National Competition Policy


The following have simply been 'dumped' without any attempt to tidy up formats. They are for research use only as a source of references and ideas, and must not be cited.

Some Issues In Microeconomic Reform (July 1996) - the whole concept of what was being attempted seemed to have holes in it

Report of Commission of Audit (July 1996) - comments on a high profile report that suggested changes to more 'business-like' approach to organizing Queensland administration that had NCP parallels

Summary of Commission of Audit (July 1996) - outline of what it said in relation to NCP

NCP Guide (August 1996) - summary of Queensland's guidelines to agencies

Beyond Competition (August 1996) - commented on a seminal EPAC paper which had set the character of competition policy in Australia

Politics and Productivity (August 1996) - outlines issues raised in review of Japan's approach which was seen as fundamentally different

NCP: an outsider's view of some implementation issues (Sept 1996) - an initial assessment of complexities arising in attempting to implement NCP

Victoria: Contract State (Sept 1996) - outlines and reviews a critique of efforts by Kennett Government to change the character of public administration

NCP Documentary Sources (Oct 1996) - summary of available documents referring to NCP

Competition Policy: Implications from International Data (Oct 1996) - the goals of competition policy are radically different in other places

Competition Policy: Some Emerging International Aspects (Oct 1996) - issues that had not been considered in Australia

Competition Policy in Queensland (Jan 1997) - draft report from interdepartmental group suggesting how NCP implementation might be advanced

Some Competition Policy Issues (April 1997) - further changes in international perceptions

NCP Observations (March 1998) - outlined the then current state of play

Current Perspectives (2003)

The following perspectives might be considered in relation to the above documents: