Centre for Policy and Development Systems

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CPDS' Documents  [ Viewpoints  >>]


Infrastructure Obstacles and Opportunities: Submission to Productivity Commission (March 2014) 

Home Sweet Home on Struggle Street (DRAFT - April 2014)    

Avoiding Dark Days in the Sunshine State (December 2013) 

A Smarter Approach to Power (November 2013)

Reversing Queensland's Institutional Decay (November 2013)

Lifting Public Sector Performance (May 2013)

The Queensland Plan: Developing a Valuable Vision? (May 2013)

Interpreting the Canary in the Gold Mine (April 2013)

Factors Influencing China's Future: A Brief Overview (April 2013)

Competing Thought Cultures (October 2012)

Queensland's Next Unsuccessful Premier (March 2012)

Australia's Next Successful Prime Minister (February 2012)

Smart State: Some Informal History (2012)

Curing Queensland's Myopia (June 2011)

Beyond Populist Rhetoric (March 2011)

Comments on Australia's Strategic Edge in 2030 ( February 2011)

US Evaluation of Financial Crisis?  (January 2011)

The Choice is not just between Flood Levees and Flood Levies (January 2011)

'Post-war reconstruction' is only one of many Challenges (January 2011)

NBN's Bigger Picture (October 2010)

Fixing Australia: Do the Econocrats have the Right Answers? (October 2010)

Moving Australia Beyond Traditional Multiculturalism (August 2010)

Developing Australia's Economy: The Role of Migration (July 2010)

A Case for Restoring Universities (June 2010)

Seeking a Liberal International Order (March 2010)

Visualizing the Decline of the West

How Durable is Australia's Luck?

Are Unfinished Apartments a Risk for Australia Also?

Fixing Australia's Federation  (March 2010)

Eliminating the Need for Chaplains in Australia's State Schools (March 2010)

Celebrating a New Evangelical 'Religion': Atheism (March 2010)

An Exchange of Views with Atheist Foundation of Australia (April 2010)

Is a National Health and Hospitals Network Progress? (March 2010)

Making a Bad Situation Worse? (April 2010)

Proposed National Curriculum (March 2010)

Philosophy and Religion: The Case for a Bigger Picture View (February 2010)

Republican Realism: A Purely 'Ceremonial' Head of State? (January 2010)

Lifting Productivity: Considering the Bigger Picture (January 2010)

The Advantages and Limitations of Financial Criteria (October 2010)

The 'Bigger, Longer and Better' Resource Boom Hypothesis (March 2010)

Seeking a Strategy for Economic Prosperity (August 2010)

Gonski Review: An example of the limitations of government initiatives (May 2013)

Sydney's 2010 New Year's Eve Celebrations: Awakening Which 'Spirit'? (January 2010)

Babes in the Asian Woods (November 2009)

What does an 'Asian Century' Imply (2010)

A Simple View of Confucianism (2010)

Risks from Asia-illiterate Policy Making (May 2010)

China may not have the solution, but it seems to have a problem (March 2010)

Aiding the World's Poorest: Some Suggestions to TEAR Australia (November 2009)

Which Identity Does Japan want Back? An Exchange of Views (September 2009)

Fixing Global Finance: Who is responsible? (September 2009)

Focusing on Japan and the Global Financial Crisis (August 2009)

Journey Towards a More Effective 'Fitzgerald Inquiry' (July 2009)

[Modified] Submission on Stimulating Employment Opportunities in Queensland (July 2009)

Solving SE Queensland's Transport Planning Woes? (June 2009)

Can Lessons be Learned from Camden? (June 2009)

Beyond the 'Open Economy' - Accelerating Economic Development (May 2009)

Avoiding Ongoing Global Crashes (May 2009)

Are East Asian Economic Models Sustainable? (May 2009)

Understanding East Asia's Neo-Confucian Systems of Socio-political-economy (May 2009)

Impacting the Global Economy (May 2009)

Japan's Predicament (May 2009+)

China's Predicament (May 2009+)

Creating a New International 'Confucian' Financial, Economic and Political Order (May 2009)

Outreach to Islamist Radicals (April 2009)

A Case for Innovative Economic Leadership (April 2009)

Keeping Religion out of Australian Politics (February 2009)

Do Religions Foster Violence? (February 2009)

A Social Democratic Alternative to 'Neo-Liberalism'? (February 2009)

Australia's Future Tax System: The Cost of the Financial Crisis and the Opportunity to Fix Government (January 2009)

Leading Edge Optimism (in progress and unavailable)

Intellectual Fraud: Endangering Societies that depend on Intellectual Honesty (January 2009)

The Second Failure of Globalization? (updated October 2003 and October 2008)

September 11: The First Test of Globalization

Global Financial Crisis: The Second Test of Globalization?

Comment on the European Sovereign Debt Crisis

An Approaching Crisis?

Donald Trump's Agenda: Overview of Issues Raised by Observers (2016)

Preliminary Conclusions About Donald Trump's Policy Agenda (2016) 

Defending Australia from the Financial Crisis? (October 2008)

Australia's Risk of Financial / Banking Crises as Growth is Driven by Rapidly Rising and Often Misdirected Debt (2016)

Importing Risks from China (2016)

China's Financial Risks (A Looming Debt Crisis)

Why China Has a Financial Problem

Why China Faces Political Instability 

China's Likely 2017 Financial Crisis  (China's Clampdown on New Debt and Capital Outflows

China's Inadequate Reform Proposals in Early 2017  (China's Secret Weapon? )

Brisbane's Transportation Monster (May 2008)

[Incomplete draft of] Greenhouse Gases and Climatic History (December 2007)

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Perpetuating Disadvantage? (November 2007)

Financial Market Instability: A Many Sided Story (September 2007)

China: Victor or Victim?

Outline of Climate Change: A Natural Hazard (July 2007)

A Crisis in Education at QUT? (June 2007)

Commentary on 'Liquidity Boom and Looming Crisis' (June 2007)

Structural Incompetence and SE Queensland's Water Crisis (May 2007)

'Is our System of Government in Queensland Working?': Outline and Commentary (May 2007)

More 'Questions for Kevin' (April 2007)

On Populism (February 2007)

Restoring 'Faith in Politics' (December 2006)

An Alternative to Market Fundamentalism? (November 2006)

God On My Side .... A Conspiracy Theory? (November 2006)

Climate Change; 'No time to lose' in doing exactly what? (October 2006)

Queensland's Challenge: A 2006 Report Card (September 2006)

'Vulnerability in the Australian City Symposium': A Commentary (June 2006)

Commentary on The Role of Government in Queensland (May 2006)

The Upper House Solution: A Commentary (April 2006)

Commentary on Directions for Health Reform in Australia (April 2006)

'Razor gang hits service efficiency’ (February 2006)

Taxpayers Cheated by Incompetent Governance (February 2006)

A Middle Eastern Solution to Ethnic Conflict? (December 2005)

Improving Public Sector Performance in Queensland (November 2005)

Draft of About the Ideology of the Party for Islamic Renewal (October 2005)

Comments on No Dialogue - Only Da'wa (July 2005)

About Arabic Thought and Islamic Science (July 2005)

Commentary on Democratic Republic of Congo: Peace Tomorrow (June 2005)

Working draft of Australia's Strategic Positioning (June 2005)

A Response to Hizb-ut-Tahrir Britain's Manifesto (May 2005)

SE Queensland Regional Plan and Infrastructure Plan (Revised May 2005)

Intended Submission to Health System Royal Commission (April 2005)

Comments on Education Laws for the Future (January 2005)

Queensland's Worst Government? (January 2005)

Review of National Competition Reforms: A Commentary (December 2004)

Comments on new National Reform Agenda (February 2006)

Comments on the Adelaide Declaration (November 2004)

Fear of Rocking the Boat (October 2004)

Political 'Mates' as a Factor in Queensland's Chronically Poor Public Administration (October 2004)

Creating a More S&T Capable Australia (Draft - September 2004)

Failure in Queensland's Electricity Distribution Network (August 2004)

Minimizing Disadvantage (July 2004)

The Economic Futility of 'Backing Australia's Ability 2' (May 2004)

Probable Breakthrough in Understanding Economic Development (April 2004)

Authoritarian Government in Queensland? (February 2004)

Accountability of Queensland's senior public servants (February 2004)

Building Growth and Opportunity in a Competitive State: A Commentary (February 2004)

The Importance of Values Taught in State Schools (February 2004)

Homophilia: The Public Acceptance of Homosexual Behaviour (February 2004)

Review of Child Protection Proposals (January 2004)

Growth Management in SE Queensland (November 2003)

The Lessons of History (November 2003)

Realistic Public Administration is the Key (April 2004)

China's Development: Assessing the Implications (revised October 2003)

Is China Heading for a Crash or a Meltdown (2010+)

Structural Incompatibility Puts Global Growth at Risk (September 2003)

Does Productivity Growth Confirm Queensland as the Smart State? (incomplete - September 2003)

Commentary on 'Smart State': Illustrating Queensland's Lack of Serious Public Policy (revised September 2003)

Is the Smart State a Just State: A Commentary (July 2003)

Queensland's Budgets (revised June 2003)

Australia's Governance Crisis and the Need for Nation Building (from May 2003)

About Child Sex Abuse (updated May 2003)

QCU Government Services / Revenue Forum: A Commentary (April 2003)

(draft) New Industry Policy: A Commentary (February 2003)

Decay of Australian Public Administration (November 2002)

About 'Grand Conspiracy' Theories (November 2002)

Fahrenheit 9/11: Another Day After Tomorrow? (June 2004)

Queensland's Economic Strategy (revised October 2002)

Towards a Professional Public Service for Queensland (updated October 2002)

Public Service Champions for Aboriginal Communities? (October 2002)

Conflict amongst Queensland Magistrates (October 2002)

Discouraging Pointless Extremism (September 2002)

Some Ideas for Indonesia (September 2002)

Comparative Development Theory: Indonesia / Australia (August 2002)

Asia's 'Brown Cloud' (August 2002)

South Land Connections Project (August 2002)

Getting our Heads Together (July 2002)

Review of Public Sector Enterprise Bargaining (July 2002)

The Challenge of Aboriginal Advancement (revised June 2002)

Queensland's Biotechnology Bubble (June 2002)

Sovereign Risk and the PNG Gas Pipeline (June 2002)

About The Queensland R&D Strategy (June 2002)

About Managing Australian Mineral Wealth (May 2002)

Defects in Infrastructure Planning and Delivery in Queensland (May 2002)

From The Agenda: Towards Opportunity and Prosperity (May 2002)

About Education Reform (March 2002)

Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure (revised February 2002)

Impact of Economic Liberalism in Australia (January 2002)

State Infrastructure Plan: Strategic Directions 2001: A Commentary (January 2002)

A New 'Manhattan' Project for Global Peace, Prosperity and Security (December 2001)

Towards a New Global Financial System (December 2001)

Debating Regional Transport Proposals (from 2001)

Review of Grants Commission Arrangements (December 2001)

Complexities in the Refugee Problem (from November 2001)

Solving the Global Refugee Crisis (added October 2006)

About Islam (from October 2001)

Competing Civilizations (from September 2001)

Risks in a Clash with Islamist Extremists - September 2001

Attacking the Global Financial System? - September 2001

Problems in an Internally Deterministic Scientific Worldview (September 2001)

The Ten Point Plan: A Commentary - August 2001

Foreign and Regional Aid via the Internet (August 2001)

Centralizing Australia's Approach to Foreign Investment? (August 2001)

Buying Industry (from August 2001)

An Enterprise Institute?  (August 2001) 

The Failure of Political Leadership (July 2001)

The Growing Case for a Professional Public Service (from July 2001)

Public Investment in a Magnesium Plant (from July 2001)

The Origin and Spread of the 'Queensland effect' (July 2001)

Competing and Collaborating Economically in East Asia (June 2001)

Monetary Systems: A Speculation (June 2001)

'Opportunity Cost of Misplaced Faith': A Commentary (May 2001)

Enterprise Zones (May 2001)

Queensland's Challenge - February 2001

Developing a Regional Industry Cluster - December 2000

Australia in the Global Economy (from December 2000)

Notes on 'Strategic Infrastructure for Queensland's Growth' - October 2000

Defects in Economic Tactics, Strategy and Outcomes - September 2000

Renewal of Queensland's Public Service - April 2000

Comments on Queensland's Local Industry Policy - February 2000

Innovation - Queensland's Future: A Commentary - October 1999

Queensland's Weak Parliament (March 1999)

Assessing the Implications of Pauline Hanson's One Nation - July 1998

Australia's Current Account Deficit Constraint (July 1998)

Australia's Relationships with 'Asia' (July 1998)

'Asia' Literacy (July 1998)

Asian Financial Crisis: Identifying Major Uncertainties and Opportunities - February 1998

The Cultural Revolution needed in 'Asia' to Adapt to Western Financial Systems (February 1998)

New American Economy (October 1997)

Evaluation of Managing for Outcomes' - September 1997  

Growing Importance of Non-financial Performance Measures (September 1997)

The Industry Policy Debate: a brief introduction - April 1997

Strategy Development in Business and Government - March 1997

Towards Good Government in Queensland - August 1995

Review of The Fall of the House of Cain (August 1995) 

Advantages of Public Service Competence over Political Compliance (August 1995)

The Limited Economic Effect of Public Sector Commercialization (August 1995)

Economic solutions are beyond politics (August 1995)

Redeveloping Queensland's Administration (August 1995)

Why economics can't really explain economic growth and development (August 1995)

SEQ 2001 - A Plan for an Under-developed Economy - March 1994

SE Queensland as an under-developed economy (March 1994)

Creating Competitive Advantage (March 1994)

Changing Approaches to Industrial Location (March 1994)

Transforming the Tortoise: A Breakthrough to Improve Australia's Place in the Economic Race? - 1993 

Why are Bureaucrats bureaucratic? (1993)

Review of the Queensland Economic Strategy, Leading State (July 1992)

CPDS' Viewpoints  [<< Documents]

We Must Understand the World, Especially China (June 2017)

Islam Needs Reform - Not Destruction (June 2017)

Australia's Christian 'DNA' (June 2017)

When World's Collide: ASIO Also Needs a Reality Check (May 2017)

The Reconciliation Council's Inadequate 'Reform' Proposal (May 2017)

Why Doesn't the Referendum Council Consult the Electorate? (May 2017)

Assessing a Possible National Security Risk Without Considering National Security? (May 2017)

Possible Personal Benefits and the Geopolitical Consequences of the Trump Administration's 'Deal-making' Also Need Investigation (May 2017)

Women Are Not The Only Muslims Who Would Benefit From Liberation (May 2017)

Reform Proposals Need Deeper Analysis (May 2017)

What Happens to the Levy If Banks' 'Super Profits' Disappear? (May 2017)

History Repeats Itself? (May 2017)

Should Anyone Bother Going? (May 2017)

The Most Disturbing Signs Beyond the Housing Boom Will Have Their Source in China (May 2007)

This is Hardly the Time to Be Timid (May 2017)

Donald Trump and the US's Allies Need to Think About North Korea (May 2017)

Would an 'Infrastructure Boom' Be a Good Thing for Australia? (April 2017)

Increasing The Return on State Funded University Research (April 2017)

Christianity is the Necessary Foundation for Applying Rational Thought in Practice (April 2017)

Avoiding a Market 'Solution' To Australia's Overinvestment in Real Estate (April 2017)

Cultural Intelligence is Needed to Frame Successful Strategy (April 2017)

If There is Too Much Risky Debt, Why Not Do Something About It? (April 2017)

Will Donald Trump Unofficially Accept China as the 'Middle Kingdom'? (April 2017)

“Is Truth Dead?” (April 2019)

Perpetuating The Disadvantages that Australians with Indigenous Ancestry Have Endured? (April 2017)

We Have to Understand China's 'New World' Ambitions (March 2017)

The Inadequacies of Mr Abbott's Progressive Proposals (March 2017)

Reducing Immigration Would Not Just Solve the Housing Affordability Problem (March 2017)

Bring Infrastructure into the 21st Century: Some Suggestions (March 2017)

Housing Affordability is not the Only Problem due of 'Financialization' (March 2017)

Exposing the Source of Islamist Radicalization (March 2017)

Energy Crisis: The Real Problem is Machinery of Government Changes That Made Long Term Planning Impossible (March 2017)

Building a Case for Democracy (March 2017)

The Need to Study More than the 'Origins' of Western Civilization (March 2017)

Will China's Desire to Ignore Its Dangerously High National Debt Make Australia Shine? (March 2017)

Which Muslim Leaders are Our Best Allies? (March 2017)

How Credible are Chinese Investment Proposals? Do the Sums!! (March 2017)

China's Government is Not 'Communist' Any More than Its Companies are 'Private' (March 2017)

China as the Failing Hegemon: The Need for Global Cultural Understanding (March 2017)

Acceptance of Hitting Women is Only a Small Part of Muslims' Problems (February 2017)

Creating Chaos in Indigenous Affairs? (February 2017)

Declining Enthusiasm For China's System is Hardly Surprising (February 2017)

Royal Commission Can't Make Much Difference to Child Sexual Abuse (February 2017)

Are Muslims' Problems the Result of Some Muslims' Cultures Rather Than of Their Religion? (February 2017)

Economists Need to Look at China's Financial Predicament (February 2017)

Problems the Disaffected Face in Identifying Realistic Policies (February 2017)

Strengthening Innovation in Australia By Challenging Interests Who Resist Change (February 2017)

Realism in Asian Literacy is Long Overdue (February 2017)

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (February 2017)

The Risks from China and 'Trumponics' Both Matter (February 2017)

Keeping Americans and Everyone Else Safe from Islamist Violence (February 2017)

Malcolm Turnbull Needs to Get with the New Reality: But What Will That Reality Be? (January 2017)

Promoting Liberal and Democratic Western Values: A Suggestion (January 2017)

Can China Create an Open, Transparent and Safe Financial System? And What will Happen if it Can't (January 2017)

Take a Closer Look at China (January 2017)

Can President Trump Contain China's Hierarchical Authoritarianism? (January 2017)

China's Desperate Need for More Foreign Investment (to Avoid a Hard Landing) (January 2017)

Putting China-US Tensions in Context (January 2017)

The Problem with Old Certainties (January 2017)

Donald Trump is Not Alone in Facing Dilemmas (January 2017)

Laying the Groundwork for a One-Term Presidency (January 2017)

Reducing Congestion by Accelerating the Growth of Australia's Second-tier Cities (January 2017)

Capitalism is Not Where Reform is Most Needed (January 2017)

Despair About Queensland Governments (January 2017)

Will China Solve Australia's Housing Affordability Problem? (January 2017)

GDP is a Critically Important 'Sustainable Development Goal' (January 2017)

Politically-driven Infighting Continues in QRail: The Unasked Question is 'How Should It Be Resolved?' (January 2017)

Alternative Geo-political Assumptions: Did Russia Influence US Voters to Help China? (January 2017)

Big Four Bank Chairmen Need to Get on with Federal Budget Repair (January 2016)

Implications of Asset Test Changes to Pensions (January 2017)

It is the Economy, and It Needs More Than the PM's Attention (January 2016)

The Western Path to Progress (December 2016)

Globalization has Been Under Siege for Years (December 2016)

Where to Start Changing Philosophy (December 2016)

An Increasingly Unhappy Australia Didn't Start with Rudd in 2007 (December 2016)

Another View of Muslim 'Grievances' (December 2016)

China's Impending Crisis Needs to be Considered (December 2016)

Unfortunately Terrorism CAN be Viewed as an 'Act of Faith' (December 2016)

A Queensland View of 'The Plight of Australia' (December 2016)

Appalling Queensland Governments (December 2016)

Why Penny Wong is Right About Reviewing Australia's Foreign Policies (December 2016)

Managing a Complex World (December 2016)

Will Picking Winners and Politicisation of Industrial Development 'Make America Great Again'? (December 2016)

Religion and The State: Reducing Western and Islamic Problems  (December 2016)

Why Might Russia Prefer Donald Trump? (December 2016)

Adapting to Changing Geo-Political, Civilizational and Economic Relationships (December 2016)

A Different Financial Crisis in Asia? (December 2016)

When Will Reality Trump Markets? (December 2016)

How Does Treasury Know How Much Property Investment is Foreign? (December 2016)

Scientific Debate on Climate Change (December 2016)

The Need to Understand China's Lack of Principles (November 2016)

Problems with a 'Post-truth' World (November 2016)

Schoolyard Bullying is Not Children's Biggest Safety Problem  (November 2016)

Will Donald Trump's Economic Agenda Make America and the World Great? (November 2016)

Should Learning Chinese Be Top Priority in Australian Schools? (November 2016)

Is Noel Pearson’s Attack on ‘Racist ABC’ Unjustified? (November 2016)

Complexities in Estimating the Cost of Tax Breaks for Seniors (November 2016)

Risks Facing Australia's Banks (November 2016)

The Triumph of Elitism? (November 2016)

Populism As a Backlash Against Incomprehensible Complexity (November 2016)

Progressives Face a Complex Challenge (November 2016)

Why Not End Queensland's History of Public Sector 'Disasters'? (November 2016)

Does Donald Trump Really Intend to Concede World Leadership to China? (November 2016)

Global Implications of Corruption in China (November 2016)

Climate Science is Not Set in Concrete (November 2016)

Religion Matters (November 2016)

Christian Persecution in China (November 2016)

What Would a Real National Abuse Compensation Scheme Cost? (November 2016)

Will China Again Become the 'middle / coordinating / organizing Kingdom'? (November 2016)

What is Racism - and is Bill Leak a 'Controversialist' or a 'Realist'? (November 2016)

An Opportunity to Improve Religious Education (November 2016)

Transparency is Incompatible with China's Development Goals (October 2016)

Cultural Factors and the Overrepresentation of Indigenous Australians in Prison (October 2016)

Can China Avert an Australian Housing Crash? (October 2016)

Making Democracy Work Again (October 2016)

Don't Look for Scapegoats in QRail (October 2016)

Complexities in Relation to 'Hate Propaganda' (October 2016)

Keep Calm and Rethink China (October 2016)

Little Chance for First Home Buyers as Apartment Prices Fall  (October 2016)

What Might the 'Fifth Estate' Best Do? (October 2016)

Don't Ignore the Geo-Political Implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (October 2016)

Enabling China's Regime to Gain Increasing Control of Australian Food Producers and Manufacturers ? (October 2016)

More on Rethinking the Government's Northern Development Plan (October 2016)

Don't Just Blame the 'Haters' (October 2016)

Why Does the World Have a Debt Crisis and What Could be Done to Fix It? (October 2016)

Housing Risk (October 2016)

Australia Must View Chinese Investment and Other Activities Through a Geo-political Lens (October 2016)

Science: The Gap Between Experiment and Prediction (October 2016)

Investigating the Implications of Same-Sex Marriage (October 2016)

Will Pauline Hanson's One Nation Again Force the Political Mainstream to Think? (October 2016)

Toeing the Party Line? (October 2016)

Is Japan for Real? (October 2016)

China's Challenge to Australia's Values and System of Government (September 2016)

Playing Political Games When Major Reforms are Needed (September 2016)

Understanding China Matters (September 2016)

If You Are Right Australia is in Trouble (September 2016)

Don't Blame the Messenger (September 2016)
Is Political Correctness Even More Out of Control? (September 2016)

A Smarter Approach to Reinvesting? (September 2016)

Another Path to One Nation (September 2016)

Don't Accuse China of Maoism or Capitalism: Neo-Confucianism is the Go (September 2016)

Australians Should Unite Against the Repression of Muslims (September 2016)

What is Soft Power? (September 2016)

Deeper Engagement with Japan Requires Analysis Equally from National Security and Economic Viewpoints (September 2016)

Are We Prepared for the End of China's 'Never-ending' Boom? (September 2016)

Debating the Australia - China Relationship (September 2016)

Is Taking Populism to an Extreme How Donald Trump Gets Away with It? (September 2016)

A Broader View of the 'Social Determinants of Health' (September 2016)

The Need to Investigate the Implications of Same-Sex Marriage (August 2016)

International Dimensions of Perceived Banking System Problems (August 2016)

Beyond Diversity in the AFP (August 2016)

There is No Satisfactory Way to Decide on War (August 2016)

Chinese Influence in Australia  (August 2016)

Complicating Welfare Calculations (August 2016)

Is Naive Multiculturalism a Major Source of 'Racism'? (August 2016)

What Will Fill the Gap if Christianity Declines (August 2016)

Queensland's Government Risks Shooting Itself in the Foot (August 2016)

Economic Babes in the Asian Woods (August 2016)

Protecting Australia's Freedom Requires Outthinking Those Who Challenge It (August 2016)

Did God Say be Ignorant? (August 2016)

Why Some Assets Should Not Be Sold to Foreigners (August 2016)

Australia's Increasingly Dangerous Environment (August 2016)

Avoiding Scientific Scepticism: The Main Tactic of the Prevailing Climate Consensus (August 2016)

About the Source of and Solutions to Rising Inequality (August 2016)

A Made-in-China Disaster Waiting to Happen (August 2016)

Northern Territory Child Protection and Youth Detention Royal Commission: The Risk of a Cover-up (August 2016)

Victimhood May Have Become an Intrinsic Feature of Islam (August 2016)

Don't Confuse Rote Learning with Education (July 2016)

Achieving What Australia Needs from Innovation (July 2016)

Dismissing Political Opponents as 'Racists' is Part of the Problem, Not a Solution (July 2016)

Vilification Laws Can't Protect Religious Freedom (July 2016)

Philosophical and Religious Implications of the Limits to Science (July 2016)

Reducing Ignorance: A Fresh Idea for Terror Response (July 2016)

Terror Must be Met with Brains - At Long Last (July 2016)

'Please Explain' Idealists' Invasion of Iraq (July 2016)

International Regulation of Lending Standards (July 2016)

Equality Before the Law is Not Enough (July 2016)

Name Calling is Still Not a Sensible Way to Deal with One Nation (July 2016)

What Then? A Government of National Unity? (July 2016)

Australians with Indigenous Ancestry Deserve More than Survival (July 2016)

The Need to Look Beyond Neo-Liberalism (July 2016)

Will Infrastructure Australia's Project List Meet Australia's Needs? (June 2016)

Understanding East Asia Requires More Than a Study of Confucian Values (June 2016)

Broadening, Rather Than Distorting, the Indigenous Recognition Debate (June 2016)

The Church of Political Correctness Threatens National Progress (June 2016)

Is Name Calling the Smartest Way to Deal with 'Hate Groups'? (June 2016)

Queensland's Budget Problems Started MUCH earlier (June 2016)

Don't Overlook Australia's Risk of a 'National' Credit Crisis (June 2016)

Should Australia's Political Leaders be 'Marketing' Islam? (June 2016)

Boosting Growth Without Just Increasing Debts or Drawing Down Capital Reserves (June 2016)

Bendigo Mosque (June 2016)

Christian Influence on Australia's Political System (June 2016)

Queensland's Preference for Economic Futility (June 2016)

Seeking Catholic Alternatives to 'Safe Schools' (June 2016)

China's Problem is Neo-Confucianism not Hypothetical 'State Capitalism' (June 2016)

Why Muslims Don't Integrate: A Suggestion (June 2016)

The Political Process is Not the Only Source of Political Turmoil (June 2016)

Islam Promotes Stress Between Muslims and Everyone Else (June 2016)

Federal Government 'dragging the chain' on Reform of Safe Schools Program (June 2016)

Another Approach to 'My Big Idea' (June 2016)

Sustainable Growth Requires Ending Low Interest Rates (June 2016)

Developing the Infrastructure for a New Chinese Empire? (May 2016)

Put Indigenous People Before Political Gamesmanship (May 2016)

Good Question - But Decades Late (May 2016)

Could A Chinese Property Bubble Burst in Australia Also? (May 2016)

Governments would be Stupid to Themselves Try to 'Fund Future Growth' (May 2016)

Middle East's Problems: Are Domestic or External Factors More Important? (May 2016)

Infrastructure Spending Is NOT an Answer in Itself (May 2016)

A Case for 'Missionaries' (May 2016)

Interest Rates and The Challenge of Stimulating a Deflationary Economy (May 2016)

Is Singapore 'Family'? (May 2016)

Will Populism Fix What Ails Democracies? (May 2016)

'Smart Cities' Program: Worsening Australia's Infrastructure and Financial Problems? (April 2016)

An 'Asian' or a 'European' Future (April 2016)

Problems in the Banking System Need a Desktop Analysis First (April 2016)

An Authoritarian or a Liberal Future for the World (April 2016)

A Banking Royal Commission and a Potential Financial / Banking Crisis at the Same Time? (April 2016)

Solidarity with Muslims is OK - Suggesting that Islam Doesn't Need Fundamental Reform is Not (April 2016)

Alternatives to Monetary Policy (April 2016)

Does Teachers' Professional Judgment Really Extend to Whether 'Camp Out' is Safe for Child Sex Abuse Victims? (April 2016)

Racial Discrimination is Not the Only Cause of Ethnic Distress (April 2016)

To embrace our future as an innovation nation, we'll need to get politics out of the process (2016)

Blessing Gay Couples Is Not the Best Way to Increase Children's Safety (April 2016)

The West Won't Defeat ISIS with Military Forces (April 2014)

Is Japan our Best Strategic Partner for Submarines? (April 2016)

A Financial Wedge to Start the Reform of Australia's Federal System? (April 2016)

Developing the North for the Benefit of Australians (March 2016)

Reporting the Practical Consequences of Changing Religious Adherence (March 2016)

Taxpayer Support for Religion: The Case for a Benefit / Cost Analysis (March 2016)

CO2: A Forcing or a Feedback (March 2016)

Discrediting the Ideological Foundations of Islamist Radicals (March 2016)

New Urban Age Requires Competent State Institutions (March 2016)

Investigating Inadequate Responses to Child Sexual Abuse by Governments (March 2016)

Should Donald Duck? (March 2016)

Here's Why Our Latest City Minister Can't Do What needs to be Done any More than His Predecessor Could (March 2016)

Independent Review of the Safe Schools Program (March 2016)

Budget Repair (March 2016)

Grounds for Investigating the Safe Schools Program (February 2016)

Australia is Still Not Serious About Developing Its Innovation Systems (February 2016)

They Never Learn (February 2016)

Making Schools Safer (February 2016)

Islamic Radicalization: The Perspectives of an Originally Middle Eastern Australian (February 2016)

The Failure of Academics and Politicians to Acknowledge the Practical Consequences of Culture (February 2016)

Improving Democracy (February 2016)

What Should School Children Be Taught About Homosexuality? (February 2016)

Morrison Highlighted the Need for Research Into The Causes of Muslims' Problems (February 2016)

Muslims' Problems are Not Limited to Islamist Extremism, and Can't Be Solved Simply by Reclaiming Islam's Past Intellectual Traditions (February 2016)

Justifying the Opinions of 'Australians of the Year' (January 2016)

Australia's State and Territory Governments Want a 'Republic' - Whatever That Means (January 2016)

The US's Preference for Australia to Buy Japan's Submarines Needs Asia Literate Assessment (January 2016)

China's Strategic Approach to its Economic and Political Problems: A Speculation (January 2016)

Muslims Must Lead the ISIS Fight - But Muslim Armies Can't (January 2016)

Background to The Case for 'Selling Almost Everything' (January 2016)

Dysfunctional Democracy (January 2016)

The Need to Rethink Malcolm Turnbull’s New Strategy to Unlock the North (January 2016)

Getting Aussie Muslims and non-Muslims Together is Not That Simple (January 2016)

Scepticism about Japan (January 2016)

Naivety About Boosting Australia's Innovation Capabilities (January 2016)

The Cultural Background to East Asian Savings Gluts and Escalating International Financial Crises (December 2015)

Getting Australian Muslims a 'Fair Go' (December 2015)

Is 'Truth Telling on Religion' by Politicians Compatible with a Secular State? (December 2015)

Eliminating the Need for Surveillance and Soft Despotism (December 2015)

Where Did Religious Freedom Come From? (December 2015)

Significant Climate Science Issues Remain Unresolved (December 2015)

Australia's Official Misunderstanding of Muslims' Problems  (December 2015)

Drawing Attention to Opportunities to Reform Islam is Constructive (December 2015)

Changing Religious Affiliation: Why Reliable Statistics are Important (December 2015)

Road Signs in Mandarin: A Symbol of Australia's Incorporation into the Empire China Hopes to Create? (December 2015)

Broken Governance and Ineffectual Economic Strategy: Two Sides of the Same Coin? (December 2015)

Towards a Frank and Open Discussion About the Causes of Islamist Extremism (December 2015)

An Outside-in Strategy for Defeating Islamic State? (December 2015)

Studying and Fixing Islam's Problems (December 2015)

People Who Dismiss Christian Faith Because They Know Better are Building their Houses on Weak Foundations (November 2015)

Same-sex Marriage Debate is Not Just About Competing Freedoms (November 2015)

For Better or for Worse? - Serious Research is Vital Before a Civil Partnerships Bill Could be Properly Assessed (November  2015)

Towards A Business-like Approach to Innovation (November 2015)

Changing What Needs to be Changed: Islam (November 2015)

Current Anti-Extremism Programs are Probably Almost Content Free (November 2015)

Paris Attacks In Broader Context? (November 2015)

Winning the 'War on Terror': A Suggestion (November 2015)

Power in East Asia Comes from Organising Things Through 'Connections' not from Holding Port Sites (November 2015)

Reforming the Grand Muftis' Role In Australia? (November 2015)

Embrace Reformist Muslims in Fight Against Jihadist Threat (November 2015)

Defeating Islamist Ideology Faces Obstacles (November 2015)

Muslims' Responsibility For Stopping Terrorism (November 2015)

Are Service Exports to Asia Australia's Best Economic Options? (November 2015)

Consider Also Port of Darwin's Potential Significance in any Attempt to Invade Australia (November 2015)

Low interest rates may be 'gifts' that keeps on taking (November 2015)

Muslims Need to Decide for Themselves Whether Islamism Could Work (November 2015)

Amnesty Should Encourage a 'Big Picture' View of the Asylum-Seeker Crisis (October 2015)

Malcolm Turnbull's Opportunity to End the Climate Change 'Culture War': Commission a Serious Review of Believer's Climate Science (October 2015)

All Systematic / Shared Worldviews are Religions But Not All Are Equally Beneficial (October 2015)

China's Position Can't Be Properly Assessed Just on the Basis of Western Criteria (October 2015)

The Solution Must Go Deeper than Race Hate Laws (October 2015)

The Complexity of National Security (October 2015)

Racism Is Unlikely to Help David Jones or Indigenous Reconciliation (October 2015)

Encouraging Reform of Islam: Mr Turnbull's Opportunity to Counter Islamist Radicalization (October 2015)

Central Planning Is Not Smart - For Infrastructure Just as Much as For the Economy Generally (October 2015)

The Limits of Mr Turnbull's History Lessons (October  2015)

As Power Shifts from the US to the Soviet Union, to Japan, to China, to .... (September 2015)

Piecemeal Responses Show Australia Still Doesn't 'Get' Moral Breakdown (September 2015)

Accelerating the Emergence of an Innovation System (September 2015)

Unclogging Australia's Cities (September 2015)

Ignorance and Incompetence is the Biggest Enemy of Reform (September 2015)

Misunderstanding the 'Asian' Century (September 2015)

Yes, The System is Broke (September 2015)

Would A Plebiscite on Same Sex Marriage Abuse Children's Rights? (September 2015)

Australia's Lack of Strategic Leadership: Addressing the Causes (September 2015)

Reform of Islam is the Only Real Solution to the Refugee Crisis (September 2015)

Are Unfinished Apartments A Risk in Australia Also? (September 2015)

Recognizing Atheism as a Religion in Australia's 2016 Census (September 2015)

Political Squabbles About Now-Uncertain Chinese Investment (September 2015)

China Won't Get Far Along Its New Silk Road If It Suffers a Political 'Flat Tire' (September 2015)

'No Religion' is Not a Valid Census Category (August 2015)

Raising Productivity Through Economic Leadership (August 2015)

Viewing China's Likely Breakdown Through the Lens of Traditional East Asian Cultures (August 2015)

Emphasizing MPs' Religious Beliefs Won't Lead to a 'Secular' State (August 2015)

Understanding What is Going on is the Best Response to China (August 2015)

Islamist Extremism is Not Muslim Reformers' Biggest problem [August 2015]

Same Sex Marriage Debate: Protecting the Rights of Children and Educators (August 2015)

Terrorism Can't Be Dug Out Just at Grassroots Level [August 2015]

The Unsustainable Cost of Charities  (August 2015)

Would Buying Japanese Submarines Be Clever? [August 2015]

Comments on 'Good Racism is a Bad Idea' [August 2015]

Context to China's Sharemarket Boom and Bust [July 2015]

Promoting Racism Through Sport (July 2015)

Some Thoughts on Reforming Islam and the World (July 2015)

Accounting Tricks Make it Impossible to Know Queensland's Real Financial Position (July 2015)

Sex Education in Schools: Addressing the Really Difficult Issues (July 2015)

What Should Anyone Actually Try to Prove About God? (June 2015)

Asian Authoritarians Can't be Contained without Understanding How They Exert Power [June 2015]

Understanding China's Current Regime [June 2015]

Military Tactics are Not Enough (June 2015)

Same Sex Marriage: What if Being Gay is Usually Not OK? (June 2015)

Will the Normalization of Interest Rates be Slow? [June 2015]

Sharing the Blame for Global Economic Failure (May 2015)

The Re-emergence of 'gods' (May 2015)

Ending Muslim Jobs' Discrimination is Easy: Just Liberate Muslims (May 2015)

Australia's Infrastructure Incompetence (May 2015)

Kevin Rudd's 'Friendship' with China (May 2015)

Creating an Environment in Which Australians Can Succeed if They 'Have a Go' (May 2015)

Making People Independent of the Government Age Pension (May 2015)

Decline and Fall of the West? (May 2015 )

"Mum and Dad" Chinese Investors - You Must Be Joking (May 2015)

The Role of Theology in Combating Islamic State (May 2015)

Monetary Policy is Not Just a Business / Economic Issue (May 2015)

Exposing the Unrealistic Intellectual Foundations of Islamist Extremism (April 2015)

The Humanities May be Thriving - But Universities Aren't (April 2015)

The Politics of Reforming Australia's Federation (April 2015)

Overcoming Climate Change Paralysis (April 2015)

Eliminating Excessive Superannuation Tax Concessions Without an Administrative Nightmare (April 2015)

Countering Islamic State Propaganda (April 2015)

Ethical Reasons for Opposing the Public Acceptance of Homosexual Behaviour (April 2015)

Recognizing What? (April 2015)

About the Context to: China & the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (April 2015)

"Muslims Youth Pushed to Margins of Society" - by Islam? (April 2015)

Queensland's Need for Stronger Institutions (April 2015)

Why Not Write About the Consequences if God's Houses Empty? (April 2015)

A Broader Approach to Tax Reform (March 2015)

World Economics Association - Rethinking the International Financial Architecture (March 2015)

Beyond Competition Policy (March 2015)

China Does not have a Normal 'Currency' (March 2015)

Creating a Better World (March 2015)

The Problem is Financial, Not Currency, Manipulation (March 2015)

Why Interest Rates Can't Stimulate the Economy (March 2015)

Monitoring Inflation Risk (March 2015)

Islamist Extremists are not Alone in Favouring Pre-modern Social Systems (February 2015)

A Westminster-style Professional and Independent Public Service: Good Idea but Wishing Won't Make it So (February 2015)

Rescuing Islam: Intellectual Freedom for Scholars Would Not Be Enough (February 2015)

Growth is a Constructive Goal - But is Not Guaranteed (February 2015)

Dumb Ways of Being 'Smart' in Queensland's History (February 2015)

Insubstantial Election Campaigns are only a Symptom of Australia's Political Malaise (February 2015)

Merging Political Power and Religion Can Create Problems (February 2015)

The US's Most Significant Intelligence Failure? (February 2015)

The Islamic Roots of Islamic Radicalism (February 2015)

Ending Australia's Political Paralysis? (February 2015)

Individual Responsibility for Actions (January 2015)

The Black Holes in LNP and Labor Economic Agendas (January 2015)

Individual Accountability to God: A Critical Requirement for Overcoming Muslim Societies' Historical Disadvantages (January 2015)

Queensland Economic Policy Issues (January 2015)

Economic Policy Principles for Queensland (January 2015)

Putting the Economic Risk of Deflation in Context (January 2015)

Limitations in Scientific Facts and the New Cosmology (January 2015)

The Could Be the Year We Acknowledge the 'Weaponization of Finance' (January 2015)

Piketty's Perspective is Too Narrow (January 2015)

A Deeper Look at Religion (January 2015)

Reducing the Risk of Financial / Economic / Political Crises (December 2014)

Helping Muslims Resist Islamism (December 2014)

Develop a Productive Economy - But Don't Pick Winners (December 2014)

Rising Inequality: A Problem that Requires New Methods (December 2014) 

The 'Dirty Work' Needed to Contain Terrorism Risks is a Major Rationale for Terrorism (December 2014)

Can Australia Learn from East Asian Education Systems? (December 2014)

Turning Australia Around (December 2014)

Internationalising the Influence of China's Authoritarian 'Bureaucracy' (December 2014)

Will China's Presidency in 2016 End the G20's Chronic Failure? (December 2014)

Debunking One Myth about the Chinese Economy (December 2014)

How Governments Conned Themselves by Eliminating 'Public' Services (December 2014)

Discrediting Islamist Ideologies is Not Anti-Muslim (November 2014)

China as a Dominant Power (November 2014)

Strengthening Australia's Democracy (November 2014)

Deeper Analysis of Security Issues (November 2014)

Creeping Threats to Global Economy (November 2014)

Is the 'Free World' in Decline? (November 2014)

Assessing China's Prospects (November 2014)

Good Intentions: Bad Results (November 2014)

Sustainable Growth Requires More than an Infrastructure 'Trick' (November 2014)

If China is Almost Broke How Can Chinese Investment Save Australia? (November 2014)

Putting Japan's New QE in Context (November 2014)

China Opens its Doors to Private Capital - But Not to Independent Initiative by Citizens or Investors (November 2014)

An Even Scarier Story for Emerging Markets (November 2014) 

Indigenous Recognition without Creating a Legal Quagmire (November 2014)

The Future of the Asia Pacific (October 2014)

Some Thoughts on the 'New World Order' (October 2014)

Australia's Crisis is Broader than Economics (October 2014)

Increasing Understanding of Secularism and Freedom (October 2014)

Learning Nothing from the GFC: Cultural Incompatibilities Continue to be Put in the 'Too Hard' Basket (October 2014)

Blame Religious Legalism for the Middle East's Problems (October 2014)

Innovation-led Growth Requires Business (Not Government) Leadership (October 2014)

Poor Government in Queensland: A Rich Field for Senate Inquiry (October 2014)

Countering Non-military Security Threats from East Asia [September 2014]

Beyond State Capitalism in China [September 2014]

Bringing Freedom to Muslims Would Bring Peace to the Middle East   (September 2014)

Truckers are not the Foundation of Australia's Liberal Institutions (September 2014)

Politicians are Wrong: Terrorism by Islamist Extremists Does Involve Islam  (September 2014)

Enlightenment is Needed to Counter Chaos (September 2014)

Populism has Become Chronic in Australian Politics (September 2014)

Challenging the Idea of an Islamic State (September 2014)

'The real reason the Chinese want Aussie real estate' Needs to be Published (September 2014)

Islamism and 'Team Australia' (August 2014)

Are Analysts Making a Big Mistake about China and Japan? (August 2014)

Towards a New Economic Understanding (August 2014) 

The Australian Economy: Alternative Reform Options (August 2014)

An Alternative to Fighting Radical Islamism for 100 Years (August 2014)

Sorting Out Australia's Infrastructure Mess Needs 'Government' not Micro-management (July 2014)

BRICS Bank: Another Step in Creating Authoritarian Alternatives to Liberal Global Institutions? (July 2014)

Scratching the Surface of the 'New Japan' (July 2014)

Political Malfunction in Australia: A Way Forward (July 2014)

Putting Australia's Speculative Bubble in Context (June 2014)

Why Tolerate Tolerance? (June 2014)

Is the Barbarity of ISIS Another Attempt to Ensnare the US in the Middle East? (June 2014)

What Went Wrong in Iraq? (June 2014)

Would Taxing Churches Help? (June 2014)

Removing the 'Bamboo Ceiling' Requires Transparency (June 2014)

Sky High House Prices (June 2014)

Beijing Could Not Afford to Wait (June 2014)

The Resurgence of Ancient Authoritarianism in China (June 2014)

Structural Obstacles to Global Economic Recovery Need Attention (June 2014)

Supporting the Disadvantaged when Governments Can't Afford to Do So (June 2014)

Aussies Outsiders to What? (May 2014)

A Bigger Picture View of Australia's Challenges (May 2014)

And the Winner of the 2014 'Pink Batts' Award is .... (May 2014)

Restoring The Viability of Democratic Capitalism (May 2014)

The Challenge and Potential Cost of Inequality and Insufficient Income (May 2014)

Who Is Failing the Lower and Middle Classes? (May 2014)

Aboriginal Recognition: Moving Forward or Going Round in Circles (April 2014)

Keeping Politics at Arm's Length is the Key to Australia's Innovative Future (April 2014)

More Important Choices for Queensland (April 2014)

Stop the Refugees (April 2014)

What we are Doing to Victims is Unchristian (March 2014)

China's Credibility Problem (March 2014)

The 'game is rigged' for geo-political rather than 'commercial' reasons (March 2014)

Is Bitcoin a Threat? (March 2014)

Incorporating the Alienated: A Challenge to Australia's Civil Society (March 2014)

Stand Up, Reach Out (March 2014)

'Free' Trade with China Remains Highly Unlikely (March 2014)

It's Time to Expel Religious Naivety from Universities (February 2014)

Liberty and Islam in Australia (February 2014)

Putting an End to Institutional Abuse (February 2014)

Introducing Social Equity into the Economic Agenda (February 2014)

Spilling the Beans on Government 'Assistance' (February 2014)

Viable Regional Population Growth in Queensland (January 2014)

Beyond Infrastructure Despair (January 2014)

Trade is not Enough for Global Economic Progress (January 2014)

Contributions to Western Civilisation (January 2014)

Ending 'Politically Correct' Education (January 2014)

Families Matter (January 2014)

Non-CEO tells business to get on with reforms (January 2014)

A Bright Outlook (December 2013)

QE as a Counter-offensive in a 'Financial War' (December 2013)

Reform: Its not that Easy (December 2013)

The Choice Between Evils that Governments Now Face: 'Process Addiction' or Bad Decisions (December 2013)

Migration: A Bigger Picture View (December 2013)

Speculations about Asia's Arm's Race (December 2013)

Making the G20 Useful at Last (November 2013)

Undermining Australia's System of Government from the Top? (November 2013)

China's Reform Map Unclear (November 2013)

The Need for 'Running Repairs to the Ship of State' (November 2013)

Religious Education: The Need for a Bigger Picture View (November 2013)

Religion in Australia's Future (November 2013)

The End of the 'Asian Century' Seems to be Coming into View (November 2013)

Changing Australia's Security Approach (November 2013)

Doing More for the Car Industry (November 2013)

Smarter Authoritarians? (November 2013)

Is China Heading in the Direction of North Korea? (October 2013)

Same Sex Marriage: Who is Going to Raise the Moral Issues? (October 2013)

Achieving Stronger US Export Growth Perhaps Requires Rethinking Economics (October 2013)

What happens to a 'house that is swept clean'? (October 2013)

'Rules' that favour state-linked businesses are not the only behind-the-border problem in economic dealings with China (October 2013)

'Free' Trade with China: Not Likely under a Neo-Confucian Regime (October 2013)

A Case for Economic Gloom Amongst the Pundits' Optimism (October 2013)

Navel Gazing Certainly Can't Solve the ALP's Problems (September 2013)

Stimulating Practical Action on Productivity (September 2013)

Must Authoritarianism Triumph This Time? (August 2013)

Independent Commissions Are Not Enough to Contain Political Corruption (August 2013)

Parting the Bamboo Curtain ... A Bit (August 2013)

Exploring Homophilia (August 2013)

Comments on McKinsey Quarterly Special Edition on China (August 2013)

Playing the 'Racism Card' - Again? (July 2013)

Boat People Magic? (July 2013)

Please Don't Trivialize Oppression  (July 2013)

Will More Factionalised Faceless Men Improve Australia's System of Government? (July 2013)

A Challenge to Australia's Churches? (July 2013)

Australia's Hazardous Foreign Liabilities in an Unstable International Environment (June 2013)

A Possible Solution to Transport Nonsense? (June 2013)

Credit Bust First: 'Sixth Revolution' Later (June 2013)

The Dali Lama's Search for Moral Wisdom (June 2013)

Beyond 'Negative' and 'Celebrity' Politics (June 2013)

Will the US / China Summit be a Western or an East Asian Meeting? (June 2013)

Get Ready for Coalition Chaos (June 2013)

Financial and Educational Reform in China: Headed in Opposite Directions? (June 2013)

Industry Clusters Based on Engineering: Some Lessons from History (May 2013)

The Infantile US vs China Debate (May 2013)

'Australia's Competitiveness': Some Suggestions (May 2013)

Fasten Seat Belts: Rough Weather Ahead (April 2013)

A Diplomatic Coup in Beijing: By Who? (April 2013)

An 'Art of War' Perspective on North Korea's Threats (April 2013)

Comments on Dow's Advanced Manufacturing Plan for Australia (March 2013)

Reforming State Governments: Does Queensland's Commission of Audit Have the Answer? (March 2013)

After the Wilders' trip, multicultural Australia needs a reality check (February 2013)

Understand China's Economic Rise Before Endorsing It (February 2013)

Boosting Innovation and Productivity (February 2013)

Running Repairs to the Ship of State (February 2013)

Major Budget Savings or a More Complex and Expensive Public Sector? (February 2013)

China's financial challenges are not limited to its banks (January 2013)

Secular Angels To 'Care for our Souls' Would Kill off Liberal Values (January 2013)

Options to Resolve the Fiscal Cliff and Reduce Military Spending (January 2013)

Economics Beyond the Limitations of Science? (January 2013)

Centralization is Part of the Problem: Not the Solution (January 2013)

Do Atheists Evangelize 'Good News'? (December 2012)

Child Sex Abuse Inquiry: Another Official Cover-up? (December 2012)

Progress Towards Ending the Global Financial Crisis? (December 2012)

Improving Institutional Responses to Child Abuse: A Strategic Suggestion (November 2012)

Australia in the Claytons Century: The 'Asian' Century you have when you are not having an Asian Century (October 2012)

Global Impact of Booms Stimulated by Easy Monetary Policies (October 2012)

Reading China's Mind? (October 2012)

Discrediting Extremists is Long Overdue (October 2012)

Friction between China and Japan: The End of the Asian 'Century'? (September 2012)

Beyond 'The China Choice' (August 2012)

An Opportunity to Boost Asia-literacy (July 2012)

Freedom and Prosperity in the Middle East (July 2012)

Beyond Eurocentric Pessimism (July 2012)

The Biggest Issue Missing from the Asylum Seeker Debate (June 2012)

Ignorant Diplomacy Still Risks Catastrophe (June 2012)

Fixing Economics (June 2012)

Auditing the Commission (June 2012)

Developing Economic Game Changers (June 2012)

Autocratic Asian States and Australia's Economic Options (June 2012)

Saving Democracy (May 2012)

Does Popularity Always Ensure Wise Policy? (May 2012)

Reducing the Need for Entitlements in a Competitive Economic Environment (April 2012)

A Vague 'Republic' for a Vague 'Asian Century'? (April 2012)

Can the Commander Do? (March 2012)

Recovering from Queensland's Debt Binge (March 2012)

The Parallel Between Bob Katter's Australian Party and Pauline Hanson's One Nation (March 2012)

Eyes Wide Shut at Davos? (February 2012)

Australia and the US's regional push (November 2011)

Getting out of the Economic Quicksand (November 2011)

World facing 'Crisis of non-Capitalism': Non-economist  (September 2011)

Counter-cyclical policy can't solve structural problems (August 2011)

Asia's Next Financial Crisis and its Impact on Australia (August 2011)

Progressive Economic Policy Options (August 2011)

Preparing for Economic Warfare (August 2011)

Making Australian Leadership in Innovation a Reality (August 2011)

Preventing Economic Stagnation (August 2011)

Do Blind Spots Cloud the RBA's 'Lucky Country' Vision? (June 2011)

The Need for Asia Literacy in US and Australian Foreign Policy (June 2011)

Communism Versus Confucianism: The Continuing Contest in China (June 2011)

Garnaut Climate Change Review: The Need for a Broader Approach (June 2011)

Australia's Political Failure: Is 'The Economist' to Blame? (May 2011)

Hitting Osama, but Missing Islamist Extremism (May 2011)

Losing What We Fought For? (May 2011)

TEQSA: Will Micromanagement Again Triumph over Government? (April 2011)

An 'efficiency dividend' seems an inefficient way to improve efficiency (April 2011)

Finding Australia's Place in the International Financial System (April 2011)

Climate change and the search for balanced research (March 2011)

'The Times They are a-Changing' - but not always for the better (January 2011)

Improving the Position of Australians with Indigenous Ancestry  (January 2011)

Sharia 4 Australia? (January 2011)

Stemming Refugee Flows from the Middle East (January 2011)

Heading for the Grip of a Great Depression? (January 2011)

Australia's National History Curriculum: Making Education Futile and Highlighting the Importance of Christianity? (December 2010)

Suspect house price statistics: A formula for policy-induced booms and busts? (December 2010)

Ending the West's Global Predominance? (December 2010)

S-L-O-W Learners (December 2010)

Explaining prohibitions on gay marriage to children (November 2010)

Humanism classes in government schools (November 2010)

'Recognising Aboriginal peoples in the Constitution': More Symbolism? (November 2010)

An Alternative to Scapegoating Capitalism (November 2010)

Proposed ASX Takeover: Lifting the Level of Debate (November 2010)

Comments on 'Australia 2050: Big Australia' (October 2010)

Overlooked Issues Affecting Australia's Banking System (October 2010)

Speculations about Queensland's Economic Predicament (October 2010)

Christian Foundations of Liberal Western Institutions (October 2010)

Resist Protectionism: A Call That is Decades Too Late (October 2010)

China can't fix the global currency crisis without economic disaster (October 2010)

Reinventing the Regions (October 2010)

Making sense of the Chinese way (October 2010)

China can't be properly understood in terms of Western economics (September 2009)

Carbon Certainty is a Long Way Off (September 2010)

Correcting a Few Misconceptions (September 2010)

The Problem with Blinkered 'Tolerance' (September 2010)

Tactics used in covering up sexual abuse of children in the community generally (September 2009)

More Statesmanship: Less Politics (September 2009)

Economics is only One Factor in Diplomacy (September 2010)

Asia's Superpower Shuffle (September 2009)

Who's Got Superman? (September 2010)

Some Thoughts on the 'China Era' (August 2010)

Looking for the Invisible Elephant (August 2010)

Seeking a Strategy for Economic Prosperity (August 2010)

Re-imagining the Federation to Develop New Cities (July 2010)

China's Bigger Secret (July 2010)

Rising to the Islamic Challenge (July 2010)

Bringing Balanced Understandings about Islam into Australian Schools (July 2010)

Thoughts on Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Australia  (July 2010)

Accidentally Encouraging Moral Authoritarianism? (July 2010)

Faith in Science and Reason: How Much is Right? (June 2010)

Asia's Rising Atheism (May 2010)

Misunderstanding the 'Asia' Factor in GFC (May 2010)

RSPT Won't Hurt Miners: But Pity Help Naive Australians (May 2010)

China may not have the solution, but it seems to have a problem (March 2010)

Proposed National History Curriculum: Information without Understanding (March 2010)

Another way of "Understanding Islamic Terrorism" (February 2010)

Familiarity with the Bible: Churches' not State Responsibility (December 2009)

Looking for a Better Federal Public Service: Intellectual Populism? (September 2009)

Taking Exotic Believers More Seriously (April 2009)

Peter's letters to the 'Nutters' (January 2009)

Public Service Magic? (May 2008)

Productivity Magic? (April 2008)

Fixing Australia's Health and Hospital Systems? (March 2008)

Apology Magic? (February 2008)

Talkfest Magic? (February 2008)

Infrastructure Magic? (January 2008)

Australia's New 'Cooperative' Federalism (December 2007)

Code of Conduct: Do Moral 'Laws' Raise or Lower Political Standards? (December 2007)

Finding the Truth on Climate Change (November 2007)

Could China Generate a Financial 'Tsunami'? (October 2007)

Aspirational Nationalism: 'Third Way politics by Another Name? (September 2007)

Federalism: Why 'Control Freaks' Don't Achieve Real Results (August 2007)

Countering Terrorism: Are Australia's Institutions Making Assess of Themselves? (August 2007)

Some Thoughts on Housing Affordability (June 2007)

A Somewhat Holey View of Religion? (May 2007)

Fair Work Australia: Establishing the Machinery of a Socialist State? (April 2007)

Is Education Spending the Key to Raising Economic Productivity? (January 2007)

Is 'Work Choices' a Good Choice for Work? (November 2006)

Beyond Sheik al-Hilali's Claims about Rape (November 2006)

Beyond the Pope's Claims about 'Forced Conversion' (September 2006)

Continuing the Separation of Church and State (June 2006)

Is a National Health Model the Best Remedy? (March 2006)

Combating Terrorism with Civil Liberties (October 2005)

Did God Design a Better Argument? (September 2005)

The Cohabitation of Civilizations? (August 2005)

Whatever happened to welfare? (July 2005)

Disrupting Australian-Indonesian Relations (June 2005)

About the Washington Consensus (May 2005)

Infrastructure Constraints on Australia's Economy (March 2005)

The Value of Creativity and Culture (February 2005)

Is Secular Modernism the Answer?

About the Curse of Natural Resources (October 2004)

More on a Solution to Terrorism Risks

Another Queensland Government Development Strategy. ... Ho Hum! (Sept 2004)

Does free will exist?

Beyond the 'Group of 43'? (August 2004)

Overcoming the damage done to Australia's Public Service?

Complications in the Potential Housing Crisis (July 2004)

Queensland's 'Administrative Desperation' Unit (July 2004)

Law Reform to Control Child Sex Abuse in Institutions

Context to the US 'Asset Economy' (June 2004)

Reform of Queensland Institutions - or a Rising Tide of Public Hypocrisy?

If Government is just about values, would the leader be the 'High Priest'?

'Creative Culture' in Brisbane

Will Auslink cure or compound Brisbane's traffic congestion?

The Potential for Economic Instability (May 2004)

Corporatisation of Australia's healthcare system?

Promoting equity by free private schooling for poorer students?

Are religious differences or fundamentalism to blame for global woes?

Smartening up Queensland's Department of State Development (April 2004)

Australia's Republican 'Conspiracy'?

Could US 'Unilateralism' be Gamesmanship? (February 2003)

Queensland's Rejection of Retail Electricity Competition (October 2001)


What was new to early 2008:   Strategic Issues    Queensland's Challenges

Towards a Professional Public Service: Chronological Summary of Documents

CPDS' Documents on the Challenge of Asian Authoritarianism