CPDS home
Mission CPDS    stimulated and supported leaders in developing economic, enterprise, community and governance capabilities and systems.  Those activities were phased down from early 2014   Do it Yourself 
Focus CPDS addressed local and global issues from the perspective of Queensland - an Australian state.
Principal The principal of CPDS was John Craig, a civil engineer by initial training who had over 20 years generalist experience in strategic policy research, development and application, with the Coordinator General’s and Premier’s Departments in Queensland. That work focused particularly on a systems approach to: administrative coordination and development; and to economic development. See CV and Smart State: Some Informal History
Authorship Unless otherwise clearly indicated, the author of material on this site is John Craig. 
Web-site The primary purpose of this web-site was to make CPDS' Documents and Viewpoints easily accessible as a complement to direct communication (eg by email). However a digest of current 'Issues' (general and Queensland specific) was intended as a useful source of current public information about various subjects (though it was not maintained from early 2008). 

Documents were written on the assumption that readers were generally familiar with the subject.

Some CPDS documents have been periodically updated. The CPDS home-page provides the dates on which documents were first written, or when they were subjected to major revisions. However incremental additions have been included from time to time as new information becomes available (see example). Where significant the dates of such additions are usually indicated in the text, or as greyed text if minor (perhaps-grammatical) amendments are made to documents that are associated with a definite date.

Emails Irregular emails have been circulated to distribution lists maintained by CPDS.  Some of these communications are reproduced on the CPDS web-site, and some of the latter are referenced as 'CPDS Viewpoints'
Publication In anticipation of requests that were periodically received in relation to the possibility of publishing communications received from John Craig, it is noted that (usually) material was only published on the CPDS web-site, because:
  • CPDS had very limited resources to comply with such requests;
  • CPDS documents typically addressed complex issues and were seldom complete in themselves (ie particular points are not always self-evident). Documents thus usually depended on links to other documents, and conventional publishers typically require documents that are complete in themselves;
  • on a couple of occasions CPDS material submitted following suggestions about publishing had been presented with a 'spin' that differs from the author's intentions;
  • presenting material on the CPDS web-site seemed to have an impact - as numerous cross-links to that site seemed to emerge on other sites worldwide on any given topic.

However all material presented here is in the public domain and may be quoted or used in any other way that seems appropriate, providing the source is acknowledged.

Contact Click here to email    john . cpds @ gmail . com