OTHER Australian RESOURCES for Queensland
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Australian sources which appear as if they might include some useful or significant information resources for Queensland generally are listed below.

Those which do not appear to be based on empirical research with an orientation to practical application are shown grayed.

See also Other Global Resources
Strategic Issues
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Do it yourself: Take Direct Action

Aspire Australia, 2002 A future directions project for Australia by the Business Council of Australia
Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth The Alliance is a [new] national collaboration of researchers, policy makers and practitioners from a range of disciplines who are together building a better future for Australia’s children and young people
Brisbane Institute The Brisbane Institute is described as an ideas marketplace. It has a particular focus on several major themes.
Committee for Economic Development of Australia CEDA is an independent, apolitical organisation made up of business leaders, academics and others who have an interest in, and commitment to, Australia's economic and social development. CEDA aims to undertake objective discussion and research into issues affecting Australia's growth. [Fortunately it recently seems to have also begun taking an interest in economic development]
Eureka Street A Jesuit-published magazine dedicated to public affairs, the arts and theology
Queensland Business Review

Publication covering Queensland business issues

Queensland Commerce

Changes were made to management of Queensland Commerce because membership felt that they had been disenfranchised, and that organization reflected management viewpoint - which was too close to Beattie government. QC wants to move from being reactive to positive agenda. New CEO (Joe Barnewell) has been impressed by Government in relation to industrial manslaughter legislation. But there is no vision for Queensland from government. One problem government faces is lack of infrastructure. Queensland is now at 20 year low in infrastructure spending. Capital investment creates business opportunities (Strutt S 'New era for Queensland Commerce', FR, 7/2/03)

Queensland Web Index of web-resources relevant to Queensland by State Library
Legal Research Resources Product of Lex Scripta - which provides web-links for Queensland lawyers
Property Council of Australia  and (Queensland Division) Undertakes an extensive program of research and advocacy relevant to the interests of property owners, and property services.
Online Opinion

On Line Opinion is a not-for-profit e-journal that aims to provide a forum for public social and political debate about current Australian issues.

South West Strategy Information about the development of a community based strategy for SW Queensland - and about the region itself
Oz Ideas

Presents social inventions and ideas to help to improve the quality of life and solve social problems - with an emphasis on education (see Lane B. 'What's the next big idea?', Australian, 25/7/01)

See also Global Ideas Bank