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Teams of individuals / organizations can use the Internet to organize practical 'public' ideas about strategic functions and issues so as to directly stimulate and aid potential community, business or political leaders, and then begin linking people able to take direct action.
Information on this web-site suggests that Queensland, for example, faces daunting challenges, and that established institutions are not capably meeting those challenges, or likely to do so (see Queensland's Challenge). This malaise does not have to continue.
Furthermore some public resources suggesting strategic issues affecting Queensland as a whole and other potentially useful Australian and international resources are being progressively outlined.
Though this list is indicative rather than complete, particular opportunities appear to exist to take direct action in relation to specific functions and issues such as:
overcoming the sources of social stresses within the community (see Note 2);
development of the functions of a more productive economy - and in particular of the practical support available to firms through better integrated and stronger industry clusters;
dealing with the cultural challenges that can limit material prosperity;
development of a viable system of enterprise bargaining;
development of particular regions - a challenge which cuts across many different functions;
becoming genuinely ecological and environmental sustainable;
upgrading the quantity and quality of the raw material available for public policy debate;
overcoming problems resulting from drug abuse;
Other functions and issues that would benefit from efforts to stimulate and guide leaders include:
business strategy and management;
community and civil institutions;
developing knowledge assets;
land and resources;
law and judicial systems ;
science and technology;
The possibility that even small Australian organizations could apply methods like those suggested here under an Internet-based 'foreign aid' process might also be considered (see CPDS Comments on Regional and Foreign Aid via the Internet)
What can be done to make a difference
For each of such functions and issues there are existing valuable 'public' resources in the form of practical ideas and people / organizations who are publicly known to be taking new initiatives. If those resources are systematically identified, presented with a background historical / conceptual narrative, and drawn to the attention of persons with a practical involvement in all of the relevant functions required for practical action, then community, business and political leaders amongst those persons will be able to act more confidently and quickly on constructive opportunities. Ready access to the 'public' resources will leverage / add value to / give direction to their 'private' resources.
Methods whereby the above concept could be expanded to action even large complex economic opportunities are suggested in Developing a Regional Industry Cluster: A Possible Generic Process. (which includes a theory of how doing so can generate competitive advantages - and raise economic productivity)
It seems essential that action be taken simultaneously on many different issues - because successful initiatives in any particular issue usually depend on support from other areas. Furthermore in addressing any specific opportunity, initiative will often be required from several different sectors.
Several of the functions and issues outlined above involve enhancing people's ability to organize initiatives to address opportunities. A speculation about an Enterprise Institute, as a means to provide a focus for those functions and issues is being drafted, and comments on this would be appreciated.
Invitation to take Initiatives or Organize Teams
Participation in concerted direct action on most of the above functions and issues that pertain to Queensland is now needed (and, as noted above, scope for applying similar methods as a means for 'foreign aid' to selected communities could also be considered).
If you have relevant qualifications and experience and can take an initiative in any of the above functions and issues (or if you would be able to organize a Team to take initiatives in several or all of the above - or other - functions) than please email CPDS. Any such proposal could (if you wish) be referenced here without editing.
Suggestions about how such a Team should be organized and managed would also be appreciated - and will be made available (without editing) to others who indicate an interest.
Organization and management requirements would include:
identification of the functions and issues the Team would focus on;
self-government within a Team;
selection and (if necessary) ejection of participants in a Team;
ensuring precedence is given to solutions based on direct action rather than on lobbying;
ensuring that such a Team strengthened institutions that have a democratic, legislative and constitutional legitimacy;
ensuring content quality (eg by reliance on: empirical evidence; experts with experience / qualifications; referees; competing viewpoints on the same function / issue; and feedback from the community or from others in such a Team);
ensuring balance (ie that progress on all functions / issues be possible simultaneously);
managing competing approaches to particular functions and issues (eg should this be by duplication or by contestability of participation; tolerating and resolving inconsistencies and disagreements amongst participants);
styles and methods to be used for Web-sites. An article on 'open publishing' might provide one set of ideas for consideration; and
obtaining sponsorships