - dense bush
B Small park at Alana Crt B to C - bush - and fenced open area
C Park access at Brymer St C to D - park
D Park at End Boblynne St D to E - park with slight deviation
E Junction of Witton and Cubberla Creeks (a possible alternative route up to Brisbane Forest Park) E to F - park with slight deviation
Crosses Moggill Rd - near shopping centre
F Cubberla Creek Reserve - well developed park complex Access to bikeway on Centenary Highway
Park continues along Cupperla Ck
F to G - open bush along road reserve
G Access at Kenmore Rd near small shopping centre G to H - park along old road reserve
H Kingfisher Park H to I - open bush along road reserve
I Rafting Ground Park Crosses Moggill Rd
I to J - park - needs further development
J Park access at Fortescue St J to K - park with some need for opening up through bush and steeper areas
K Parks around estate with Kensington Ct K to L - Parks
L Creekside Park L to M - open paddocks - perhaps requiring right of way arrangements
M Access at Rafting Ground Rd M to N - open paddocks - perhaps requiring right of way arrangement
N Access at Brookfield Rd N to O - park - needs more work
O Access at Kookaburra St O to P - open country / paddocks - requiring right of way arrangement
P Gap Creek Reserve - Brisbane Forest Park - picnic areas P to A - joins paths up, or around, Mt Cootha to close Trail circuit