OTHER Global RESOURCES for Queensland
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International sources which appear as if they might include some useful or significant information resources for Queensland generally are listed below.

Those which do not appear to be based on empirical research with an orientation to practical application are shown grayed.

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Global Macroeconomic and Financial Policy Site Provides extensive information concerning global financial issues - maintained by the Stern Business School at New York University
Global Ideas Bank

Operated by the British Institute for Social Inventions, it contains thousands of ideas for social (as compared with commercial) innovations - and has a system for public ranking of those ideas. 

See also OzIdeas



Brookings Institute A private, independent, nonprofit research organization, Brookings seeks to address current and emerging policy challenges (related to particularly economic, social, foreign policy and governance) from a US perspective and offers practical recommendations for dealing with them.
Center for National Policy A public policy organization based in Washington dedicated to developing better understanding about major issues confronting the USA .
Club of Rome An informal European association -  web site provides opinions on a range of themes - world economic and financial order; new global society; education; new technologies; information society; environment; demography; development; values; governance; and the future of work

The Canadian Association for the Club of Rome promotes study and discussion on the nature of world problems and the need to develop new policies, attitudes and courses of action to ensure a stable future for mankind. It is is one of about 30 National Associations whose members have interests in common with The Club of Rome.

Discovery Institute Mission is to make a positive vision of the future practical
Futures Observatory Run by the Open University Business School and the Strategic Planning Society. It holds regular debates and conducts research related to future studies. In the early 1990s they conducted the Millenium Project which collected views and predictions of the future from a thousand of the world's largest organisations.
Global Business Network The network involves organizations and individuals committed to reperceiving the present in order to anticipate the future and better manage strategic response.
Global Futures  aims to work with major corporations, governments, and advocacy groups to resolve conflict and create opportunity. Also supported is a Future 500 program which seeks to align economic, social and environmental goals through an industrial ecology approach.
Heritage Foundation A research and educational institute -- a think tank -- to formulate and promote conservative public policies. It researches key policy issues and markets these findings to its primary audiences
Imagine The Future A not-for-profit community organisation based in Melbourne, dedicated to exploring and exchanging ideas to build socially and ecologically sustainable societies.
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis A non-governmental research organization located in Austria. International teams of experts from various disciplines conduct scientific studies on environmental, economic, technological and social issues in the context of human dimensions of global change. The Institute is sponsored by National Member Organizations in North America, Europe and Asia.
Millennium Project The project (initiated by the United Nations University with the Smithsonian Institution, The Futures Group, and the American Council for the UNU) seeks a global capacity for early warning and analysis of long-range issues and strategies. It undertook a three-year feasibility study with 200 futurists and scholars from 50 countries.
National Centre for Policy Analysis (USA) A nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research institute that seeks innovative, private sector solutions to public policy problems.
OECD's International Futures Programme Contains information mainly about OECD activities and publications related to economic, social and technological trends .
RAND A non-profit US institution intended to assist public policymakers at all levels, private sector leaders, and the public by analyzing choices and developments in many areas, including national defense, education and training, health care, criminal and civil justice, labor and population, science and technology, community development, international relations, and regional studies.
 Secretariat for Futures Studies (Germany) Develops models for a viable future and promotes futures studies as a branch of science .
Stratfor Systems Concerned with competitive business intelligence.
Swedish Institute for Futures Studies Conducts and publishes research into futures issues.
WA 2029: Development Options for Western Australia Presents two scenarios for the future of Western Australia


World Futures Society The society is a non-profit educational and scientific organisation that serves as a clearinghouse for ideas about the future.
World Futures Studies Federation  Comprises institutional and individual members from about 80 countries from all regions, sectors and ideological perspectives of the world. They include scholars, policymakers, and others seriously involved in futures studies.


Centre for Policy Modelling (Manchester Metropolitan University) Researches ways to deal with decision-making in environments which are too complex to be analyzed by models based on standard economic and related analytical techniques.
Encyclopedia of the New Economy (by Wired magazine and Arthur Anderson)
Stanford Research Institute One of the largest independent, nonprofit research, technology development and consulting organizations, which seeks to promote and foster the application of science in the development of commerce, trade and industry. It operates at the crossroads of technology and business.


Context Institute A nonprofit US research organization exploring and clarifying just what is involved in a humane sustainable culture - and how we can get there.


Healthy Cities / Healthy Communities A WHO project to engage cities in planning
Lincon University (New Zealand) Developed a program involving computer based discussion groups to deal with the fundamental challenges emerging to the traditional roles of universities
21st Century Learning Initiative A transnational program to synthesize the best research and development into the nature of human learning, and to examine its implications for education, work, and the development of communities world-wide.
Work and Industry Futures Research Concentration Located in the Faculty of Business at the Queensland University of Technology. It provides a local focus for identifying, studying, evaluating and assisting emergent patterns of change in work and industry .


CSIRO's Climate Change Research Program site contains links to summaries and contact details for over 50 collaborative projects.
CSIRO's Resource Futures Program Aims to develop and test future options for the use and management of Australia's environmental resource sectors at regional and continental scales, and for medium and long term timeframes.
Developing Ideas Digest Provides 'snapshots of the influential ideas shaping the international sustainable development dialogue'. Canada's International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) maintains this site.
Partnership Group on Australian Commercial Interests in the Antarctic Undertook a Foresight Analysis to develop plausible scenarios for Australia's commercial interests in Antarctica and to examine goals and activities for Australia's Antarctic program.
 Resources for the Future a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that conducts independent research -- rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences -- on environmental and natural resource issues .
Rocky Mountain Institute A nonprofit research and educational foundation with a mission to foster the efficient and sustainable use of resources as a path to global security.
 Worldwatch Institute Dedicated to fostering the evolution of an environmentally sustainable society. This site includes their Vital Signs series that profiles global environmental, economic, social, and military trends.


Police Futurists International a professional association dedicated to the future of policing.
 Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College the strategic level study agent for the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, US Department of the Army



Alpha to Omega A consultancy specializing in Foresight, Futures, and the Future of Printing
  Strategic Analysis Unit (SAU) of the Communication and Information Technology Branch aims to provide a whole-of-Government strategic focus for research, policy development, planning of long term directions, and best practice in the application of IT&T within and by the Queensland Government. .
Communications Futures Project  constructed and placed in the public domain an economic framework for assessing the forces driving Australian communications network evolution.


Essays on Science and Society a series of personal viewpoints sponsored by Science Magazine 
Foresight Institute goal is to guide emerging technologies to improve the human condition, with particular emphasis on nanotechnology 
Foresight projects have been undertaken to identify and catalyse the creation of required scientific and technological capabilities on the basis of anticipated developments affecting economies and communities as a whole

New Zealand Foresight Project - . The project aims to stimulate strategic thinking about New Zealand's future, and the role of science and technology. It contains, at this stage, more theory of what might be done, than substantive content. It is due for completion in July 1999. It provides links to many sites dealing with the study of 'future' issues, (http://www.morst.govt.nz/foresight/info.folders/links/future.html)

UK Foresight Program - This project aimed to improve the competitiveness of the UK economy, and enhance the quality of life, by bringing together business, the science base and Government to identify and respond to emerging opportunities in markets and technologies. The programme started in 1994 and involved 16 independent sectoral panels (with representatives from business, Government and academia. After consultation involving some 10,000 people, the panels published their findings and recommendations in 1995. The current phase of the programme aims to engage the wider business community. A second national Foresight review will begin in 1999.

Developing Long Term Strategies for Science and Technology in Australia (ASTEC) This project sought to identify trends likely to impact on Australian science and technology by 2010, and to use a consultative process similar to Foresight projects in other areas. .

Finland and the Future of Europe - . The Parliament of Finland has assumed an active role in the discourse on the future of the nation. It has obliged the Government to submit a report on the future once each parliamentary term. In it, the Government defines its perception of the country's future and of the measures that will be needed over a time span of 5-15 years.


International Association of Technology Assessment and Forecasting Institutes seeks to advance international co-operation among technology assessment and forecasting institutions to support sound decision-making about sustainable development in response to global change.
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis  has a role in Germany
National Air and Space Museum (US) provides an account of methods used for future studies
Santa Fe Institute  a private, non-profit, multidisciplinary research and education center, founded in 1984, devoted to creating a new kind of scientific research community, pursuing emerging science.


City of Grande Prairie (Canada) developed links to strategic improvement and business development initiatives by governments worldwide (local, state, and national) - including some in Queensland.
International Management Centre (Brisbane) offers a Master of Science Degree in Futures Innovation
Institute of Futures Research at Houston University provides the only postgraduate courses in futures studies in the USA.
Institute of Public Policy, George Mason University, USA  provides comprehensive links to organisations concerned with public policy (particularly social science research network, education, and economics)
Institute of Public Administration of Australia presents a collection of links to various sites of interest on public sector management
International Studies Association provides links to sites dealing with International Affairs
Lee Schupp developed a set of links to: academic programs / consultants / non profit organisations dealing with future research; sources on emerging ideas; and other sites which provide similar linkages.
Southern Cross University Futures Forum  provides links  to other organisations.


(Swiss) St Gall Center for Futures Research provides (in German) a European approach to scenario planning, and relevant contacts in a 'Profutures Network'.
Strategic Futures International  provides strategic planning services and has a very extensive Links to the Future listing of Web pages
University of Pennyslvania (Professor Estes) has developed links to resources relevant to social (and economic) development
New Zealand Foresight Institute This consultancy provides links to other organisations such as: Global Business Network; Hotwired; Strategos; World Future Society; Trendz; and Ministry of Research, Science and Technology