Outline See also
CPDS Comments |
Outline of 16/5/01 Deakin Lecture by Dr Peter Brain Deakin mapped out an economic vision for Australia based on strong state
regulatory control of strategic industry and effective state leadership of
national development.
We now have exactly the opposite. We now say that the market (ie the
private sector) knows best.
Deakin was right. Those countries that are best positioned in the world are
the ones that used the state to drive high tech industries - through provision
of strategic infrastructure and strategic regulation of industry eg countries
in North Asia; Western Europe and the USA. Deakinesque Ireland has
outperformed economic rationalist New Zealand. Australia has not adequately
developed advanced industry. Unlike Norway, which used a strong mining sector
to build the world's best practice heavy engineering, Australia virtually
destroyed its heavy engineering.
Economic rationalism has flourished because it is essentially
anti-democratic. Rationalism legitimises the dominance of established private
interests over new private interests. Representative democracy was designed to
deliver a fair balance between private and collective interests. Economic
rationalism has been used in strategic decision making at great national
To overcome the economic problem there is a need for a change in political
structure and institutions. The legitimacy of a political system depends on
economic and social progress.
Strengths of Australia's recent performance are often highlighted, but
weaknesses have been ignored. Positives highlighted have included:
absolute growth; higher productivity; low unemployment; low inflation and
strong public finance. However this is partly a statistical illusion.
Australia (like the USA) makes adjustments to prices to account for product
quality - which Europe doesn't do - and so Europe appears to have slower
growth. Australia's unemployment is measured as 6.8% - but using 1990
methodology it would be 10% - because long term unemployed have now been taken
out of the statistics through disability pensions and work for the dole. In
fact, Australia's productivity growth is only at historical levels; inflation
is no lower than in comparable countries; and public finance is only strong
because of reduced services. Structural imbalances in the economy
worsened during the 1990s - eg declining manufacturing share of GDP. There is
an ETM trade deficit of 8% of GDP. Current account deficit has increased
vulnerability to external shocks. 3/4 million people have been consigned to a
subsistence existence. Those in employment work 2300 hours per annum which is
unlike the Dutch choice of low unemployment, a happy labour force,
productivity like that in the USA and average 1350 annual working hours.
To break out there is a need to greatly strengthen our system of
representative democracy. Three ways in which this might be achieved involve:
constitutional change; breakdown of party discipline; or breakdown of two
party system (eg by adoption of proportional representation system like
NZ). The only practical option is a breakdown of the two party system through
political control being taken by independents.
The above is based on Brain P. 'The opportunity cost of misplaced faith', Financial
Review, 18/5/01. The Deakin Lecture by Dr Peter Brain which his
article summarises is online at http://www.abc.net.au/rn/deakin/stories/s291487.htm
Comments |
- firstly, great care is required in
developing proposals for a less simplistic economic strategy. It may
be preferable to create new institutions within civil society to
take the lead in strategic economic change as a complement to democratic
politics, rather than asking elected representatives to do this directly.
This issue (which is very complex) is considered further below in terms
- the critical importance of distinguishing between the market and the
private sector;
- the real limits to centralised rationality that have been the
basis for using market liberalisation to speed economic change;
- qualifications that need to be applied to the historical role of the
state in driving high tech industries in North Asia, USA and Europe;
- the limits to what democratic institutions can achieve on their
own; and
- an hypothesis about what might be done to improve the situation.
- secondly, more than political changes
are needed in rebuilding a more viable representative democracy.
It is also vital to restore the institutions which
provide information and practical support to representative democracy,
and to guard against further pathologies in our political regimes.
- thirdly, Brain highlighted defects in
claims which have been made about Australia's 'superior' economic
performance in the 1990s (eg the inclusion of allowances for improved
quality in Australian and US national accounts, which are not included
in European accounts and thus understate European
growth). Other concerns
about recent economic performance that might add to his collection
(which are explored further below) could include:
- a likely overestimation of economic growth and of
productivity growth due to ongoing devaluation; and
- the risk of a currency crisis associated with any appreciable decline
in Australia attractiveness for foreign investment - a decline
which may well be arising in resource sectors.
In Brain's Deakin Lecture, he described Australia's symptoms well and
was quite right in pointing out that the legitimacy of a political
system depends on achieving economic and social gains. And in this respect
our current arrangements are in serious risk of losing legitimacy - so
something has to change. The question is: What?
Brain's lecture suggested strengthening the role of representative
democracy, so as to take the lead in strategic economic change (eg through
strategic infrastructure and industry regulation).
While Australia clearly needs to create a more effective system of
governance if it is to overcome the types of economic weaknesses that
exist, there is much more to this than simply changing the political
system. In particular that there is probably also a need
to (a) strengthen institutions within civil society that might
be able to take the economic lead, as a complement to representative
democracy and to (b) strengthen the institutions that provide direct
support to the democratic process.
Comments on Brain's Deakin Lecture:
This will be introduced by first submitting a couple of observations in
relation to what Brain's Deakin Lecture suggested about a market economy and
about the role of the state in other countries:
- it is not really correct to say that the 'market'
and the private sector are the same thing. The market (which
could be either 'free' or closely regulated) is one possible framework
within which a private sector may operate. However the market (as a system
of relationships amongst firms and their customers) has characteristics and
dynamics which are quite different to those of the private sector (as actors
within such a system). It is critically important to distinguish the two
- an effectively regulated market is one way of keeping the private
sector under control (which is one of the reasons that liberal market
advocates suggest that the private sector usually
prefers establishing political channels of influence to avoid
competition as much as possible);
- traditional state corporatism (in which 'private' firms are regarded
as agents of the state is one of the alternatives to a market economy
(see Williamson Varieties of Corporatism) - an alternative that
is occasionally associated with fascism. Any suggestion
that a 'strong state' should orchestrate economic change
needs to address the corporatism question (eg how to avoid interests
that have the best market information and the strongest motives from
capturing the political process and thus the said 'strong state' for
their own benefit - a predicament of which Queensland has had
some past experience - and which is increasingly likely as the
effectiveness of political institutions decline);
- an effectively developed market economy (ie one in which individual
firms receive appropriate information and support) is vital to their
performance and to their ability to make good decisions.
- the liberal market viewpoint (which its opponents in Australia have
called economic rationalism) seems to be based on the very reasonable
premise that there are limits to rationality which
make central planning of economic outcomes impossible - because what has to
be done to make a profit from meeting consumer preferences depends on
distributed and often tacit (ie in-expressible) information that can never
be assembled by any central decision maker. This
argument appears to have originated with Hayek's 1945 work on
The Use of Knowledge in Society. From that viewpoint the
market seems to be thought of as a sort of huge 'calculating
machine' which is capable of reducing the limits to rationality
(because it incorporates and processes the information which is
required to know what consumers actually want). Any alternative
economic strategy has to take account of the 'limits to rationality'
problem - and I am not aware of anything but a market economy that is
capable of doing so;
Brain's observations about the strong state role in various
countries in driving high tech industries requires qualification.
In particular:
- the undoubted ability of the state to orchestrate rapid industrial-era
economic advancement in North Asia has depended on
cultural and institutional arrangements that are not available in
Australia (see online introduction to Transforming
the Tortoise: A breakthrough to improve Australia's place
in the economic race). In particular this has depended on:
- an epistemology (ie theory about knowledge) which is based on
ancient Chinese traditions and is quite different from the concept
of 'rationality' that Western societies inherited from classical
Greece. The central precept of Daoism (which was the ingredient that
turned traditional Confucianism - which oversaw a century of
economic malaise in China - into dynamic neo-Confucianism) is that
'The Dao (way) that can be named is not the true Dao'. The
latter is a simple statement of the limits to rationality which
is equivalent to Hayek's observations (as recognised in Barrow
and Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle). This
epistemology leads to:
- an 'information-divergent / chaos-creating' role for leaders in
identifying strategic issues, rather than a 'convergent' role in
making strategic decisions, and:
- a concept of power as the avoidance of decisions
(rather than as being a decision maker) - see Pye Asian
Power and Politics. The consequence of this is 'bottom up'
decision making (by employees within organizations, and by
firms on behalf of government) whereby subordinates make
decisions on behalf of their social superiors - and so overcome to
some extent the limits-to-rationality problem Hayek identified
- a society built on social hierarchy - rather than on equality
before law;
- communitarian economic goals, ie building the power of particular
ethic and cultural communities, rather than meeting consumer wants;
- a strong concept of obligation - which means that (a) precedence
is given to customer's requirements in 'bottom up' decisions and (b)
any help provided must be repaid somehow - so no one asks for help
(eg from government) if they can avoid doing so.
- a Confucian concept of government as teacher and guide, rather
than as regulator, and of government by man rather than by a rule of
- control of government by a bureaucratic elite selected
through the education system, while 'democratic politics' exists
only for show;
- an approach to industry policy which long involved (a) 'vision
development and administrative guidance' through MITI whose effect
was to accelerate learning within firms, rather than to make
centralised strategic decisions and (b) similar leadership of change
within business groups through banks and trading companies.
- these processes have clear limits (eg rely on learning from someone
else's technology, someone else's markets to provide demand and are not
effective in dealing with finance as a problem in itself). They
are also strongly anti-democratic.
- Brain's example of government driving defence industries in
the USA arises in an area in which the government
itself (rather than consumers) is the main customer - which makes it
possible for government uniquely in that case to really know what
customers will want. However control resides with the
(so-called) military-industrial complex which is often described as
a serious challenge to real democracy in the USA (noting the famous
caution to 'Beware the military industrial complex').
- the US had an 'industry policy' debate (led by Robert Reich) in 1984 -
which argued that government should coordinate its actions to favour
strategic economic capabilities. However the debate ended almost
as soon as it started, because it was realised that (a) any attempt to
define strategic industries for support would be immediately
captured politically by those industries representatives (the
military-industrial complex revisited) and that (b) government did not
seem to be capable of administratively coordinating anything to the
required degree.
- the improvement in the US's economic competitiveness during the 1990s
can be traced to (a) a change in the organization of production that has
characterised its new economy - from hierarchical to networked
organizations - a change which has accelerated relevant learning (b) a
probably unsustainable asset bubble created by monetary
- in considering the role of the state in Europe it is
essential to again consider cultural and institutional difference from
the situation applying in Australia, which have a major impact on (a)
what the words we used (eg state) actually mean (b) what can
successfully be done. In particular:
- many European countries operate under Roman Law - which has a
quite different concept of the state to that under British Law.
The latter tradition sees the state as legally equal to
members of society, while under Roman Law the state is
seen as legally superior to members of society as
it represent the society as a whole, and ideally the state
is above taking a partisan position on anything. A reference on
this is
Riha T. (1985) 'German Political Economy - The History
of an Alternative Economics', International Journal of Social
Economics, Vol 12 Numbers 3/4/5:- Theme: There are different
forms of philosophy, jurisprudence and sociology to those known in
Anglo Saxon societies. German philosophy puts state in pivotal
position in society, prior to individuals. Individualism is
rejected. Ordo-liberalism was the basis of the post war economic
One consequence of this is that the outcome of consensus
under European traditions (where the state ideally
facilitates consensus rather than bringing a point of view) is
quite different from that under British Law - where the state
acts as a 'heavyweight' citizen to allow politically influential
interest groups to get their way. This is also the reason
that proportional representation electoral systems that have been
adopted in Europe (to minimise the chances that the state
will represent any point of view) are unlikely to work
in the same way under British legal traditions (eg in New
the German post-war economic miracle was (as noted in Riha's book)
based on ordo-liberalism - which involved a liberal market
economy, in which the role of the state was to determine the
nature of the economic order (ie the economic system) but it was
to be a liberal order in which the state did not attempt to
determine economic outcomes. A strong catalytic role in economic
change has been taken by institutions such as banks and the major
companies that are the core of business groups;
in France, so I understand, a strong role in facilitating economic
change has often been taken by a coalition of engineers and
bureaucrats - without partisan political engagement, and operating
through indicative planning - which once again seeks to speed up
the learning process within firms without dictating economic
in all of the regions Brain mentioned, North Asia, USA and Europe
there is a strong tradition of private sector leadership of change
within the market economic system. In North Asia the state forces the
private sector to do this, in the USA it happens because business is
strong and expects to take this role, while in Europe an economic
order is created through the state which involves such leadership. In
Australia by contrast the private sector is traditionally dependent on
the political system (and foreign investors) to take major economic
New Zealand can't be directly compared with Ireland -
because the latter's main attraction for industrial location has
probably been its status as a low wage, English-speaking country
within the European Community, for which New Zealand has nothing
The main point of the above comments is that, while Brain is quite
right that Australia needs to create a more effective system of governance
to improve its economic performance, there is much more to this than
simply strengthening the democratic process through political changes.
Representative Democracy can't Solve the Problem Alone
In fact there are serious limits to what the democratic process can do by
itself in terms of stimulating economic change.
In theory some limits arise because:
- our political process is mainly responsive to interest groups which
may capture the agenda for their own benefit - particularly because the
political system is generally dependent on those interests for leading edge
information, and (a more subtle point);
- any strategic change which is to be economically productive (ie confer
competitive advantages) must be a response to opportunities and threats at
the time they first become obvious to the most expert / experienced
observers, yet the political process can not initiate action on systemic
economic changes until virtually 'everyone' understands the need - by which
time it will be too late to profit thereby as smart competitors
will already have acted. For example, innovation had become
'flavour of the month' with all governments by 2000 - 15 years
after the need for this had become obvious to expert observers, a lag
which has been typical of that in making many other necessary
economic-system changes in Australia.
In practice, the limits to what can be done through the democratic process
alone are demonstrated by examples such as:
- a politically driven process of 'reform' of Queensland's Public
Service in the early 1990s which seriously eroded the often-tacit
knowledge and skill base required for the Goss government to
successfully implement its political agenda, carry on competently with
basic administration and cope with the requirements of economic change in
practice. How 'reform' led to this outcome is outlined in Towards
Good Government in Queensland while the way in which this
translated into an inability to cope with economic change is outlined in
in Economic Tactics, Strategy and Outcomes ;
- the severe financial difficulties which the Victorian Government under
Cain (and the Western Australian Government at the same time) experienced
as a result of attempts to drive strategic economic change, arose after
eliminating the practical skill base of the Public Service through a
process that was reportedly the same as that later used by the Goss
Government (See Attachment
C of Towards Good Government);
- attempts now being made in Queensland to use the state to provide a
strategic impetus to the economy, are failing. In this respect,
on-line papers identify fatal technical defects in attempts to
define Strategic
Infrastructure and Innovation
infrastructure. And an incredibly naive
Local Industry Policy
has been developed in Queensland that seeks to do what Brain's Deakin
Lecture suggested - ie leverage heavy engineering on the back of mining
industries. However the tactic which this strategy encourages for
local firms is one of reliance on demand from major investments in
Queensland, rather than pursuing specialised global opportunities -
at the very time that their customers in the mining industry are
all moving to global supply chains;
- a similar Heavy Engineering Action Agenda which has recently been
developed by the Commonwealth Government - which suffers from the same
sort of economic problem that other such efforts seem to - namely
that it represents what the stakeholders in the industry want, rather
than what their customers (who were not consulted in developing the Action
Agenda) want, and would be prepared to pay for.
Moreover market liberalisation was rationalised in Australia in the 1980s
because, in the face of a perceived need for economic adjustment,
recommendations about this were at that time coming from the OECD on Positive
Structural Adjustment Policies (written in about 1980). The OECD's work
was in turn a result of the disastrous outcomes of attempts in Europe in
the 1970s to force the pace of strategic economic change in the face of
the loss of competitiveness which European manufacturing was suffering -
and the resulting de-industrialisation (ie general loss of traditional
manufacturing industry and jobs in the face of NIC competition). In practice
1970s efforts by European Governments to stimulate strategic changes always
seemed to defend losers, rather than effectively 'pick winners' - and
the OECD's conclusion was that it would be better for governments to do
However in Australia 'doing nothing' has clearly not been enough.
In brief, this argues that there has been general recognition since the
early 1980s of the need to strengthen and diversify Australia's economy into
higher productivity activities - because of the slow growth and poor terms
of trade of traditional resource-based commodity exports. Neo-liberal
('free-market') policies were generally adopted to facilitate change.
However, at the same time, competitive pressure from newly industrialised
countries forced developed economies to switch from industrial-era economic
tactics to a "new" / knowledge-based economic style. This raised
the goal-posts for Australia's economy. In particular, because of the
need to shift to a 'knowledge' economy, the economic development tactics of
an 'industrial' economy were no longer adequate.
Methods for strengthening market capabilities in parallel with
market liberalisation were developed during the 1980s [[which
incidentally were similar to West German ordo-liberalism as described
briefly above]] but the capabilities required to understand or implement
this were eliminated by politically driven 'reform'.
Thus during the 1990s Queensland continued its traditional policies
(low taxes and supporting 'major projects') that had the effect of
encouraging the growth of low productivity industries and continued using
industrial-era economic tactics in seeking to promote 'development'.
In simple terms, 1990s attempts at economic change failed because
exposure to competitive pressure was not enough to ensure the ability to
compete successfully. Systematic development of stronger practical and
economically relevant support through the market by stimulating
informed leadership within industry clusters was a feasible alternative -
and would have dramatically improved the performance of the mainstream
economy and the plight of marginal regions.
Brain's paper laid a great deal of stress on strengthening representative
democracy. He is absolutely right. However this can't be achieved
just by changing the political system.
Just as private firms can only perform well if they exist in a well developed
market environment that provides them with information and support, so too
our system of representative democracy can only produce good
decisions if it gets good policy raw material (eg from public policy
research entities, and from the Public Service), and can only
produce practical results if governments receive practical
support from the Public Service.
The source of the growing problem in Australia's political system is that, as
part of politically driven reform to achieve simple-minded economic
goals, the information and support required for government itself to be
effective has often been demolished - through both
- making commercial motives dominant in universities - which traditionally
(but no longer) provided substantial public policy input; and
- politicisation of Public Services - without recognition of the clear
difference between the political system's concern for whether policy sounds
good, and the traditional concern of professional Public Servants for
whether a policy will work in practice - which makes their roles
complementary in ensuring effective governance.
However this phenomenon has not been unique to Queensland, and
appears to be the major factor in the unexpected electoral backlashes that
many governments have experienced - when they have been perceived
to be arrogant because superficially sensible policy ideas have not
translated into practical benefits (see online Note
21). The massive electoral reversal recently suffered by the
Howard Government appears to be yet another example of this phenomena -
which arguably resulted from a lack of administrative competence in the
implementation of quite pedestrian tax policies.
Thus as well as changing the political system (perhaps along the lines Brain
suggest) there is also a need to upgrade the technical competence of those who
provide advice and support to democratic representatives - so that the latter
can operate effectively once elected. A Direct
Action proposal on the CPDS web-site suggests how this might be
A consideration in trying to repair the system of representative
democracy is that there seems to be an increasing trend towards
community disrespect for elected representatives and towards political
populism (ie politicians seem to gain electoral support by making popular
promises that have no realistic prospect of long term
viability because none of the players in the political game have
access to constructive proposals about what to do). The emergence of
populism is illustrated by: One Nation; the second Beattie Government in
Queensland; and the Howard Government's 2001 budget.
Political pathologies: Populism is
not only another one of the recognisable steps on the road to a real
'banana republic' (see online Note
24). It is also not far removed from fascism - ie from
populist leaders who attempt to cut out elected representatives
altogether. As I understand it, fascism rejects 'representative'
democracy on the grounds that representatives make decisions in their
own, rather than the people's, interests - and fascism tends to
favour directly determining the will of the people on
particular matters through the use of frequent plebiscites (Jayasuria
K. 'Beware the fascist roots of populism', Australian, 17/2/99). However
this also allows 'populist' demagogues who capture the public's
affections (but do not have a well considered agenda) to manipulate
both the public's emotions, and their decisions.
Representative democracy by contrast allows representative to gain
an understanding of the issues involved to base decisions
on that understanding rather than on emotion. Indications of fascism in
Australia include (a) the emerging electoral success of populist
politics and (b) popular support for direct election of a
President under a republican constitution - which would over-ride the role
of elected 'representatives'.
Thus fixing our system of representative democracy is going to be anything but
a simple matter - and could even become dangerous.
- has ongoing devaluation of the $A further created a
misleading impression of rapid 'productivity' growth? Suppose
goods and services with a value of A$100bn (initially $US75bn say) are
produced for export, and then, through devaluation, those goods and
services are declared to be worth $A100bn ($US50bn). The fact is that
they are still worth exactly what they were in (say) $US - and as they
are sold at that value it will appear that 'productivity' is
growing very rapidly in $A terms. This naturally only has a large impact
on perceived 'productivity' growth in the export sectors of the economy
- but this will translate into some upward distortion of measured
productivity overall which actually merely reflects the devaluation of
the unit of measurement.
- rapid growth during the 1990s has been stimulated partly by large
capital inflows - which have led to rapidly growing foreign
obligations and to a structural current account
deficit. This does not just create the risk Brain
identified of a currency crisis in the event of an external shock.
Capital inflows of $30bn+ are required now just to cover the cost of
debt service, and when too few productive investment opportunities are
available, investor demand for the $A will be insufficient to maintain
the $A value - and signs of this were emerging in 2000. Very
fast devaluation due to an inward investment slowdown could trigger
a crisis at some stage. In particular it can be noted that
there have been very large capital inflows for resource projects
over recent decades, yet such investments have typically been quite
unprofitable for structural reasons. Thus simple resource
investments seem likely to be far more constrained in future
(See online Note
- ownership and control of many Australian enterprises has been
passing overseas, because the corollary of the current account
deficit was large capital inflow to buy those enterprises. One
consequence is that the strategic information which is required to
build competitive advantages and to raise productivity (and to advise
governments about sensible economic policy options) has become
increasingly scarce. Limited access to such strategic information
to guide state efforts to overcome serious economic
difficulties is apparently one of the characteristics of a classic
Latin American 'banana republic' (See online Note