This document presents observations about the growth of underlying difficulties
in Queensland's state budget.
It builds on a fairly detailed coverage of, and commentary on,
the 2001-02 budget that was produced because it seemed
to contain weaknesses (eg funding difficulties and non-transparent presentation)
that had not attracted much public or political attention. This was then summarized and expanded
to include newly emerging issues related to the 2002-03
budget. Debates concerning the 2003-04 budget were then briefly outlined together with indicators of
underlying pressure for tax rises.
[[An outline of
issues arising from the 2004-05 budget was intended to include
information about events in 2003-04 which provided temporary funding benefits -
but remains incomplete ]].
Comments related to the 2005-06 budget suggested that a crisis
point was probably approaching despite the community's relaxed attitude to the
situation, while those related to the 2007-08 budget
referred to concerns about infrastructure backlogs, and rapidly increasing
capital spending. Comments on the 2009-10 budget were
more comprehensive, as it seemed that the 'chickens could be coming home to
roost' though the continued lack of transparency in the budget's presentation
made it hard to be sure what was going on.
In 2012, in the context of public recognition of the extent of Queensland's
fiscal difficulties
Recovering from Queensland's Debt Binge drew attention
to: (a) the fact that those difficulties had been emerging for many years and
were probably much worse than officially acknowledged; and (b) had to be viewed
in the context of general weaknesses in Queensland's institutions.
A Commission of Audit established by the incoming Newman Government in 2012
seemed unable to adequately assess the financial position and develop strategies to
improve that position, because it failed to recognise these factors (see
Auditing the Commission).
Before it was presented
on 16/6/09, debate about
Queensland's 2009-10 budget focused on the large revenue losses that seemed likely
due to the global financial crisis (GFC), and on proposals to improve the
budget position by selling public assets and removing a petrol subsidy.
However many broader issues were raised in public debates both before and
after its presentation, such as:
in relation to privatisation of public assets: whether / when this is desirable;
how to protect the public interest; whether / how much selling assets will improve public
finances; and the fees involved;
the relationship between the budget and Queensland's economic outlook (eg
the GFC's impact on business investment / employment; the large increase in
fiscal deficits to reduce the economic downturn; Queensland's vulnerable economic
structure; economic impact of state taxes; the expectation of a shallow
recession and full recovery in 4 years; and the risk if everything does not go
according to plan);
structural problems affecting Queensland's public finances (eg states' narrow
tax bases under the current federal financial system; rapidly increasing population
/ spending in recent years on services / catch-up infrastructure; loss of AAA credit rating; expectations
of ongoing deficits for years; and the pro-cyclical process for distributing GST
the effectiveness of public spending (eg possible wastage of boom-years
revenues; political interference in GOCs;
defective planning and emergency infrastructure development; and government
efforts to rectify some of those problems).
The latter debates are outlined below.
Show: outline of public debates concerning 2009-10 budget
In advocating privatisation of several assets, the state government noted
that: the global recession had seriously eroded its revenues; continued infrastructure
investment and restoration of its AAA credit rating were desirable; its investment
priorities (schools, hospitals, public transport and roads) were now different
to what they had been; sales should yield $15bn (and save a further $12bn investment)
while reducing income only $280m; and various precautions would be taken
to protect the public interest following such sales.
Other observers noted:
the need to protect the public interest in privatisations; the high cost
of fees to advisers in arranging such sales; the likely difficulty in selling
assets for good prices under difficult circumstances; industry
concerns about details of particular arrangements; and that selling the most profitable
assets could be unwise. Unions and many ALP officials opposed the
sales on principle - but their concerns were rejected.
Details about financial details of the proposed asset sales appeared sparse and unconvincing.
Show: details
Queensland's premier
introduced proposals for privatisations as follows.
A plan exists to renew Queensland's finances and grow future investment. Global
recession has led to $14bn loss in expected revenue over 4 years (1/3 of annual
budget), and there has been $2bn decline in GST revenues. Government must
continue to build infrastructure for growing population, and wishes to restore AAA credit rating. Government priorities change (eg regional airports were once
developed, but now have been sold to private operators). There is a need to
consider what government should do in future. Strategic asset sales are proposed
to secure various functions without future public funding - to free government
for funding of public infrastructure like schools, hospitals, public transport
and roads. Renewing Queensland Plan involves sale over next 3-5 years of
Queensland Motorways Ltd; Port of Brisbane; Forest Plantations Queensland; QR's
coal business; and Abbott Point Coal Terminal. Sales should yield $15 and
eliminate the need for $12bn capital spending over next 5 years. Annual revenue
of $280m will be foregone, a 2% return. $12bn in avoided capital spending will
save $750m pa interest. Government has chosen to run short term deficits as
response to global recession. But in the long term tough structural changes are
needed to restore a recurrent budget surplus. Queensland does not get value from
$500m fuel subsidy scheme - so this will be ended [1]
In presenting its proposals the government further indicated that:
the proposed asset sales were expected to yield $15bn and save $12bn in further spending.
While $280m pa in revenues
would be lost, $750m pa in further interest costs would be avoided and state debt
would fall $15bn (Renewing
Queensland: Future investment Plan);
it was more important for government to improve public transport than provide
rail networks for the private sector [1];
tolls will be set by law to prevent price gouging after sale of Queensland
Motorways [1]
community will have continued access to forests despite government plan to
sell off its forestry business. At one time it made sense for government to
start a forestry industry - but no longer [1]
Other observers elaborated and / or expressed support for, or concern about,
the proposals.
government has to sell existing assets to fund an unprecedented
infrastructure program. [1];
'Renewing Qld plan' will see sale of $15bn in assets and saving of $12bn in
future capital - Queensland motorways, QR's coal and freight arms, Port of
Brisbane, Forest Plantations Queensland, Abbott Point Coal terminal. [1]
privatisation for the wrong reasons, or badly managed, can be against the
public interest. What assets are appropriate for privatisation? Many businesses
are now well run privately when they used to be government owned. For all
its problems Telstra has become a great Australian company. Australia pioneered
the privatisation of airports - and this has been successful because of
well-constructed legislation. Privatisation lifted the financial, political and
administrative burden from government without sacrificing airports' economic /
lifestyle contribution. Such sales have improved funding for
Queensland's hospitals. The challenge facing government is to make sure that the
correct checks and balances are in place to ensure that core services are not
sacrificed to the gods of foreign private capital [1]
the GFC has been blamed for the proposed privatization of Queensland assets.
However privatising of just the profitable bits of Queensland is foolish as this
has long subsidised the unprofitable passenger services, Cross subsidies
within infrastructure is the only option for public services to Queensland's dispersed
population [1]
approx $200m in fees are likely to be paid to advisers who arrange sale of
government assets [1];
Sale of Forestry Plantations Queensland is
expected to yield $500m. [1]
higher road tolls, higher prices and the
millions to be paid to financial advisers will be ongoing problems [1]
there was uncertainty within timber industry about the implications of sale of Queensland
Plantations [1];
mining industry believes that sale of rail haulage business and Abbott Point
Coal Loader is fine in theory - but wants assurance that upgrades of these
systems will not be put on the back burner [1].
Mining industry was assured that its interests would be considered in asset
sales [1];
state government will be selling assets at a bad time - as many
infrastructure assets are being sold worldwide and there is a shortage of
capital - creating a buyers market [1]
selling off state assets is a brave and commendable move - but may come at an
unfortunate time in the business cycle so prices may be limited. Other state
governments seem to be headed towards similar auctions [1].
In Europe port and rail assets have been offered for sale for months, and in
Australia private infrastructure assets have also been for sale. But there is a
shortage of buyers [1]
government will struggle to get $15bn for assets (QM $3bn, Port of Brisbane
$3.5bn; FPQ $500m; QR's coal freight $7bn; Abbott point $1.9bn) because of GFC [1].
Queensland's $7bn coal freight network and 2 Brisbane toll-roads are likely
to be attractive to investors, but Port of Brisbane, Abbott Point Coal terminal
and Forestry Plantations could struggle to find buyers. Gains: Motorways ($3bn +
1bn debt reduction); Port of Brisbane ($3.5bn +$900m); Plantations ($500m +
$100m); Coal network $7bn + 7bn); Abbott Point ((1.9+3.5) [1]
Brisbane toll roads (whose value is put at $4bn) might be easiest assets to
sell because of their business model. There are about $20bn of other
infrastructure assets on the market in Australia. QIC, Canadian Pension Plans
and industry funds top the list of likely buyers [1]
There was vocal opposition to the proposal, mainly from within the
ALP and union movement.
ALP rules say that party was established for democratic socialization of
industry. ALP 2008 specifically rejected privatisation of public hospitals,
schools public enterprises or utilities (especially rail, ports, public
hospitals, electricity and water [1]
ALP president (Andrew Dettmer) suggested that short term solutions would create long
term problems (eg giving mining companies complete control of regional
economies) ACTU president (Sharan Burrow) suggested that rail
privatisation was never successful. [1];
Queensland Council of Unions argued that privatization (eg of Commonwealth Bank
and Telstra) had cost community.[1]
Moreover general opposition was expressed by: Rail Train and Bus Union secretary (Owen Doogan)
Maritime Union spokesman (Mick Carr) [1]; QCU secretary
(Ron Monoghan) [1]
In response to such criticism, the government reportedly said that the sell-off
was a done deal [1]
Information / speculation about the financial status of
various assets proposed for sale was available, but neither comprehensive nor
Queensland Motorways profit before tax, depreciation and interest was $110m - so
a $3bn valuation would be 30 times earnings. Those prices are based on boom times data
- but listed infrastructure assets have fallen 50% since then [1];
Forestry Plantations Queensland's 2007-08 annual report revealed: sales $93.8m; $29.6 trading surplus; $13.4m dividend to
Treasury; and ;
capital investments $25.6m. The operating surplus (including increased value of
plantations) $85.5m [1].
An examination of FPQ's
annual report revealed very 'interesting' (but apparently standard)
accounting practices (p29-30), ie (a) 'income' included assessed revaluation
of growing plantations and (b) the results of trading operating (ie sales of
timber) were not mentioned as income but simply recorded in a cash flow
Queensland Rail's annual report for 2007-08 suggested revenue of $3.5bn and EBITDA of
$1.1bn [1];
Macquarie Infrastructure sold its M7 stake for 24 times earnings before interest,
taxes, depreciation and amortization - which suggests that Queensland's
Motorways EBITDA of $27m would result in valuation of only $652m [1]
QR's coal assets will yield $7bn and save $7bn in future spending.
However QR Coal returned hundreds of millions to budget [1]
of Brisbane (that returned $72m dividend to state government) could be sold for
$4.4bn and save $900m further investment over 4 years. [1]
In relation to the budget
and Queensland's financial position generally observers noted in the lead up
to the budget delivery that:
the state's deficits appear structural, rather than merely cyclical. Government spending
has been growing much faster than revenues. The public service has grown very
rapidly (and was concerned about possible cuts). Borrowing costs will rise
because of loss of AAA credit rating;
economic growth is well down on expectations. Government would not comply
with the desire of rating agencies for large spending cuts and tax rises -
because of adverse economic impacts;
business wants: high infrastructure spending to keep unemployment low; a
plan for fiscal recovery; payroll-tax relief; reduced red-tape; and investment
to be maintained in area where assets were to be sold;
ominously there was no 'good news' prior to budget release. Business and the
community faced higher costs;
government was acting contrary to core ALP principles in selling assets.
Asset sales focused on those with business customers. More assets might be
sold in future;
state is looking to reform of federal financial system to boost revenues.
Show: details
Queenslanders face substantial increases in living costs (ie electricity 36%; rates 18%; gas 40%). Including the effect of eliminating fuel
subsidy, families might face increased costs of $1000 pa [1]
Queensland's premier defied Labor orthodoxy by proposing the sale of state assets
(hoping thereby to recover from the loss of the state's AAA credit rating) in preference to
curtailing big-spending public works program (eg for hospitals, passenger rail
systems, regional roads and social housing) [1]
motorists will face $300 pa increase in fuel costs [1]
government has focussed on selling assets that service commercial clients
- except for Queensland Motorways whose tolls are tightly regulated [1].
Other state assets that could be sold later include: printing, car fleet management
and IT businesses [1];
these privatisations
could be followed by more - including some of six big remaining ports [1]
the numbers in Queensland's public service have grown significantly over the
past 5 years - (ie a 20% increase in the proportion of workers in public
administration) and rumours are rife about culls in the numbers of temporary /
contract positions [1];
unions are concerned that up to 25% of public servants in temporary
positions could be at risk as government seeks $280m savings [1]
Government may trim contributions to public servants' superannuation in
another cost cutting measure [1]
in lead up to state budget there have been no 'good news' leaks - which is
ominous. By 2011-12 total state debt is likely to reach $74bn (less proceeds of
possible asset sales) - and a $1bn pa deficit is expected in coming years. There is nothing wrong with deficits incurred in making productive investments
- but structural deficits are undesirable. Queensland's spending growth (10%
last year) has far outstripped revenue growth (1% last year). Without drastic
action on cost side, recurrent expenses will continue to exceed revenues - and
this shortfall should not be met by selling assets. Cuts must be made in
spending - given that tax increases have been ruled out [1]
Queensland treasurer has called for reform of Australia's tax system
through Henry tax review because of the inherent weakness of states' narrow
tax bases [1];
according to treasurer there will be little good news for community in
budget and government does not intend doing what rating agencies want (ie
massively increase taxes and cut the building programs) because this would
be economically disastrous [1]
Queensland's economic growth in 2008-09 is 0.5%, well below the 5.1% in
2007-08 and the 4.5% originally forecast for the current year [1]
Business doesn't expect handouts from government but wants to see plan
to restore AA credit rating, and give priority to economic / job growth so
that business can defend markets / workforces. Payroll tax relief is a
priority. CCIQ (Beatrice Booth) wants smaller, more flexible, efficient and
skilled public service. Compliance costs need to be reduced. QRC
(Michael Roche) is concerned that criteria for asset sales is a reduction in
governments infrastructure spending - as there is a need to ensure ongoing
focus on upgrading rail lines and ports. Increased changes must also be used
to streamline and increase efficiency. Macarthur Coal (Nicole Hollows) is
concerned that asset sell of might replicate problems like those at
Dalrymple Bay. ANZ (Russel Shields) emphasised the need to fund
infrastructure spend and keep unemployment low. BOQ (David Liddy) called for
tax-breaks and incentives for SMEs in order to promote economic recovery.
Hutchinson Builders (Scott Hutchinson) expressed satisfaction with existing
levels of spending [1]
Queensland faces problems because of loss of AAA credit rating. It will
make semi-government borrowing more costly. Returning to that rating will
take years. When revenues like those in 2007/08 will resume is unknown.
Despite this, a large capital works program will be committed to boost
growth. Business concerns that government will delay some projects appear
realistic. Premier says downturn has forced state to divest assets it should
have sold (as Victoria did) years ago. [1]
In relation to the budget various observers drew attention to: confirmation
of asset sales and elimination of petrol subsidy; new grants for first home
owners; the temporary boost from federal stimulus spending; the need to
reconsider the role of government because of increased demands for government
services; high levels of infrastructure spending; increasing debts (mainly due
to infrastructure spending because GFC has only limited impact) though totals
would remain low by international standards; rapid past turn-around from large
surpluses to deficits; expected deficits for 8 years; failure to mention
worrying debt / GSP ratio; difficulties in recovering AAA credit rating; very
rapid growth in past spending (rather than GFC) as the main cause of credit
rating downgrade; continued low GST revenues due to high past revenues;
government's search for federal guarantees of its debts; Treasurer's push for
changes to federal financial arrangements; constraints
on public service pay rises and on overall public spending; doubts that
infrastructure cost increases could be blamed on rising construction costs; and the risk that
conditions might deteriorate more than expected.
budget will be in deficit for 8 years. $18bn will be spent on
infrastructure in 2009-10. Current deficit will be $574m rising to $4.1bn in
2011/12. Cuts to petrol subsidy and asset sales proceeded. Public service
cuts did not. Grants will be given to first home buyers. [1];
Treasurer emphasises government infrastructure spending. But there has been a
need to reconsider the role of government generally (and privatise some
functions) in view of increased pressure on government to provide services [1].
borrowings will rise from $57.7bn in 2009-10 to $85,5bn by 2012-13.
$18bn on capital works will fall to $10bn in 2012-13 because peak spending
(water grid and new hospitals) will phase down [1]
GFC showed that Queensland's finances were built on loose sand. Ongoing
deficits are expected. However the problem is not loss of revenue due to GFC -
as 2009-10 revenues will be $37.2 bn (up from $35.9bn last year - with some help
from federal stimulus). The problem is increased spending. At start of decade
this grew 3% pa - but this increased to 12% pa eventually. General government
sector will go into net debt in 2011-2012, while non-financial sector net debt
will increase from $14bn in 2008-09 to $51bn in 2012-13. This led to downgrade
of state credit rating. [1]
Queensland has to rely on success of asset sales to reclaim credit
rating lost when large long term budget deficits were announced last year.
Standard and Poors indicated that nothing about budget suggested upgrading
to AAA. Asset sales could reduce debt levels to 120% of revenue by 2013 -
above the 100-110% level needed for rating to be re-assessed. Queensland
faces $3.3bn pa fall in mining and property revenues [1]
public service pay rises will be limited to 2.5% pa [1]
staff expenses are rising much
faster than 2.5% nominal wage cap. [1]
Treasurer is proposing to cap government spending growth at 4.75% (down
from 14.3% two years ago) [1];
Opposition has criticised increased debt involved in Queensland's budget -
though this will be partly offset by asset sales [1]
interest on general government borrowing would be 2.38% of general government
revenue in 2009-10 rising to 5.69% in 2012-13. Including GOC the figures become
6.48% and 10% respectively [1]
in all states net debt will rise from 3% of GDP to 12% by 2012-13 (about
1/3 due to GFC). These levels are low by international standards. Most debts
will be covered by increased charges by GTEs [1];
over 15 years ago a Treasurer noted that Queensland had no net debt (ie that
financial assets exceeded liabilities. Now there is a $17.8bn excess, though
this will now change (ie net debt will be $5.9bn in 2012-13). In 2008-09
borrowings are $44bn, but they will reach $85bn - though this should be reduced
by asset sell-off and the $12 that won't need to be spent. The interest bill on
borrowings next year will be $887m (ie 2.3% of revenue) - though this will be
more than offset by income on investments. Even in 2012 interest will be only
5.6% of revenue - which will be very manageable. Queensland's danger is
that conditions might deteriorate more than expected. [1]
Queensland goes from $4bn headline surplus to $4bn deficit in 8 years.
GST revenue is based on past state revenues - so Queensland will still
receive boom time (ie small) allocation though revenues have fallen.
Treasurer argues that state's tax base is too narrow. [1]
states are going into debts because of heavy infrastructure spending,
not (as they claim) because of GFC. Queensland will lose $15bn revenue -
only about 1/3 of $41bn increase in net debt to 2012-13. This investment
reflects past under-investment and it is mere luck that it corresponded with
recession. [1]
Queensland will apply for Commonwealth guarantee of its debts. [1]
Royalty revenues will fall from $3.4bn in 2009-09 (achieved after a surprise
increase in rates) to $1.8bn in 2009-10 - a fall of 47% [1]
Queensland's revenues are adversely affected by downturn in coal royalties
and property taxes. GST revenue is falling because the total pool is reduced,
and Queensland's share is cut because of the past strength of mining and property
revenues. Budget expresses concern that processes do not provide Queensland with
revenues needed by its rapid population growth [1];
RACQ suggests that scrapping
of fuel subsidy forces motorists to pay for lack of foresight [1];
the position is currently improved by effect of Rudd
Government's stimulus program and less-than-expected capital works bill -
but this is only temporary. [1];
a quantity surveyor suggested that government's claim that $17bn
blow-out in its 20 year infrastructure program could be blamed on rising
costs appeared suspect, as costs were actually falling. Increasing the scope
of projects was seen as a more likely explanation [1]
In relation to Queensland's economy observers suggested that: Queensland has
suffered more than other states, and has only its economic structure and
financial arrangements to blame; unemployment will
rise; mining / property booms have ended; business investment could fall 25%;
and business has concerns (eg with higher costs which can't be passed on;
and lack of payroll tax relief / strategy for fiscal recovery). However on a
positive note it was suggested that: the budget deficits would result in less
economic contraction and unemployment; Queensland's performance (despite
setbacks) should still be better than others; and the worst may be over in 4 years with
strong growth resuming in 2011-12.
Show: details
Queensland has replaced NSW as state most likely to drag Australia into
a long recession. Its budget position is worst and citizens face biggest
fall in living standards (and doubling of unemployment). Queensland faced
budget turnaround over 4 years of $14bn, while NSW only faced $5bn.
Queensland has itself to blame because of economic reliance on mining
royalties, an overheated property market and cross-subsidies to keep its
budget in the black. Infrastructure spending was committed that could not be
stopped. How much Queensland's folly costs Australia depends on how long
recession lasts [1];
unemployment will peak at 7.25% in 2010-11. Business investment is
expected to fall 25%. Economy is expected to shrink 0.25% over next 12
months, before growing 2.75% in 2010-11 [1];
Queensland continues to show rapid population growth (1800 per week of
which 1000 are international, 410 (and falling) are from interstate).
Budget papers suggest that worst of global economic crisis will be over in 4
years. Economic growth of 2.75% is expected to resume in 2010-11 and recover
fully (4.5% pa) by 2011-12 [1];
Queensland's unemployment rate will rise drastically in next few years -
especially in construction industry [1];
Queensland faces: end of mining / property booms; stalled private
investment; more jobless; increased government debt while government tries
to cut spending. [1];
despite Queensland's budget difficulties, government rejected the notion that
Queensland had become economic basket case - as its economic performance still
exceeded national average [1]
business is not happy with budget (despite positive view of infrastructure
spend) because of lack of payroll tax relief. BDO Kendells (Dennis Lin)
suggested that budget had no real plan to get books back into black. CCIQ (David
Goodwin) suggested that cost of business was rising, but could not be passed on.
It was of concern that spending would rise 7.4% in 2009-10 with wages up 9.1%,
State deficits will rise to $4.1bn and surpluses are not expected til 2016-17.
Grants to new home owners were seen as only a small aid to a sector facing
significant difficulties - by Paul Nash (Devine Queensland). NAB (Julian Pearce)
saw infrastructure spending as positioning Queensland businesses for recovery [1]
business had been advised of budgetary problems and that the alternative to
budget deficits was larger scale unemployment and cutting back on infrastructure
that was seen to be essential [1]
Queensland's economy will contract - but less than most other states
despite unwinding of mining boom and consequent sharp fall in business
investment (which also reflects vacancy rate and limited funding access
affecting property). Soft household consumption will be another constraint.
$18bn pa state capital works will offset retreat of private sector capital
investment. Exports will fall in 2009-10. Recovery is not forecast until
2010-11. [1]
opposition warned of consequences of debt blow-out (from $64bn to 85bn) in
terms of increased costs of fuel, food, water and power. AIG
(Chris Rodwell) argued that business would face an extra $500m costs. [1]
Various observers suggested that past government administration had
been deficient, eg in relation to: ineffective use of (and lack of savings from)
massive revenues gained during boom years; political interference in operation
of GOCs; lack of planning resulting in emergency infrastructure development; and
limited use of PPPs. The Opposition suggested that asset sales were needed
because of many years of poor administration. Premier defended sales on the
basis that: government could no longer afford to make significant investments in
some infrastructure; and rating agencies had a perverse approach which unfairly
penalised governments with profitable GOCs.
However its was also suggested that Queensland, whose governments had long
under-funded essential infrastructure and which had not focussed on forward
planning, had tried to fix its dysfunctional infrastructure - as compared with
NSW (for example) which has yet to do so.
Show: details
government faces problems in convincing people that it made the most of
revenues it gained over many years. Each year from 2003/04 actual revenues
exceeded estimates by $3bn. Over four years to 2007/07 revenues rose 65% (from
$19.9bn to $32.6bn). Though there were demands (eg effect of drought and
education / health needs) some could have been saved to avoid current problems
(according to QRC). [1]
former Treasurer (Keith De Lacy) argues that 25 years of meddling by
successive governments has undermined the efficiency of GOCs whose
corporatisation he started. Political interference prevents effective operation
- yet government shareholders can't resist interfering. Ken Wiltshire also
argues that GOCs need to operate at arm's length. However ministers and
officials have often set policy and creamed off dividends arbitrarily. There has
been an enormous difference between the operations of GOCs and listed public
companies [1];
Opposition criticised $16bn in asset sales and expected rise in debts to
$85bn - arguing that sell off of profitable assets will cover 11 years of
mismanagement, but yield very low prices. Queensland once had strongest
balance sheet in country - but now the worst. [1]
Sale of assets will result in many Labor mates losing board positions [1]
Paul Clauson (Infrastructure Aust Qld) suggests that lack of
planning was a problem - as with emergency development of water infrastructure.
Money might have been saved by putting projects such as Gateway duplication up
for PPPs [1]
Comparing Queensland and NSW (which is in better financial position) is
complex as NSW has dysfunctional infrastructure - but has not attempted to fix
it as Queensland has (according to John Quiggin). [1]
when Anna Bligh took over from Peter Beattie she believed state was too
reactionary, and needed to plan for new challenges. Essential services have always been under-funded in Queensland -
Australia's most decentralised state. Government maintained political support by
exploiting boom-time revenues. It borrow heavily for infrastructure to meet
demands of population growth - rather than end low-tax status or cut public
sector. Then recession hit. [1];
Premier defended asset sales on the basis that: government could no
longer afford to keep making significant investments in such infrastructure
- so this option was best in terms of maintaining those assets and providing
for community's needs. Queensland had been penalised because (a) the debts
of GOCs had been on its books and (b) rating agencies adopted a perverse
approach and penalised governments when their GOCs were making profits [1]
In relation to forward-looking strategy, it was suggested that: future
deficits reflect priority assigned to creating jobs; structural reform of
economy might be needed to regain AAA credit rating; budget reflects hope that
recession will be shallow and brief; there is little beyond catch up
infrastructure spending proposed; there are no contingency plans if situations
worsens; more GOCs may need to be sold; while useful steps have been taken there
is no certainty about the further reforms that are still needed.
Show: details
Queensland will suffer $13bn in deficits over next 4 years - as budget has
given priority to jobs. Total government borrowing is expected to reach $85bn
over 4 years with interest 10% of revenue by 2012-13 (ignoring effect of asset
sales). Standard
and Poors indicated that AAA credit rating might be restored after 2013-14.
However structural reform of economy as well as asset sales might be needed
NSW and Queensland budgets involve spending binge based on assumption
that recession will be shallow and brief. Depression era economics have been
used to justify massive spending rises. Queensland suffered a large revenue
meltdown ($15bn) but has realistic projections on return to surplus.
Privatisations may not be enough to restore AAA rating. Too much of Queensland's spending involves
catch-up and maintenance instead of productivity-enhancing investment. Other GOCs may need to be sold to keep debt under control. No state has credible
plan to repay debt if everything doesn't go as planned. Required savings
won't come from chipping away at public service - but will require more
privatisation [1]
Government hopes unprecedented deficits will save state from economic
abyss. $18bn infrastructure spend will result in a decade of deficits.
Current year's deficit will be $574m (down from $1.6bn surplus estimated 4
months ago). Restoring Queensland's AAA credit rating will take 5-10 years.
Opposition leader said that government was addicted to debt and 'played us
for fools' by not revealing problems in March election [1]
State revenues will be $37bn with spending of $39bn. Revenue loss over 4
years has been $15bn. Business investment will fall 17%. Treasurer has done
the smart thing by spending to counteract economic downturn (as governments
worldwide are doing). [1]
Useful steps have been taken to restore fiscal position
(ie cutting fuel subsidy and privatising some assets). However there is
uncertainty about the commitment to reform - given governments jobs-not-cuts
policy agenda. [1]
The present writer's earlier research had also suggested that budget difficulties that came to
a head in 2009-10 were largely symptoms of deeper long-developing problems
Queensland's 2009-10 Budget
Stress: The Tip of an Iceberg?, 25/5/09).
Show: key points
The latter argued that:
it was
unrealistic to try to debate the state budget without considering
uncertainties in the economic outlook;
there had been
reasonable grounds for concern about structural problems in Queensland's public finances
before the most recent economic boom and bust;
concerns had been compounded by ineffectual management of large-scale spending on
catch-up infrastructure; and
assessing whether serious market failures exist should be the most important consideration in deciding whether
to privatise government owned corporations (GOCs).
Further conclusions have emerged from considering the 2009-10 budget and
Firstly there is a need for more transparency in presentation of data
about Queensland financial position. Current practices (though they may
nominally comply with current standards) make understanding of what is going on
virtually impossible.
Show: examples
For example:
as noted below it has seemed for years that 'balancing' Queensland's recent budgets required a good deal of
'creative accounting' (seeEnron-itis;
About the 2003-04 Budget; and assertions by
Commerce Queensland [1]).
Though Queensland's reported operating result has deteriorated over the years,
the modest extent of this does not 'feel right' to the present writer, given
the huge increases in public capital spending that have occurred;
the budget is presented on an accrual
accounting basis. This is suitable for a business, but not for a
government. For example:
it presents a 'balance sheet' which includes rapidly
rising values assigned to assets which have no real market (eg revaluation of roads
allowed its claimed 'net worth' to rise from $128.6bn to 149.8bn [1]
over the course of 2008-09 during which the government's credit rating was
downgraded); and
assets are presented only in terms of their
financial worth (though such considerations are only part of the reasons for
government involvement in functions that typically reflect market failures);
the core section of the budget [Section
3: Budget Performance and Outlook] is presented in highly
aggregated terms only for the 'Central Government Sector' (which, as noted
below) does not represent the government's overall fiscal position because
of the effect of its Financial and Non-Financial Corporations;
information about the latter is elusive;
aggregated data is available
separately and retrospectively for both Financial and for Non-financial
Corporations - and, though the latter categories are defined, the
organisations included are not listed [1];
some information about Non-financial Corporations (ie
excluding the Queensland Investment Corporation) is provided in
Section 5 of Budget Strategy and Outlook including:
(a) what type of businesses they are involved in; (b) their combined
contributions to state revenue (through dividends and tax-equivalent
payments) of $1.1bn pa - which reflects a 4.7% return (thus implying that
they have a
total equity value to the state of $20-25bn); and (c) lists of various projects that might
be undertaken. However no balance sheet data is provided;
an aggregated balance sheet for Non-financial Corporations is provided in
Section 10 of Budget Strategy and Outlook, together with an consolidated
balance sheet for the Non-financial Public Sector (ie excluding the Queensland
Investment Corporation). There is no explanation of this data, even though
(for example) the consolidated balance sheet showed a negative value for total
equity investments;
GOC details might be obtained by
examining large numbers of separate reports - but somewhat peculiar accounting practices
seem to prevent easy understanding. For example, in the case of Forestry
Plantations Queensland (FPQ - which the government proposes to sell),
estimated increases in the value of growing forests are included as income
while timber sales are not - the latter (together with cost of sales) being
recorded only in cash flow statements. There is no clear picture of what
debt FPQ is carrying. [One observer suggested that the debts of GOCs are all
held by the Queensland Treasury Corporation and not by individual entities];
the reasons for Queensland's loss of its AAA credit rating are not clearly
stated. For example:
there was a fall in Queensland's net financial wealth of $13.1bn during
the course of 2008-09 [1]
which appeared to be attributable to a fall in the value of assets
(investments $1.9bn, equity $5.6bn) and an increase in liabilities (staff
super $2.3, borrowings 2.7). This raises (but doesn't answer) questions
about the extent to which the financial stress that arose during that year was
the result of losses on investments rather than simply the result of declining
one observer publicised the view that
Queensland's financial assets (investments and cash at hand) exceeded the
state's borrowings by $17.8 bn [1]. This
was correct (for the general government sector only) according the budget
papers [1] which shows net financial assets only becoming negative in 2011-2012. However
Queensland lost its AAA credit rating apparently because rating agencies
concluded that its net financial liabilities exceeded its annual revenue [1]. General government revenue is about
$37bn [1] and GOCs appeared to add a net $8bn
(approx) to consolidated revenues in 2007-08 [1]. This
implies a $45bn or so net deficit in Queensland's financial position. This is
compatible with the net financial liabilities of Queensland's general
government and non-financial corporations as recorded in
Section 10 of Budget Strategy and Outlook (apparently reflecting $13.8bn
net debt + $23.9bn superannuation liabilities + $11.6bn other current
liabilities + $3.7 bn negative equity - $3.7bn various receivables). But
what is going on is not clearly stated anywhere.
asset sales are proposed apparently to
keep net financial liabilities down at about 130% of revenue [1].
However it is very difficult to work out the
financial implications of proposed asset sales. $15bn is apparently expected
to be realized from selling five assets, as well as savings of further
investment of $12bn over the next 4 years. The net revenue loss from doing
this is said to be $280m pa - which is about 2% of the sale price. As any
private purchaser would expect to get a return of about (say) 9%, this
implies that total revenues from those assets need would be something like
$1.35bn pa - and thus that those entities currently pay about $1.1bn pa in
interest (which in turn implies that they carry debts of about $20bn at the
(about) 5% rate that has been applicable to government bonds).However this
information does not appear to be readily available anywhere. The fact that
purchasers would apparently find themselves confronting a further $12bn in further
capital spending almost immediately (for which they would need to get a return
by (say) increasing charges by $1.1bn pa or discounting the purchase price by
$12bn) again suggests that there is something odd about the expectation that
$15bn might be obtained from the proposed sales.
While the writer hasn't studied the reports of all the proposed asset sales, the
obscurantism of the FPQ report and the state budget generally does not
encourage the view that enlightenment would be easily found;
As noted in the above examples there seems to be a particular need to
the capital accounts - especially those of GOCs;
whether tactics such as those reportedly used by Greece (with connivance
by financial engineers) to conceal public debts [1]
may have been used;
why Queensland lost its AAA credit rating (as there was a $13.1bn fall
in net financial wealth during 2008-09 which can't be explained by declining
revenues due to the GFC, and hasn't even been mentioned); and
how much Queensland's net financial position can be improved by
privatising assets.
Second there appear to be grounds for concern about
conflicts of interest in
relation to current privatisation proposals.
the possible conflicts of interest involving: political lobbyists; private
infrastructure promoters; and the QIC that were
suggested by the Airport Link
the presentation to the state government of information about its dire
financial position by private financial entities who might profit from
particular types of solutions [1];
the (about) $200m fees that could be paid to those who package the
assets for sale [1];
the lack of clarity about the financial position
of the various assets which the government proposes to sell. The way in
which valuations have been reached, and the existing associated government
debts are unclear;
the lack of clarity about the commercial value
of such assets;
the possibility that QIC (holding public service superannuation funds)
might be a significant customer for some assets which government sold
- which could result in funds that are supposed to be invested for the
benefit of state superannuants might be mis-used to underwrite the
government's financial predicament.
For both the above reasons, the establishment of an independent capacity to
evaluate Queensland's financial position seems to be long overdue.
Third, the risk of significant market failures associated with the
proposed privatisations needs to be considered. This question, which can't be
addressed purely in fiscal terms, does not seem to have been considered worthy
of analysis.
Show: why this needs attention
This needs attention because there are examples of privatisations which have not been in the
public interest (eg consider
Dalrymple Bay Coal loader; difficulties in
developing telecommunications given monopoly infrastructure retained by
Telstra when it was privatised; disputes in relationship between privately
controlled Sydney Airport and airport users; large increases in electricity
prices associated with privatisation of Queensland's electricity assets). Moreover there were
environmental goals originally associated with government involvement in
forestry development that can't be dealt with by treating Forestry Plantations
Queensland simply as a 'business'.
Fourth, the expectation that large budget deficits should be incurred
to reduce the intensity of a presumably shallow and short term economic
contraction appears unwise. Though the
issues involved in
the GFC are extremely complex (and thus can't be comprehensively dealt with
here), it seems unlikely that the economic downturn will be of short duration or
ended by resumption of traditional patterns of growth.
Show: why
The current economic strategy in the face of the GFC
seems to be: spend and hope.
However the GFC is unlikely to end quickly or painlessly because of the
relationship between the financial crisis and the global financial imbalances
which have emerged in recent years.
In simple term those imbalances (reflected in current account deficits in the US (mainly),
and the accumulation of large foreign exchange reserves by Japan, Germany, and
various emerging economies, most notably China) have arisen from the way in which
US monetary
policy was used to counter-balance the demand-deficits which have been a by-product of
export-driven economic strategies (see
Understanding East Asian Economic Models).
In many cases the growth prospects of emerging economies (including China
which has been important to Queensland's economic future) and also Japan
depend on ongoing export driven growth. If their growth were to be driven by
domestic demand, currency crises must emerge under Western-style financial
regimes which expect capital to be used profitably. This issue was
raised obliquely
by André Lara Resende (a prominent Brazilian economist and former central
However neither the US nor anyone else is positioned to provide the demand
for exports which emerging economies need to continue growing once their
accumulated foreign exchange reserves are depleted (in say 2-3 years) if their
growth has to be driven by domestic demand.
It appears that the US has not written off a great deal of the bad debts
in its banking system, as doing so would have led to a near-depression. As
toxic assets have remained on the books, the US's economy will be stagnant
for many years (as Japan's was in the 1990s) while new income is used to
settle old debts. Europe's predicament seems similar to the US in terms of
unresolved bad debts.
Thus, while deficit spending to reduce the impact of the economic downturn
gives the appearance of solving the economic problem in the short-term, it is
unlikely to be enough in the medium to longer term.
The risk of an economic shock to Queensland is further compounded by the
dependence which economic growth has acquired on rapid population increase. If high
unemployment, high costs and high taxes adversely affect immigration flows, this
could further weaken economic demand.
Serious efforts to boost the supply side of Queensland's economy are needed
(to grow out of recession), rather than accumulation of huge debts (and hoping
that these will be dealt with by resumption of growth similar to that in the
past) as such debts will simply constrain future growth and enforce ongoing sale
of public assets. Methods whereby the supply side might be strengthened are
suggested in
A Case for Innovative
Economic Leadership - with an initial focus on capabilities
relevant (for example) to: (a) agribusiness; (b) minerals and energy; (c) growth
oriented SMEs; and (d) larger regional economies.
An expert / practitioner panel to provide advice to business and community leaders about the
economic outlook and enterprising options for enhancing economic systems (as well as raw material for political debate) appears highly
Fifth there is undoubtedly a need for reform of Australia's tax
system so that
states are not left with a narrow vulnerable tax base (see
Vertical Fiscal Imbalance).
However there is also a need for this so that state political leaders are given financial
incentives to take economic development more seriously (see
Economic Development
Finally there is a desperate need for better
support to the community's elected representative from a professional Public
Professionals are more likely to generate
practical action to address infrastructure needs than are the cronies and
'yes men' whose dominance has been promoted since the early 1990s to ensure
unquestioning political compliance. Proposals for reform were referred to
Queensland's 2009-10 Budget
Stress: The Tip of an Iceberg?.
Given a truly professional Public Service the
size, cost and complexity of the public sector could probably be reduced (eg by
boosting demand and creating a market framework for private initiative in cases
where market gaps are perceived which would currently be filled by growth of
government services; and by development of independent institutions for dealing
with emerging social, economic and environmental demands in ways that inhibit
the emergence of 'red tape').
The corporatisation model (instituted by the Goss
Government for 'semi' government' functions) was always an unworkable compromise
(op cit) - as also is the public
private partnership concept in many cases. The public and private sectors
need to be distinct - in order to reduce the
growth of crony capitalism as much as
anything else. The latter is a serious risk for Queensland because of its
'state corporatist' /
'agrarian socialist' history (under which a supposedly 'private' sector
seeks to be seen as an agent / extension of the state).
Attention in relation to
the 2007-08 budget focussed on the very large commitment to infrastructure
spending to overcome backlogs, and to deal with the challenge of rapid population
increase through interstate migrations.
Significant published assessments of Queensland's 2005-06 budget are outlined
in Public Finance notes from June
The budget was generally well received by business [1],
and viewed favourably by commentators (though with reservations).
Show: examples
The latter suggested, for example, that:
Queensland's budget - recently in deficit - is now very strong because of
economic good luck. Gradual economic diversification will reduce future
revenue difficulties - though an economic shock in China could be a problem.
Growth at well above the national average will continue [1];
this budget may be as good as it gets. Economic growth is based on a boom
in China and India. Changes by the Grants Commission could take Queensland's
hand away from the 'national cookie jar', while high levels of infrastructure
spending will make financial situation tighter [1];
budget is economically responsible and fiscally generous. Social spending
showed a government with heart, while impact of population boom was coped
with. Funding for Smart State was based on desire to increase contribution to
economic growth from labour productivity. The budget indicated that revenue
will be tighter in future [1]
budget is one of Queensland's best. Business will be happy with high
economic growth and surplus. Large infrastructure spending reveals long term
thinking and 'pump priming'. Regional spending is high. Support for R&D and
teachers will convince those sceptical of Smart State. A change to Grant's
Commission's formula - because of Queensland's rapid growth - could end the
financial party [1].
The budget was criticized by the
Opposition only on the basis of tax rates and reliance on Commonwealth
funding [1,
3]. Commerce Queensland
criticized the budget for: having a surplus rather than spending more; not
spending on particular projects; and failure to further reform / reduce business
taxes [1].
its generally favourable reception Queensland's 2005-06 budget seems irresponsible, because:
a very high level of capital expenditure is proposed in the face of a
resource driven construction boom, which is already facing escalating costs
because of capacity constraints;
a level of recurrent spending is being established as normal on the basis of revenues
gained at what must be the peak
of an economic boom; and
Queensland does not seem to have a reliable administrative capability to use effectively the resources the
budget provides.
The budget's high level of capital spending was presented as a counterbalance
to a projected economic slowdown [1].
None-the-less the proposed rate of capital works spending seems irresponsible. The 2005-06
budget involved $8bn in state capital spending (a 30% increase, following a 20%
increase the year before) [1]. There are
already construction cost blowouts because of construction capacity constraints
[1], and the premier
indicated that a skills shortage was likely to lead to overheating [1],
Moreover spending proposals may not have been well considered. For example, proposals to upgrade specific infrastructure to meet future demands for coal
transport were described as 'irrational exuberance' and likely to be
sub-optimal by a major mining company [1].
Queensland's budget proposes recurrent spending of $25.7bn, a 6.8% increase
roughly in line with the 6.2% revenue growth in the previous year - though
overall revenue growth is projected to stall in 2005-06 [1]
Furthermore the budget also involved the start of a major borrowing program
to fund infrastructure [1].
Government trading enterprises face a projected $10bn deficit over the next 4
years [1], and the
government is 10% in deficit overall in 2005-06 according to Standard and Poors
[1]. Wage cost pressures are
likely due to low unemployment [1].
The overall budget outcome, moreover, is forecast to fall $2bn pa over the next
4 years [1] - mainly
because of infrastructure spending and tax cuts. One observer suggested that it
may become necessary to borrow for ordinary operations [1].
The premier pointed out that the future budget position will be much more
difficult due to the large infrastructure program [1].
When the Health System's Review produced concluded that there seemed to be
very large funding shortfalls affecting Queensland's health system (eg a
failure of funding to match population growth and a deficiency of 2000
doctors), the premier indicated that future budget surpluses would be devoted
to this [1].
Queensland has long faced underlying difficulties in its public finances
as outlined below.
Reasons for this include: above-average population growth which
counterbalances above-average economic growth; infrastructure
backlogs; past reliance on asset stripping and creative accounting to balance
the budget; uncertain return on financial assets in a financial market
reversal; an economic structure which assumes low taxes - and presses for
further tax cuts [1]; cost
pressures; under-funding of apparent spending obligations; and interstate
pressure to treat Queensland less generously in distributing federal funds.
These pressures have been offset recently (to an un-quantified extent) by
large revenue gains associated with property and commodity booms [1,
3]. However those gains are
likely to be temporary and the high levels of recurrent spending that are being
committed will be difficult to unwind. Financial difficulties are likely when
the booms end [1,
2]. Queensland spent
revenue as it became available rather than building up a surplus during the boom [1].
Some reasons to suspect that
the current economic booms (and the revenue gains they generated) could be transitory are:
for more than a decade
demand in the global
economy has been highly dependent on a credit boom - for reasons outlined in Structural
Incompatibility puts Global Growth at Risk. In
essence, a rapid rate of credit growth has been both caused (and
self-justified) by:
asset price
increases (initially in equities and later in real estate) as the foundation for
(a) consumer spending in the US (and also
in Australia) that considerably exceeds income,
and (b) export driven growth in Asia;
a huge expansion of
unprofitable investments in production capacity / infrastructure in
East Asia - which translates into losses in banking systems that can
only be protected so long as there is a large current account surplus.
this situation reflects a self-generating 'bubble' - though when (if?) the
associated financial imbalances that concern central bankers [1,
2] will cause
it to deflate / explode is uncertain. Ultimately the 'bubble' depends
on the US's ability to borrow, which must be approaching a limit [1];
Australia's commodity boom depends
heavily on demand from China, one of the principals in this 'bubble'.
China also faces various other unexamined sources of potential economic dislocation - such
as domestic discontent and environmental stresses (see China's Development: Assessing the Implications);
there are signs of overcapacity due to over-investment. For example,
massive overcapacity, and a collapse in profits, have emerged in vehicle
production by investment on the assumption of continued 70% pa growth in
domestic demand which has not eventuated [1].
Capacity utilization in many industries, which have been developed with little
regard for market demand, seems to have fallen (eg to around 60%).
the commodity boom is likely to end in 2 years - as other producers come
on stream. Australia has not chandelled the boom well because it has over
invested at the peak [1]
there seem likely to be limits to what can be achieved by simply
continuing the economic reform process which has aided past growth [1]
- see also
Australia's Strategic Positioning: The Challenge to Leaders.
Queensland in particular faces serious unmet economic challenges (see Queensland's Economic Strategy),
while efforts to diversify the economy through Smart State seem to be merely
a pretence to gain ill-informed political applause (see Commentary on Smart State).
The suggestion by Queensland's Treasurer that conservative Treasury estimates
exaggerated the projected decline in Queensland's budget surplus over the next
few years [1] could be well
wide of the mark. Australia's Reserve Bank has however suggested that the
potential risks to global growth suggested above could be managed [1].
The claimed budget outcomes are uncertain, noting the inclusion of
earnings by the Queensland Investment Corporation in the budget bottom line though this can't be used in
consolidated revenue. Other examples of apparent creative accounting in Queensland's
recent history (see below) also cast doubt on the budget
Sustainability is also at risk because of
dubious Grants Commission
arrangements for horizontal equalization which (in effect) provide a subsidy to Queensland at the expense of
other major states because Queensland's economy is geared to activities that maximize
state taxes but are relatively unproductive (and thus weak in generating income
taxes and GST relative to the state's population and share of public spending).
Pressure for review of this arrangement continues [1].
The Treasurer's argument that Queensland only gets its population share of payments [1]
is not the point, because the problem is Queensland's limited contribution to
national tax receipts.
It has been suggested that Queensland needs a broader tax base to provide the
base for lower tax rates [1].
Administrative Capability
The effectiveness with which resources are used is as important as the
quantity of resources which are made available - and recent administrative
disasters in Queensland
(electricity network development,
health system,
child protection) combined with
indications that similar difficulties are pervasive do not lead to
certainty that money will be well spent [1,
There are indications that Queensland has serious social problems - see
Commentary on Is the Smart State a Just State.
The latter document also suggests that those problems can not be solved
by just throwing money at them - as this is likely to result in nothing but an
increase in publicly funded welfare services which increase dependency. However
the budget seems to have done just that [1].
Despite the rapid increases in public spending that has occurred, there are indications that the pressure for significant tax increases and new taxes are likely to become irresistible.
Show: indicators
General indicators are:
Queensland's rapid 'sunstate' growth (which seemed to be triggered
initially by low taxes and costs, and then became self-sustaining) has
generated demands for high levels of public spending - which have temporarily
been supported by a property boom [1].
Queensland's interstate migration (of 700 per week) has both benefits and
costs. Difficulties have arisen as a result in electricity, health and water. [1]
Queensland's revenue and spending effort, which had been 80% of the
national average in the 1980s, was increased in the 1990s to well over 90% of the
national average expenditure without yet any corresponding increase on the
revenue side (see QCU 2003-04
Budget Submission);
'balancing' Queensland's recent budgets appeared to require a good deal of
'creative accounting' (seeEnron-itis;
About the 2003-04 Budget; and assertions by
Commerce Queensland [1]);
cost pressure due to accelerating wage increases are expected
Australia wide [1,
3]. These will affect
all state governments [1].
skills shortage [1,
the effect of slowdown in gains from property price rises [1] and international competition for skilled staff [1]
seems also likely to force up wage costs;
large pay rises had to be provided to VMOs to prevent a mass resignation
from Queensland hospitals [1]
subsidies will need to be provided for rural electricity consumers
if the monopolies that Energex and Ergon have on electricity supply are
eliminated [1]
QRail's ability to cope with competition in its bulk coal haulage
business (which provides most of the profits that are provided to government
as dividends) is seen to be in doubt - along with the state's corporatised
governance model for GOCs [1].
Queensland's government owned electricity industry had been treated as a
'cash cow' [1,
2] and future reform
could be associated with reduced dividends as well as a need to inject new
capital and pay what have been hidden subsidies directly. In particular:
former directors of government electricity companies (Ergon and Energex)
have alleged that government forced them to invent false profits to pay
dividends to support the government's budget as this was under heavy pressure [1]
an independent panel found that a massive program of rebuilding
the electricity distribution system is needed - because, in focusing on improving
financial results, there has been little attention to developing the network
for years [1];
community-service-obligation payments would be required from Treasury to
rural consumers to maintain uniform tariffs if full retail competition is
introduced [1] and
consumers in SE Queensland can thus no longer forced to pay a hidden subsidy
(see Queensland's
Rejection of Retail Electricity Competition);
Queensland's capital expenditure seems like a 'magic pudding' eg:
spending was returned to above $5bn pa in 2003-04
[1] similar to the
historically very high levels achieved in the late 1990s which was (a) seen to
account for 1/3 of capital expenditure by all states [1]
and (b) apparently funded by stripping the assets of GOCs - a practice which
now seems much less feasible. The Government had previously described $5bn pa capital spending as
unsustainable without tax rises [1], and in 2002-03 capital spending had reverted to $3bn pa.
there are suggestions that even higher levels of infrastructure investment
are needed [1,
2]; However:
the option
favoured by the state government to increase infrastructure investment, ie Public Private Partnerships, can not
actually allow this to be achieved [D].
The premier suggested that it was extremely important for the
private sector to become more involved in funding transport infrastructure [1].
In this he did not specifying whether this investment would be re-couped from
users or from taxpayers - which is a critical question as, if taxpayers
remain the ultimate purchaser, private borrowing to finance transport
infrastructure can not increase the total feasible investment (and might
actually reduce it due to their higher borrowing costs);
the Queensland Treasury Corporation is likely to borrow $6.7bn in 2005-06
(of which $2.5bn would be for new capital investment) in addition to
investments associated with the SEQ regional plan
proposals for $8bn in state capital spending (a 30% increase) emerged in
2005-06 budget [1]. This
high level of spending is mainly about overcoming past problems (eg
those in electricity supply) rather than addressing emerging problems (eg
those in water supply) [1]
the future budget position will be much tighter due to large
infrastructure program [1]
in 2004 substantial cost increases due to a building boom required the whole
capital works program to be rescheduled [1].
In 2005 large investments linked to a resources boom were already forcing
a 30% increase in project costs [1].
The premier argued that a skills shortage associated with large
infrastructure investments could led to overheating [1];
and also to a cost blow-out
that would require government to seek skills overseas. [1]
In 2006 the costof state
government's infrastructure plan for SEQ increased $11bn
apparently due to rapidly rising construction costs.[1]
there is no reason to expect that Queensland would avoid problems (eg rising
costs, lengthening delays) which are suspected in Victoria because of
difficulties in managing record infrastructure programs in the face of loss of
specialist skills, political priorities and interstate competition for skills [1]
expenditures of over $1bn pa have been seen as required to address backlogs in infrastructure investment
that emerged in
the decade to 1994, and to meet standards to larger
Australian states and international comparisons [1]
very substantial deficiencies exist in Queensland infrastructure - according
to IEAust's Queensland Infrastructure Report Card [1]
the cost of upgrading dams to meet safety standards has led to delays
water shortages are looming in many centers without significant
spending [1]
Australia invests considerably less in water infrastructure than other OECD
countries [1] - despite the fact
that it arguably the driest inhabited continent;
questions have also been raised about the adequacy of spending on state services
[1], and an apparent backlog
in school maintenance [1,
2]. Secrecy about the state
of school repairs implies that there could be a problem [1]
the Government agreed to reduce class sizes and increase teachers' salaries
2] which had previously been
resisted on financial grounds . Many equally-resisted similar claims (eg from
nurses - see Enterprise
bargaining) will presumably also be conceded;
the appears to be a massive growth in demand for social support services which is
overwhelming current systems (see outline of 2003 conference onIs the Smart State a
Just State?).
QCOSS has argued that very large increases in funding are required to
sustain disability support and homelessness services [1]
the cost of upgrading Queensland's child protection services has been
seen to be substantial [1],
and various interest groups have questioned the government's willingness /
ability to
meet those costs [1,
2]. [The Treasurer however suggested that
funding would be no problem as Queensland's budget position was sound [1]].
By late 2005, after large increases in funding reports of abuses had
escalated, many were not being properly investigated and the system was seen
to be on the verge of being under-funded again. [1];
a government report suggested that funding rapid growth in SE Queensland
was impossible without user pays or tax increases [1];
Queensland's hospitals were seen a few years ago to be facing an 'unsalvageable
funding crisis' [1].
Health costs are growing rapidly and placing pressure on state budgets [1]. Moreover all states are claiming that the 5 year Commonwealth / state agreements for future funding of hospitals
likely to increase pressure [1,
2], while
doctors and others claim chronic under-funding [1,
2]. The
government was alleged to have used misleading statements about the gains
from GST revenue to avoid increasing health funding [1],
and to have made a large populist pre-election funding commitment for
elective surgery though there are many higher priority needs [1]. Queensland
Health is seen to have become overcommitted and to have to cut back services
A large number of other allegations of under-funding are detailed under the 'Health'
topic on Queensland's Ongoing Challenges. While state spending on
health has been rising, health costs have risen much faster [1]
a Review of Queensland's health systems found: evidence of
inadequate staff training in hospitals because of a lack of time [1];
overall funding has not kept pace with population growth [1];
funding and staffing levels were well below interstate relativities (with a
need for 2000 additional doctors) [1]; and staff pay levels were below interstate relativities [This
all suggests that
fixing these problems could be costly. The premier indicated that future
budget surpluses would be devoted to this [1] ].
The final report of that Review suggested a need for $1.5bn pa in increased
spending [1], which Premier reportedly hoped might be funded by increased
revenues from mining (and other sources)
without the need to increase taxes. [1]
[However optimistic projections of revenues from mining may be unreliable -
see comments on [1];
while those proposed on interstate relocations [1]
would arguably be unconstitutional]
an analyst suggested that health costs were likely to triple by 2020 [1];
local authorities reportedly see themselves as facing a financing crisis
because of cost shifting by commonwealth and state governments [1,
2]. The Australian Local Government Association demanded an increased share of federal revenues -
because Councils' ability to fund infrastructure (roads / sewers) was at
breaking point. [1]
the Federal Government is increasing pressure on the states to:
pay more
of the cost of roads [1].
Transferring responsibility for substantial road costs to the states is seen
as one effect of the Auslink program [1];
meet part
of the shortfall in funding for tertiary education [1];
pay more of
the cost of essential services generally [1];
the Federal Opposition wishes to pass full responsibility for funding Roads
of National Interest to the states [1];
the development of a strategy to finance transport infrastructure is very
difficult - eg an analysis showed a $5bn black hole in road maintenance
funding and a $1bn pa shortfall in funding for transport in SE Queensland [1];
electricity distribution systems in SE Queensland are overloaded and old
[1]. The government was
forced to reverse a decision to draw large 'special dividends' from
electricity companies because of their problems with failing infrastructure [1];
the effect on the budget bottom line of Queensland's net financial assets
is uncertain, and the government warned that this might
increase pressure for tax rises [1]
- though in 2003 assets have again been improving the budget bottom
line [1];
new taxes have reportedly been under consideration [1,
4] - and the Opposition
claims that large numbers of new taxes and tax increases above inflation have
already been introduced [1]
funding difficulties have been reported as due to:
over-commitment in 2004 election; building cost increases; higher than
expected cost of implementing child safety reform [1]
the State government proposes extending its hard-line policies on
hospital patients (restricting services to poorest and making others pay) into
areas of public housing [1].
This reflects a fundamental shift away from welfare state concepts.
On the other hand a reputable consultant's analysis has suggested (on an
unknown basis) that states are in a position where they could eliminate some
inefficient taxes (which would give a boost to growth) [1]
Offsetting these pressures will be temporary increases in stamp duties'
revenue (for as long as a property boom / bubble lasts).
The property boom (and profits on
equities held by state superannuation funds whose inclusion in the government's
operating result is problematical) provided the basis for bringing
Queensland's 2002-03 budget into surplus [1]
- and in turn the launching of a proposal for $1.4bn additional
borrowing for infrastructure as one basis of a 2004 state election campaign [1].
However the dependence of this which has grown will make its ending painful [1],
and a very substantial fall in state receipts from stamp duties is expected
in 2004-05 [1]
However neither the tax windfall nor the $1bn infrastructure package will
reduce the pressure for substantial tax rises in Queensland in future.
However it might proveimpossible to overcome looming problems
in state financing no
matter what is done to try to increase state revenue.
Show: details
There are constraints (see below)
on Queensland's ability to increase revenue by raising taxes related to:
the weakness of Queensland's tax base;
the dependence of the industrial structure on low taxes (and rapid
population growth);
the limited control states have over most of their revenues (which
amongst other things severely limits the amount that can be borrowed
for infrastructure without a significant rise in state tax rates); and
the need for nationally and internationally competitive tax rates.
Moreover, there is pressure to reduce / eliminate existing taxes eg:
there is an expectation that financially significant existing
state taxes would be removed as a result of the introduction of GST [1] -
especially stamp duties [1]
and payroll tax [1];
the federal government presses states to cut taxes because they
receive GST revenues [1].
the federal Opposition has expressed concern about the social
impacts of state reliance on gambling revenues [1];
taxes on families have been decreasing in most OECD countries - but
increasing in Australia [1];
it has been argued that Queensland is overcharging electricity consumers
(by not introducing retail competition) in order to be able to extract
special dividends from government-owned electricity utilities and to reduce
the need for borrowing [1].
And, tax rises may encounter political resistance unless there is
a perception that the money would be productively spent - and favourable
perceptions may not exist given the emergence of complaints
from many interest groups about performance.
Given that most state revenues are raised by Commonwealth taxes, one
logical place to look for an increase in state revenues is at
Commonwealth taxation and expenditures. However, even ignoring political
constraints, this may be no panacea - because:
despite a surprise 2002-03 surplus [1] there are constraints and
increasing demands on federal revenues (see
Federal - state fiscal imbalances). Facing large demands for health, education, aged care, child care,
the Federal
had a budget surplus of few billion dollars - which is drop in the bucket given
the estimated $1bn
pa deficit in infrastructure investment in SE Queensland (alone) in transport (alone)
the federal government has adopted a highly centralist stance -
which involves an apparent desire to reduce state roles (op cit);
likely changes in the pattern of economic growth would slow the
rapid growth of GST revenues which the federal government collects for
the states [1];
other major states are seeking
a reduction in the
large subsidies their taxpayers have provided to Queensland due to its
weak tax base (under the horizontal
equalization principles the Grants Commission applies to Commonwealth payments
to states). The Prime Minister seemed informed about their case
and the Grants Commission itself apparently believes that its formulas
need to be rethought [1].
Also it seems to be in
Queensland's long term interests to phase out this subsidy. In early
2006, changes were made to Grants Commission formulas which reduced the
funding available to Queensland (and WA) [1,
factors which improve the state's own taxing capabilities (eg
mineral boom which increases royalties) are taken into account by
Grant's Commission and result in reduced shares of GST revenues [1]
In the medium term one way to provide states with revenue more in
accordance with their responsibilities and to provide an incentive for
serious economic strategies might involve restoring personal income
taxing powers to the states [see
Another alternative which might be considered to restore the balance
between state revenues and expenditures might involve the imposition of
death duties which would (a) increase state revenue and (b) reduce
interstate migration and the pressure which this imposes on state
In the short-medium term a significant future deterioration in economic conditions is
possible which would seriously erode existing revenues (including those
collected on states' behalf by the Commonwealth), so even with tax rises increased revenue
is not assured -see The
Potential for Economic Instability.
In the medium term, there are emerging
signs of a need for
further very difficult structural changes in Queensland's / Australia's
economy if strong growth is to be achieved.
[2004-05 Budget]
About the 2004-05 Budget
[NOT COMPLETE OR meaningful]
Significant published assessments of Queensland's 2004-05 budget are outlined
in Public Finance notes from June
Show: Key points
Key points include:
the budget position in 2003-04 was substantially improved by turn-around
in earnings on invested assets (which contributed $1bn after 2 years of
losses), and large stamp duty payments (up $500m to $1.8bn) associated with
a property boom [1], as
well as by increased GST revenues (up $600m) [1].
Much of the increased investment income will not be retained. Stamp duty
payments are forecast to fall $400m in 2004/05 (to $1.4bn) [1].
Thus increased spending in 2004-05 is likely to be financed by borrowing
and GST. Underlying pressure for tax increases are still there.
2003-04 surplus is not as good as it seems because Queensland fully funds its superannuation commitments so
that gains and losses in QIC's investment portfolio show up in the budget
operating result [though they do not provide a cash source which government
can draw upon]. Past deficits were influenced by
poor investment returns [1].
Because of the distorting effect of returns on super funds these are likely
to be excluded in future [1].
government appears to intend to borrow for industrial development projects
[1] which is probably
inappropriate - quite apart from poor policy basis for those programs;
Queensland's population boom (principally in SEQ) both increases revenues
- and creates large increases in spending demands [1].
How this will balance out is anything but clear.
there is nothing outstanding as major contributions to improving arterial
roads - money is being spent but it has to cover a lot of territory
Smart State Development Fund was announced in October 2003 - involving
borrowing of $1.4bn for infrastructure - $400m for City Train and the balance
for education, health and transport facilities [1].
A need to define what it would be used for has been suggested [1]
rapid economic growth, which has been achieved from domestic consumption
and housing construction due to population inflow, is assumed to now have to
be maintained through exports [1]
- an assumption that seems most problematical (see
Difficult Trading
What effect will capital spending have on budget when boom over - it will stimulate economy which
will generate revenues.
What is the actual need relative to booming population gains. Note classic naive local authority
The additional infrastructure spending will simply accelerate existing
capital works programs - and does not involve any additional initiatives to
deal with apparent infrastructure backlog in SEQ. It would merely prevent
the backlog from further increasing [1]
Building program prior to 2004 election was based on property tax windfall [1]
Significant published assessments of Queensland's 2003-04 budget are outlined
in Public Finance notes from June
Show: Key points
Key points include:
Queensland's 2002-03 budget was in deficit ($350m) for the third
successive year [1]
[CPDS Comment: It is possible that federal governments could
expect states to assume large additional funding responsibilities. For
example, difficulties that the federal government is experiencing in
funding tertiary education are being seen as requiring top-up funding by
the states which they can 'afford' because of the GST [1]]
Queensland's budget outcome has been adversely affected by global
financial markets [1,
because of the way gains in superannuation funds directly affect the bottom
line [1]
[CPDS Comment: in earlier years gains from the financial market
boom were relied up to support large increases in spending]
the budget position has been improved by a property boom, and federal
grants [1,
revaluation of assets has been used to improve the budget bottom line [1,
[CPDS Comment: many of those assets have no realizable cash
special dividend payments were sought from GOCs on the basis of their
revaluation reserves
- a practice whose legality the Auditor General has sought legal advice
about [1];
a total of over $1bn has been obtained from GOCs as special dividends
over the past 4 years [1]
[CPDS Comment: Much greater amounts appeared to have been taken
over the preceding four years - see
Note 53]
cash is being drawn from GOCs to support the state budget using
accounting tricks - and this undermines the purpose of corporatisation whose
goal was to shield government enterprises from such manipulation [1].
Such asset stripping was seen by the Treasurer as a way of preventing the
money from being mis-spent [1]
and improving accountability - though this practice will reduce future income
and can not continue indefinitely [1,
[CPDS Comment: Entities that are subject to both user-pays
competition and political directives are very likely eventually to
present large financial losses to taxpayers (see
Note 76)]
Queensland benefits from transfers at the expense of taxpayers in other
states because that is the way the Commonwealth Grants Commission works
[CPDS Comment: Queensland benefits from
horizontal equalization payments from the Commonwealth because it has
a weak tax base as a result of economic strategies that have encouraged
the growth of low productivity industries]
Queensland's balance sheet is the strongest in Australia [1]
[CPDS Comment: Queensland's balance sheet is not the
soundest in Australia when account is taken of relatively low
non-financial assets - which also suggests chronic under-investment in such assets
- see QCU Forum on Government
Spending / Revenue
Furthermore a strong financial balance sheet is only really able to be
translated (by borrowing) into increased public capital spending
(assuming that it is not good practice to borrow for re-current spending)
- and there are serious constraints on re-current spending which might be
further adversely affected by the ongoing cost of supporting additional
capital assets].
Queensland's financial position appears to be excellent - though there
are economic risks [1]
It is not possible to seriously criticize Queensland's overall financial
position [1]
[CPDS Comment: There appear to be flaws in each of the reasons
given for this view [1]]
[CPDS Comment: there is
limited scope for increasing state revenue through increased state
Queensland's forecast future surplus depends on a 7.5% return on equity
assets - which seems optimistic [1,
Industry groups generally praised the budget, because (a) financial
assets remained sound despite recent deficits (b) Smart State strategy is
enhancing the business environment and (c) Queensland's low tax status is valued
[CPDS Comments: Queensland suffers a major problem in that there
are few independent institutions able to provide competent economic or
public policy inputs to political debates (see Queensland's
Weak Parliament).
Smart State is purely for political appearances -
as the main constraint on the growth of innovative enterprises is the
lack of commercial capabilities, and this is not aided by public funding
of education / training / R&D (seeComment on
Smart State] or by government 'assistance'
services to firms. There are some indications that it is finally being
recognized internally that Smart State is merely a political slogan,
rather than a serious policy [1,
In brief published assessments of
the Queensland's 2002 budget might be summarised as follows:
the 2002 budget is socially responsible under difficult circumstances
- though it lacks initiatives relevant to business. In particular greater
infrastructure spending seems to be expected;
regarding Queensland's $486m operating deficit in 2001-02 it is
variously suggested that:
the real deficit is even greater, because losses by Government
Owned Corporations have not been included in the consolidated
government account;
Queensland's operating deficits are not significant because of the
state's relatively sound net asset position. In fact the deficit is
largely the result of losses on financial assets;
government should be far more willing to borrow to fund investment
- and there are many areas where increased spending is needed;
budgeted revenue depends on projected economic growth - and observers
are unsure whether the growth estimate is over- or under-stated;
large staff wage rises could undermine the budget.
Unfortunately published assessments of Queensland's 2002 budget appear to
be superficial, and to have overlooked related issues that suggest real
difficulties. In particular:
A. There are indications that Queensland's public accounts may have been
infected with a touch of 'Enron-itis' (ie misrepresentation of assets and
liabilities in the capital account). For example:
Show: details
the present state government has had a miraculous ability (which
its predecessors lacked) to find tens or hundreds of millions of
dollars to devote to each of numerous favoured projects with much
less apparent impact on the budget than might have been expected;
current accounting standards (especially GFS practices) have
been claimed to allow governments to do the sorts of things
that Enron had to break the rules to achieve [1]
assets of Government Owned Corporations were stripped - without
it being clear what was actually happening - noting that in recent
years a poorly-explained $2bn pa item called 'equity return' has
appeared (and disappeared) in the budget;
government borrowing has been
removed from the budget - by making this part of the
consolidated capital position of individual departments. Under an
accrual accounting system there is scope for manipulating the value
of assets (to offset liabilities) - especially where assets are
valued at estimated depreciated replacement cost;
losses incurred by GOCs
have apparently been ignored in calculating the operating deficit in
the 2002 state budget - according to Opposition statements. [Moreover there is a huge risk in the longer
term of large losses by GOCs and other commercialized entities that
are subject to both political direction and to user-pays
$220m was 'raided' from a fund set up to protect property
consumers [1];
Earnings by Queensland's superannuation funds have been
consolidated with general public finance so as to make the operating
result look a lot better than it actually was during periods of
rapid share market growth, and now making the operating result look
worse (Madigan M 'Budget in confusion after super funds used as
prop', CM, 2/11/02)
the Auditor
General is reportedly concerned [1]
about the need for more details of arrangements made with the
private sector. Note also:
Queensland has a growing propensity
for 'buying' industry, and some
arrangements could be creating future liabilities that (under an
accrual budgeting system) should be included in the
annual operating accounts;
a preliminary undertaking appeared to be given inadvertently
to provide a very large (say $2bn) subsidy
for establishing a PNG gas pipeline;
the Auditor general has also expressed the view that some
departmental reporting to Parliament is inaccurate and misleading [1];
the Auditor General has requested advice about Government
proposals to draw special dividend payments to itself from the asset
revaluation reserves of it electricity GOCs [1].
Such 'reserves' are purely a book entry and have a most uncertain
cash value;
State governments, who provide insurance over state hospitals,
might face huge liabilities from the large
damages awards that have bankrupted medical insurers;
the actual cost of the re-development of Suncorp
Stadium (estimated at $280m) was claimed (by a respected political
analyst) to be open-ended and hidden in a 'web of financial
fictions' (Fitzgerald R 'Political football now has a home ground', Courier
politicisation of the bureaucracy (which has easiest access to
information about any irregularities) has neutralized its ability to
act independently in the public interest;
previous misuse of capital funds for re-current spending (which
was later referred to by some observers as the 'Worldcom' syndrome,
though it also seems to characterise
East Asian systems of socio-political-economy) was
alleged in relation one member of Queensland's Government (personal
communication from a senior public service source);
B. Published assessments of the 2002 budget have assessed it mechanically in terms of the quantity of
spending, while ignoring the quality of that spending (ie whether
it is likely to achieve desired and constructive outcomes).
C. Queensland faces growing financial difficulties and concerns about
ineffectual economic strategies and public administration (see
2001 Comments). In particular ......
D. It is proving difficult to meet expectations related to
infrastructure funding
Show: more
In brief: Until a few years ago the Queensland Government had been
spending about $3bn pa on infrastructure. The present
Government increased this to $5bn pa - apparently mainly using money
stripped from the assets of Government Owned Corporations (by forcing them to increase
their debts in order to make an equity return to government - see
Note 53).
In 2002-03
state infrastructure
spending has been reduced to about $3bn pa (presumably because asset stripping has become harder and
the budget position is very
To compensate funding infrastructure through Private Public
Partnerships (PPPs) has been proposed - with reference to projects worth $2bn.
the public sector remains the ultimate purchaser for most
infrastructure on behalf of the public no matter who initially
finances the project;
increased infrastructure investment through user-charges could
be employed without using PPPs;
anticipated cost savings through efficiency seem likely to be
lost in the complexity of contact management - because of the
character of public goods and services.
Thus Queensland could be thrown back onto looking for some
other means for financing a large quantum of spending on additional
infrastructure services.
It should also be noted that business
observers (and some others) have claimed that Queensland's
annual infrastructure capital spending really needs to be much more than
$3bn (eg perhaps as much as $7bn PER ANNUM) to
catch up with backlogs created in the 1980s and 1990s and with
the effect of population growth - and to create an
attractive business environment. Queensland's large geographical
area and decentralized character also pose infrastructure challenges,
as it is hard to adequately fund both regional Queensland and the
rapid population growth in SE Queensland.
only a very small fraction of state revenues are determined by
state policy (see Note 81). Thus quite
large changes in state-determined taxes might be needed to achieve
a modest increase in overall income. [An aside: The main growth tax that the
states (indirectly) have access to is the GST, and proposals for an
increase in the GST even before it is fully bedded down might not be
well received by the public];
Queensland's tax rates are not all that low relative to other
states, with Tasmania's rates reportedly lower overall and Victoria
adopting a highly
competitive tax regime. Furthermore some other services costs are
relatively high;
periodic warnings (of unknown validity) have been given about the
risk of capital
flight from Australia if business taxes are raised; and
Queensland's industrial structure has been built on the basis of
economic strategies in which 'low taxes' were one (though not the only)
critical feature. The state statistician showed the importance of
interstate migration to Queensland's economy [1]. Low taxes are a
factor in the industrial structure not only because of the direct
impact of business taxes, but also indirectly because rapid interstate
migration (which seemed to be triggered by removal of death duties and has
since been influenced by living costs lower than in Sydney and Melbourne) has
caused the demand for construction of housing and related
facilities to be a major driver
of economic growth (and thus of the current industrial structure) especially in SE Queensland.
However it can be noted that (a) Victoria reversed its population outflow,
and was seen to be enjoying the same sort of economic stimulus from
population inflow that Queensland has (see James C. 'Victoria
growing in stature', Financial Review, 17/7/02)
and (b) rising housing prices in Queensland have slowed interstate
migration [1]. Thus the economic
consequences of increasing taxes may not be trivial.
The implications of Queensland's very narrow and weak tax base can be
illustrated by considering the state's limited capacity
to borrow to fund infrastructure (despite its positive net assets). A
rough calculation suggested that if only a 10% increase in state-determined taxes
was considered politically tolerable, then the TOTAL amount which the
state might be able to increase its borrowings might be $7.5bn - which
will not go far if Queensland's capital infrastructure spending needs to
increase by several $bn PER ANNUM as some analysts
have suggested.
A further once-off pool of investment funds might be available if
it is feasible to redirect revenue that is now invested in capital works
towards debt repayment (eg a TOTAL amount of some $25bn might be invested
if about $1.5bn pa of revenue were to be redirected). However,
given the pressure on revenue, this option may no longer exist.
This amount available for investment could be increased to some
extent by application of direct user charges - which would take the
pressure off taxes.
Furthermore well designed investment could itself lead to an increase
in state taxes through expanding the state's tax base by:
increasing economic output - both directly and through a multiplier
effect of investment on community income;
increasing economic productivity though allowing the economy to
develop (ie undergo market-relevant qualitative changes) by providing
economic, social and environmental goods and services which can not be
provided through private investment. For example, economic
productivity is critically dependent on flexible change and there are
always new forms of economic infrastructure subject to market failures
which are needed to support new economic opportunities. Public
investments in social support to the disadvantaged can also raise
productivity by overcoming political resistance to economic change.
Similar effects can be achieved through appropriate environmental
investments in an era where those constraints are increasingly
Strengthening Queensland's tax base by becoming serious about developing the state's
economy might also significantly increase government revenue potential overall (see
comments in About
Public Private Partnerships).
However because of Australia's
unbalanced federal financial system and the Commonwealth Grant's
Commission's horizontal equalization principles, most of the gains
from a stronger tax base in Queensland would be enjoyed by other states (see About Review
of Grants Commission Arrangements). Moreover .....
F. Queensland's economic position is not trouble free, eg:
Show: more
Queensland's already-low average community incomes declined
further against national benchmarks in 2001-02 - despite the Smart
State push supposedly to develop higher value-added industries. This
is shown by the decline of Queensland's economic growth to the
national average while the state's population growth rate remained
much higher (see O'Dwyer and Mathewson below),
which means that Queensland's per capita economic growth was below
the national average.
while a private investment surge is expected to boost
Queensland's economy:
this 'investment surge' now increasingly features projects
that have been significantly subsidized by governments (see
Buying Industry);
some major investments are energy-intensive with very large
greenhouse gas implications, and there are indications that
climatic change is an issue which is going to have to be taken
seriously (eg see article dated
there appears to be
growing competitive challenges to Queensland's economy - perhaps
requiring difficult structural changes.
G. Moreover other major states are apparently increasingly determined to
prevent their taxpayers having to
Queensland - a subsidy which occurs
through interstate transfers of up to $2bn pa in Commonwealth revenues
under the Commonwealth Grants Commission 'horizontal fiscal equalization'
principles because Queensland's
Economic Strategies have created a poorly developed economy and a
weak tax base.
Government used windfall gain from stamp duties to fund new priority
infrastructure and prop up the bottom line for current budget. A $1bn
loss on QIC investments has been blamed for the $486m operating deficit
(with a $382m cash surplus). State's economic growth in 2001-02 fell to
national average of 3.75% for first time in a decade. Overall
infrastructure spending is to fall. Significantly increased funding is to
be provided to child welfare. There are no new taxes. Remedial action had
been taken mid-year to prevent large deficit when the share-market turned
down. Property industry complains of being used as cash cow. Queensland
Commerce suggests that there is little in the budget for business - and
complains about reduced infrastructure spending. Opposition pointed out
that government had omitted losses by GOCs from budget bottom line - and
that the real operating deficit was $883m. (Strutt S. 'Beattie's back to
basics budget', Financial Review, 19/5/02)
Government has taken a $1bn hit - but can still expand services and cut
business taxes because of the state's wealth inherited from the Bjelke
Peterson era. Financial sustainability is not an issue for Queensland.
The state will also benefit from an investment boom over the next year.
Recovery in US and Asia should see 4.5% growth. However there are clouds
on the horizon. The budget will barely be back in surplus this year - and
Queensland is close to being in net debt. (Mitchell A. 'Beattie is
cruising along', Financial Review, 19/6/02)
Standard and Poors gives Queensland a AAA rating despite its second
deficit in a row, because of its strong balance sheet and forecasts of an
improved position. Business criticised the budget for increasing social
spending while infrastructure drops (Strutt S. 'Queensland is still in
the black with agency', Financial Review, 20/6/02)
Pay rises for government workers could blow the budget - with only 3%
increase being allowed, and nurses demanding 9% (McKinnon M. 'Pay hurdle
the dark horse', CM, 19/6/02)
Opposition stated that Government had concealed large
losses in GOCs in budget. If these were
included, deficit was $883m and cash deficit was $200m. Net per-capita
worth of Queenslanders has been reduced 4.8% over the past 5 years. The
government is delivering rhetoric, not jobs. It spent too heavily on
public service over first 3 years, and now lacks the ability to do more
than keep up with population growth. Financial discipline, and decreases
in numbers of public servants is needed. (Jones C. '$200m deficit buried
by Labor', CM, 19/6/02)
The budget failed to deliver jobs or funding needed for hospitals and
police - according to the opposition. Financial mismanagement had left
government with little money for needed services. The deficit was much
larger than claimed, as GOC losses were being hidden. There are no new
job creating initiative, reduced capital works funding. The health system
threatens to give way under the pressure of so many patients. The $148m
program for child protection has come too late, and will not achieve full
benefits for 4 years (Odgers R. 'Horan tips bucket on Budget of deceit',
CM, 21/6/02)
State government has done a good job in difficult circumstances this
year. A $486m deficit would disappoint a government whose conservative
financial strategies require operating surpluses, restricted borrowings
and low debt. The deficit was not the result of abandoning fiscal
rectitude - but of zero return on superannuation portfolio managed by QIC.
Where some might say government has failed is in terms of capital
spending - with a bias towards services to families, health etc. But
infrastructure spending is down - despite rapid immigration and
consequent need for more services - because government is too shy about
borrowing. The budget resorts to relying on one-off increase in stamp
duty revenue and emphasis on PPPs - which have problems in leaving risks
with government if all does not go well. The reason for avoiding
borrowing is hard to fathom - as households and businesses do so.
Spending should increase on health, education, urban traffic congestion,
and high unemployment. (Stanford J. 'Step outside comfort zone', CM,
Queensland's budget has been described as solid but with heart. However
its assumptions about future revenue growth are brave - and the more
brave those assumptions are the less solid the budget looks. Government
expects 4.25% growth - partly due to recovery by Japan - which most other
analysts are not convinced about and that $A will stay below US 60c.
Queensland's problem is where the revenue will come from. Its deficit was
$486 m. The days of raiding the profits of electricity generators are
over - as the dividend revenue source has been slashed. And costs are
continuing to rise. ('Budget's balancing act', CM, editorial,
A $148m four-year increase will bring Queensland's spending on child
protection up to the national average - as the center-piece of the 2002
budget. Spending on health, education and police also increased - while
the state's financial position declined due to global economic slump.
Welfare groups welcomed the budget, while business groups doubted its
growth forecasts. The opposition suggested that the books were cooked by
concealing major losses by GOCs (including power companies). Capital
spending was cut from $5.1bn to $4.8bn (Franklin M. '$148m to save kids',
CM, 19/6/02)
$400m windfall from stamp duty and $150m from extra dividends did not
stop second annual deficit - due to collapse in QIC earnings. Deficit
could have been $1.1bn. Government rejected claims of prior QIC chairman
of interference - and rejected suggestion about privatizing QIC. (Emerson
S. 'Treasurer defends red result', A, 19/6/02)
Queensland has fully funded its superannuation liabilities (about
$11bn) and even long service leave - and has about $13bn in financial
assets as well. In fact the deficit is mainly due to the effect of market
downturn on its financial assets. Thus the budget deficit which is
projected to continue to 2005-06 (which would be bad news elsewhere) is
not significant (Wood A. 'On balance, deficits no cause for gloom in the
sunshine state', A, 19/6/02)
Queensland has had a population growth of 8.5% over the past 4 years -
the largest growth in Australia, compared with a national 6% rise - but
tough times have reduced 2001-02 economic growth to the national average
of 3.75% (O'Dwyer E. and Mathewson C. 'Queensland
the boom state', CM, 18/6/02)
Queensland's economy will grow 4.25% according to state government
estimates - providing $A does not appreciate too much - as this could
affect mineral and tourism exports. Commerce Queensland expects growth to
be lower - because of lack of incentives for business but ABN Amro Morgan
states that consensus growth forecast is 4.7%. Government expects that
major growth risks are $A strength, strength of trading partners, timing
of investments, inflation and possible drought (McKinnon M. and Anderson
F. 'Growth reliant on dollar value', CM, 19/6/02)
The budget assumes that $13bn investment will boost Queensland's
economy (including Comalco Aluminium and AMC Magnesium Plants). Exports
and tourism are also expected to pick up. Employment should rise 2.5% and
unemployment fall to 7.5% (Strutt S. 'Mackenroth banks on $13bn
investment surge', Financial Review, 19/6/02)
Economic growth is forecast at 4.25%. Strong investment growth and
export recovery are expected to underpin this (Strutt S. 'Qld to outstrip
nation's growth', Financial Review, 18/6/02)
Business has endorsed the State Government's robust economic forecasts
- but warned about the effect of volatility in global markets. Queensland
Commerce suggested that the budget was light on new initiatives to
stimulate investment. AIG suggested that budget balanced social
responsibility with maintaining financial strength. (Anderson F and
Sommerfield J. 'Business key to bullish growth', CM, 19/6/02)
Queensland will reach national spending levels on child protection in
four years (Wenham M. 'Child protection counts on honouring inquiry
pledges', CM, 19/6/02)
300 increase in police numbers and capital works are the center of
fight against crime (Odgers R. 'Cash puts more on the beat', CM,
Government is to provide $4.2m for central coordination task-force for
PPPs in Department of State Development (Odgers R. and Anderson F. '$4.2m
breath of life for infrastructure policy', CM, 19/6/02)
After spending less on social services for many years, Queensland has
now achieved parity (Fraser A. 'Servicing social commitments', A,
General: The budget contains weaknesses, but
these seem to attract little public interest
Assets: Net assets are still positive -
but it is hard to balance Queensland's budget
Deficit: There is uncertainty about
Queensland's budget outcome. Observers do not appear to take the
claimed figures at face value - but disagree amongst themselves as to
what the 'real' position is.
Economic outcomes: Few seem
impressed about the economic and employment position
efforts to manage and diversify the state's
economy are amateurish;
the Managing for Outcomesframework
within which the budget was prepared seems to have weaknesses in
dealing with core government functions because:
such functions may have no outputs;
intrinsic problems arise in defining and measuring some services;
leadership can be more important than defining outputs;
non-financial performance indicators (which can be more important)
are not addressed; and
the complications of competitive service delivery have not been
poor policy advice and implementation support from a Public Service
subjected to intense 'political' manipulation means that what may seem
like good ideas on paper are unlikely to be
"Few Treasurers would have been able to brush aside the figures revealing
that Queensland had a huge operating deficit. Lesser political performers
would certainly have been in deep water with the news that the state's
unacceptably high unemployment was forecast to stay at 8 percent despite
another bumper capital works program. But Mr Mackenroth's budget is being
called everything from socially responsible to boring" (Strutt S.
'Boiler-plated Mr Fixit does Beattie's biz', Financial Review,
The budget shows few signs of fiscal discipline (according to a UBS
Warburg analyst). In 2000-01 there was a 16% ($1.8bn) increase in expenses
over the previous year. The budget has inappropriately emphasised services
delivery at the expense of infrastructure, according to another analyst.
Positive features seen in the budget include: focus on reducing unemployment
and up-skilling the workforce; public spending to upgrade IT (which appealed
to IT suppliers though they were concerned that there might not be much
spending with existing firms) and the $100m fund to support technology and
innovation (Anderson F and Brannelly L, 'Payroll tax change bolsters
government coffers', Courier Mail, 20/6/01)
Show: .. Assets and Balancing the Budget
Net Assets remain positive - but Queensland has
trouble balancing its budget
Queensland had a $474m cash surplus in 2000-01 but a $820 operating
deficit. Standard and Poor said that AAA rated governments (like
Queensland) were expected to produce operating surpluses. Queensland
seems to be getting to a position where it is struggling to balance its
budget. But, as the only state with net financial assets, it can afford
to do this for a while, and run down those assets. Comparing NSW,
Victoria and Queensland on ABS's GFS basis shows that Queensland's budget
position is the weakest at present. On a GFS fiscal basis Queensland will
have a $1.7bn deficit in 2000-01, reduced to $499 in 2001-02 and turning
positive in 2003-04. On a GFS cash basis Queensland will reduce a $474m
surplus to $253m in 2001-02 (Field N. 'Qld budget sins forgiven for a
while', Financial Review, 23-4/6/01)
Standard and Poor has warned by that Queensland's budget position is
weakening - noting its $820 operating deficit in 2000-01. However
Queensland's accounts were still the best in Australia. S&P noted that
Queensland was budgeting on a return to surpluses in 2002 following
several large recent projects (Franklin M. and Parnell S. 'State still
tops in the eyes of the world', Courier Mail, 21/6/01)
The Budget papers make Queensland's strong financial position clear -
and that this advantage is being frittered away. The $820m operating
deficit in 2000-01 is Queensland's first in a long time. Government said
that this was due to the HIH collapse - and a $400m reduction in income.
But government also had $481m in other revenues, and spent $590m which
were not in the budget. The 2000-01 budget placed the accrual- based
fiscal deficit for that year and the next 3 years at $2.5+bn. Those
projected deficits are now expected to exceed $5bn. If the $3bn deficit
in 2000-01 is ignored, then in the 3 years from 2001-02 the government
intends to increase the fiscal deficit by $1.3bn to $2.2bn. Even
Queensland can't afford this without endangering its low taxes (Harris T.
'Fiscal discipline is being frittered away', Financial Review,
If the operating loss in 2000-01 of $820m is added to losses in capital
accounts than the real loss becomes $1.7bn - according to state
Opposition estimates. The Opposition also claimed that the budget was
deficient because payroll taxes have been increased (which are a tax on
jobs) at the same time that capital works spending has declined (and
spending was increasing on short run 'feel good' schemes). Queensland's
unemployment rate had increased by 2% over 2 years, while NSW and
Victoria had cut unemployment by 1.6% (Parnell S. and Yallamas L.,
'Budget is covering up losses', Courier Mail, 22/6/01)
The budget is not fiscally responsible. The
latter requires that the budget be balanced - on average over the full
economic cycle. It is not balanced despite a claimed $24m surplus because
this figure is padded out by asset sales - and, even if it were correct,
it would not be enough at a time in the economic cycle when the economy
is strong. The surplus figure includes only government departments and
not public enterprises. On a consolidated basis the operating deficit
would be $225m. The transfer of funds occurs when government gains
special dividend payments related to the sale of the Brisbane Market
Corporation and the lease of Dalrymple Bay Coal terminal. These are
treated just like ordinary revenue.(Robinson M. 'Essential to provide for
bad times', Courier Mail, 20/6/01)
Government is forced to rely on the sale of assets to prop up its
predicted $24m operating surplus (Strutt S. 'Hefty deficit, but strong
economy', Financial Review, 20/6/01)
The state budget will promise a 4% growth rate (0.75% faster than the
national average). But jobs growth will only be 2% not enough to make
much impact on the state's 9% unemployment. The budget will show that
business investment has fallen 14.5% (Franklin M. and Jones C., 'State
aims to regain the lead', Courier Mail, 19/6/01)
Business saw the budget as disappointing,
and lacking financial leadership. The Queensland Commerce view was that
business was thrown a few short term sweetners on the basis of the recent
economic downturn. Government's strategy is to rely on the next upswing,
rather than to introduce fundamental reforms of industrial relations and
state taxes. An economist suggested that capital spending is 6% less in
real terms than last year, and that $7.6bn in infrastructure spending is
needed. In the 1990s, the trend was to increase services at the expense
of infrastructure - which didn't make Queensland a competitive place to
do business. Property Council criticized low capital works spending, and
the concentration of 58% of this outside SE Queensland. More
infrastructure might be funded by selling government office buildings (MacDermott
K., 'Thumbs down from business', Financial Review, 20/6/01)
Smart State crusade was continued in
Queensland's 2001 budget. But the mining and agricultural industries
pointed out Queensland's dependence on them. The Mining Council said that
there was a danger of forgetting that the mining industry faces
competition from Indonesia and China. It was being seen as a milking-cow
with nothing being put back. Queensland now has fewer incentives to
attract mining exploration than other states, and has a 1700 backlog in
dealing with mining permits. Agforce identified a need for investment to
support beef (MacDermott K. 'Small change, say the producers',
Financial Review, 20/6/01)
If Queensland is the Smart State why has it the highest unemployment
rate in Australia? The Premier claims this is due to rapid interstate
migration - but this is unlikely to be the whole problem. Queensland's
rigid industrial relations system is quite 'unsmart' (Wood A. 'Smart
state doesn't have know-how to cut jobless', Australian, 20/6/01)
A principle objective of any government is
to create an economic environment that helps people keep their jobs. This
was reinforced when the Beattie Government chose jobs as the first of its
seven policy priorities (because this is the most important source of
people's income and their participation in community life). The budget
forecast the creation of 33,000 jobs and a $24m surplus (which is small
considering the stage in the economic cycle). Why was the Treasurer
satisfied with a result (ie an 8% unemployment average over next year) so
far from the 5% unemployment rate that was targeted on gaining office?
The government has suggested that high unemployment is a negative effect
of high population growth. The Government needs to consider the job
creation potential of a less restrictive industrial relations climate.
However there are positive elements in the budget eg (a) $100m funding
for infrastructure for industries like biotechnology and light metals -
though this is of little use unless such firms locate here and (b) social
services - though these are still well behind other states ('Budget fails
grade on job creation', editorial, Courier Mail, 20/6/01).
The problem with the budget was its forecast 8%
unemployment rate when the government had promised 5%. At a press
conference, journalists mainly wanted to ask the Treasurer about the
Government's jobs' performance - as everyone but the Treasurer saw this
to be poor. When the Premier appeared, all he wanted to talk about was
Smart State (Johnstone C. 'Jobless prove to be hard work', Courier
Mail, 20/6/01).
The Opposition criticised the budget for not creating a framework for
long term job creation. There was (it was said): a lack of regional
projects; an emphasis on short term schemes; and a $170m cut in capital
spending. Commerce Queensland suggested that the budget did not provide
fiscal leadership in reforms that might stimulate investment and jobs
(Parnell S. 'Horan hits blueprint of gloom', Courier Mail,
The budget is constructive in trying to
diversify the state's economy - yet there has been no attempt to achieve
industrial reform, which is essential given the high unemployment rate.
Funding was only provided for marginal issues such as making workplaces
family friendly, establishing a youth advocate, and setting up a bullying
task force (McCarthy J., 'Mediocre measures ignore core state issues',
Courier Mail, 20/6/01)
Commerce Queensland criticised the budget for increasing the numbers of
firms required to pay payroll tax (though the rate had reduced).
(Anderson F and Brannelly L, 'Payroll tax change bolsters government
coffers', Courier Mail, 20/6/01)
The state government has paved the way for increasing revenue from the
state's coal industry - taking advantage of the first profitable period
in seven years - to which the Queensland Mining Council has strongly
objected. Mining royalties of $696m are expected ($500m from coal mining
alone) in 2001-02 - with an extra $500m from leasing of Dalrymple Bay
coal loader. The QMC suggested that the industry was being seen as a
milking cow. The moment tourism is in trouble it gets major concessions -
yet none have been made for mining (McCarthy J. 'Govt eyes coal revenue
till', Courier Mail, 20/6/01)
Queensland continues to claim that it has the lowest tax rates in
Australia - yet Tasmania's tax rates have become lower since 1998/99
(Emerson S., 'Time to get over economic fairytales', Australian,
Business is unimpressed with Queensland's 2001 budget - with the mining
industry particularly outraged by increases in taxes and charges (Fraser
A. 'Treasury digs deep to tap into miners' profits', Australian,
On paper many of the ideas behind the budget strategy sound very good.
However there are difficulties in (a) the financial position (b) the related
economic strategy (c) the methods being used to develop the budget strategy and
(d) the abilities of a politically-manipulated Public Service.
in 2000-01 Queensland appeared to be facing significant financial
challenges (see Section 7 of Queensland's
Challenge). Particular points to note include:
the state's narrow tax base ( Note 49
on Queensland's Challenge );
past increases in public spending that for years were much larger than
the rate of growth of the state economy (
Notes 50 to 52);
a weak tax base related to the low productivity of the industries that
have been encouraged by low taxes (Note 69
). Moreover Queensland is somewhat 'locked into' low tax revenues because
this established poor industrial structure; and
the adverse effect on economic growth which raising taxes rates
would have due to the dependence of growth (and some industrial
production) on rapid net interstate migration which is in turn partly
dependent on low costs (see
Section 7.2 of SEQ 2001: A Plan for an Under-developed Economy
the progressive erosion of Queensland's claimant status under
Commonwealth Grant's Commission arrangements (
Note 63 );
the recent reliance on capital funding derived from raiding the
limited balance sheets of government enterprises (
Note 53 );
the proposed adoption of new accounting standards which would inhibit
the distortions of the capital account that an accrual accounting system
has allowed through the values assigned to government assets (
Note 61 );
the financial risks inherent in Queensland's corporatisation model for
government business enterprises in any truly competitive environment (
Note 76 );
the potential need to find substantial funds to re-capitalise various
government business operations if the market values of their assets fall
in the face of competition ( Note 75 );
the practical limits on Queensland's capacity to borrow (
Note 81 ).
there is concern by several other states
that Queensland receives far more funds from the Commonwealth than the latter
collects in revenue in Queensland (and an investigation into Commonwealth
Grants Commission procedures has been launched as a result). The phenomenon
reflects the weak tax base in Queensland that defective economic strategies
have created (see Comment on Proposed Review of the Grants Commission Arrangements)
there is little credibility in the forecast of future budget surpluses.
For example:
government revenue in 2001-02 is being supported by assets sales
(which are depressing operating results of Public Trading Enterprise)
(Budget Paper #2. p21 and p27). There now appears to be
little left to sell except for the electricity industry;
gross fixed capital formation is forecast to decline significantly in
coming years (Budget Paper #2, p21 and p27) despite
business expectations that infrastructure spending should actually rise
(eg see article by MacDermott above).
On reducing capital demands: The Queensland Government has indicated
(in early 2002) that it can't maintain its record ($5bn pa) capital works
spending without raising taxes - which it doesn't want to do. Private
sector help in providing infrastructure is sought - and a Public Private
Partnership arrangement has been developed to allow this (Strutt S.
'Beattie calls for private sector help on capital works', Financial
Review, 6/2/02) [[CPDS Comments: (a) the relatively small
amount that could be borrowed without significantly increasing taxation
can be noted (see Note 81); as can (b)
the inadequacies of arrangements for private public partnerships - See
Comments on Infrastructure
earnings from financial assets (on which projected forward budget
surpluses depend) are forecast to increase strongly (Budget Paper
#2, p32-33) despite the fact that financial market
analysts generally expect earnings over the next decade to be well below
those of the 1990s.
There is a 'feel' in studying the budget documents that details are being
glossed over, in areas where 'fiddles' might be possible. For example:
capital transactions have now been
removed from the budget - and have become the responsibility of individual
agencies (Budget Paper #2, p63), eg
Queensland Police have had to borrow ($22m) for the first time ever
to replace run-down and overcrowded police stations (Greber J. 'Police
run up $22m debt over antiquated stations', Courier Mail,
Removing agency capital transactions from the budget provides scope for
'fiddles' - and is an intriguing action by a government that seems to be
able to find tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to generously
support favoured projects that none of its predecessors seemed to be able
to find.
Note also: The adoption of Public-Private
Partnership arrangements will shift some public liabilities
off-balance-sheet. The requirements to incur debts which have to be
repaid will be replaced by a contractual obligation which presumably (and
somewhat deceptively) does not appear on the balance sheet
(Gray J. 'Going private a $20bn shake up',
Australian, 11/2/02). Similar effects have been achieved in the past
through leasing, rather than purchasing, plant and equipment.
'fiddles' are also possible in the assessment of net state assets
under an accrual accounting system - through the valuations assigned to
assets which may have limited financial value, but which offset (now
undisclosed) borrowings.
Queensland's net state assets are rising as a result of asset
revaluations (despite the poor 2000-01 operating result). But ...
Recorded net financial assets are however falling slightly - a fact
which was not explicitly acknowledged (see Budget Paper
#2, Section 2);
As noted above, changes to rules related to valuing assets should soon
reduce the potential for distortions in this area.
gross revenue includes around $2bn in 'equity
return' which is not well explained (see Budget Paper #3,
p45). In 1999-2000 and 2000-01 Public Trading Enterprises were required to
borrow something like $2bn pa to increase their debt levels, and it
appeared that this was then paid to the state as a return of equity as its
did not appear elsewhere in the budget - and (presumably though not
provably) used to finance capital expenditure. However
Robinson suggests that the proceeds of government asset sales in
2001-02 are being paid to state revenue as special dividends (a practice
which itself concerned him). However, if this is so, than it is unclear
what 'equity return' means.
perhaps it is purely a meaningless payment of a return ON equity -
ie government says to an agency: you have $x bn in non-financial assets
on which we expect a return of $y m, and your budget includes $y m to
allow you to pay this back to us. However:
it might also be taken to mean a return OF equity. Is it possible
that undisclosed and unwarranted borrowings are being used to
contribute to gross revenue - which then are involved in an
inter-agency transfer and appear in GFS revenue in another form?
There has been concern about financial analysts who have given investors
un-ethically favourable assessments of shares to make profits for another
division in the analyst's business from dealings with the company. When the
assessments of Queensland's financial status that are offered by some
analysts are compared with the above indicators, one can not help but wonder
whether there are hidden relationships that may compromise the analyst's
independence and turn them into mere 'hired guns'.
Secondly, whilethe Government's
economic strategy emphasises highly desirable and long overdue
diversification of the economy, the way in which this is being done seems quite
Finally the general problem facing
Queensland's overall system of public administration is that trendy ideas, that
may sound fantastic in theory, are often not practical or able to be capably
This problem arises because the Public Service has for some time operated
under a mainly political, rather than a professional, mandate. In other words
it is obliged to be more concerned with how policy appears to influential
interest groups, than whether it works in practice.
The result is that the Public Service has difficulty providing practical
advice about policy and effective support with policy implementation - which
translate into a potential to spend ever increasing amounts of money for ever
declining benefits.
Moreover a mainly political focus constrains the Public Service's ability to
protect the public interest by acting as a counter-balance to elected
government (eg by ensuring that problem areas in the budget and elsewhere are
not just 'swept under the carpet'). And whether financial data is really
meaningful depends a great deal on the motivations of those who prepare it (as
the Enron debacle has graphically illustrated).
Queensland's community, whose representatives have long tolerated an inept
and unjust system of public administration, may now be about to pay a high
price for their apathy.
The above comments are based on only a cursory examination of the 2001-02
A Charter of Social and Fiscal responsibility has been accepted
Net operating surplus in 2001-02 will be $24m in GFS (Government Finance
Statistics) terms - with a $253 cash surplus.
Total net state assets will grow to $59.3bn by 30/6/02. Financial assets
cover all accruing and future liabilities - which contrasts with the
situation in the Commonwealth and all other states.
Aggregate expenditure will rise 6% in the 2001/02 budget.
An enhanced agency strategic planning process is to be implemented (to
align services and priorities).
Economic challenges have included: the introduction of the GST; declining
business investment; and US / Japan slowdowns. Yet Queensland still grew 3.5%
in 2000-01. Forecast growth for 2001-02 is 4% - mainly due to household
consumption; more housing construction and from exports.
Jobs will grow 2% yet unemployment will still be 8% which is too high
because of growing labour market participation and labour market growth. Jobs'
growth under present government has been 111,000.
Queenslanders pay 26% less tax per capita than other states. Payroll
taxes are to be reduced, and some stamp duties are to be cut and
rationalised. The coal royalty arrangement will be refined
job creation (and breaking the unemployment cycle) remain major
the Smart State program involves positioning Queensland for innovation
and for the information economy (for which Department of Innovation and
Information Economy has been created). Investments in education and research
will seek this goal.
Queensland is highly decentralised, and substantial investments will
continue in the regions;
emphasis will also be given to:
stronger police service, secure prisons and getting smarter about
crime prevention
access to high standards of education, health, housing and family
services as a basis for a better quality of life
protecting the environment and its biodiversity
articulating a vision, listening to the community, seeking
productivity and being accountable
delivering on commitments
Queensland. State Budget 2001-02: Budget Statement
(Budget Paper No 2)
1. Budget Strategies and Priorities
Highlights (p1)
2001-02 budget provides an operating surplus of $240m and cash
surplus of $253m in General Government on a GFS (Government Finance
statistics) basis
General Government forward estimates are for a sustained and
improving surplus in the out years - as required by the Charter of
Social and Fiscal responsibility
General Government revenue will increase 5.5% over 2000-01 to
General Government expenses will increase by 3.1% to $19.237bn -
after allowing for the effect of HIH insurance collapse and the
transfer of a water supply board to local government
Total capital outlays will rise 2.2% to $5.115bn
Net state assets will rise to $59.259bn by 30/6/02
GSP (gross state product) will grow 4% in 2001-02 - up from 3.5% in
employment will grow by 33000 jobs
capital programs are being reduced to more sustainable levels (p2)
Government has accepted a Charter of Social and Fiscal Responsibility
(p4) and has defined its policy priorities and objectives (p5)
2. Background and Outlook
Key points (p17) - in 2000-01 General Government will have a $474 cash
surplus and an operating deficit of $820m - due to collapse of HIH
insurance, transfer of assets of a water supply board and $300m lower than
expected investment returns on state's financial assets
Key financial aggregates (p21) include:
Gross fixed capital formation gross fixed capital formation will
decrease in 2001-02 - as projects are finished and remain stable at a
sustainable level
1999-2000 2001-02 2004-04 (forward estimates p 27)
General Government $2.6bn $2.0bn $1.6bn
Public Trading Enterprises $2.6bn $2.0bn $1.3bn
net operating balance of Public Trading Enterprises - which is
$99m ($249m)
Poor net operating result by PTE sector is due to once-off special
dividend from sale of Brisbane Market Corp and long term lease of
Dalrymple Bay Coal Loader (p21)
Net worth of state
1999-00 2000-01 2001-02
$57.293bn $58.473bn $59.259bn
Including equity in PTEs $11.725bn $12.608bn $12.552bn
and equity in PFEs $916m $682m $682m
Despite poor operating result in 2000-01, the net worth of state will
increase in 2000-01 by $1.18bn due to revaluation in education, main
roads, natural resources and mines and by Ergon Energy and Energex (p24)
Net financial assets are a measure of financial strength (= financial
assets - liabilities). Net financial assets in General Government will
grow by $1.131bn to $32bn as at 30/6/01 - while liabilities will increase
by $1.5bn to $17.036. Thus assets are more than adequate for liabilities.
State net worth will increase by $786m to 30/6/02 - due to
revaluations, gains from assets sales, net additions to stock, and net
operating profits.
3. Operating Statement
Cost of HIH collapse was $354m (discounted) and transfer of water
supply board cost $180
See summary operating result p31
Interest income in 2000-01 is to be lower than in 1999-00 due to lower
rates of return in international equity markets. Future interest income is
forecast to increase from $981m (2000-01) to $1260m (2001-02) and $1653m
(2004-05) [p32-33]
Other Income - which includes dividends, royalties, property, fines,
donations and sundry sources. Expected to increase 3.2% in 2001-02 due to
greater royalties and general revenue growth across departments. Dividends
will increase slightly in 2001-02 (from Ports and QRail - offset by
smaller electricity supply dividends - the latter being counterbalanced by
smaller government electricity subsidies) (p37)
PTEs will pay $1392m to revenue in 2001-02 and receive $807m in GOCs.
4. Statement of Financial Position
Financial assets will exceed liabilities by $15.013bn at 30/6/02
From 30/0/01 departments will shift from valuing assets on the basis
of deprival (replacement) value to either cost or fair (market) value.
Those changes are of only a technical accounting nature (p46)
Public Trading Enterprises situation (p52)
financial position of PTEs ($bn)
1999-00 2005-05
Assets 26.2 27.9 29.0 29.6 30.0 30.4
Liabilities14.5 15.4 16.5 16.7 16.8 16.6
Net11.7 13.8
Net worth of PTE's at 30/6/02 estimated at $12.552bn increasing to
$13.802bn by 30/6/04. Ratio of total PTE borrowings to equity plus
borrowings = 49.9% (at 30/6/02);
Government's equity to total assets at 30/6/02 = 43.2% - which is
similar to various major companies
Debt levels are comparable to private counterparts with 80% (ie
$10.849bn) being owed to QTC, and $953 being balance of deferred tax
equivalent liability of GOCs owed to government
5. Statement of Cash Flows
Government will record $2.276bn surplus from operating activities more
than sufficient to fund $2.024bn in new financial assets (p55)
6. Capital Program
Key points (p63)
2001-02 - capital program will have significant employment impact -
and support 46300 full time jobs
58% of capital expenditure will be outside Brisbane
under Queensland accrual accounting budget model, Managing for
Outcomes, there is no specific appropriation for capital. Instead
responsibility for capital management devolves to agencies which
develop capital investment plans that include sources of funding for
assets. Funding sources can include: equity injection from government;
output funding to cover cost of capital consumption such as
depreciation / amortisation; asset sales; borrowings; retained earnings
and own sourced revenue.
Sources of funding for Property, Plant and Equipment and Other
Capital in 2000-02 will be: Depreciation and amortisation ($2660m);
Equity injections, borrowings and other sources ($2022m); and capital
contingency reserve (negative $110m) = $4571m (p67)
7. Long Term Fiscal Trends and Risks
Key points (p73)
Queensland maintains a strong balance sheet
expenditure effort has moved above average
Queensland has maintained a competitive tax regime - but has seen
the erosion of its tax base and reduced fiscal flexibility due to tax
Long term challenges include: aging population; general demographics;
indigenous demographics; and the environment.
Funding capital expenditure (p79)
agencies are provided funding for depreciation to maintain existing
levels of capital stock. Increases in capital stock are funded from
operating surplus and by balance sheet means such as borrowing, asset
sales, or converting financial assets to physical assets
fiscal principles in Charter of Social and Fiscal Responsibility
government will ensure sustainable services by maintaining
overall surplus;
borrow only for capital purposes - where this can be serviced
within the surplus;
financial assets will cover future liabilities;
maintain (and try to increase) total state net worth
funding new assets by sale of old assets reflects strategic
decisions. Where do not want to sell old assets, there are limits to
the capital program set by operating surplus and depreciation
provisions (p80)
as the capital base increases, depreciation provisions increase;
Queensland agencies have taken a more cautious approach than some
others - with higher depreciation rates. This lowers surplus and
results in more frequent upgrade of assets.
Interest revenue was up in 1999-00 (giving a better surplus) and down
in 2000-01 (contributing to the deficit) - p85
Other revenue includes contributions by PTEs - which are subject to
risks (p85)
Queensland State Budget 2001-02: Economic and Revenue
Outlook (Budget paper #3)
1. Economic Strategies
Highlights (p1)
pursuing strategies aimed at lifting Queensland's economic growth
to increase living standards and employment. This requires responsible
fiscal strategy, a supportive business environment, employment
initiatives, balanced structural adjustment and infrastructure
accompanied by targeted action in key areas of education and
training, regional growth, industry growth and innovation
quotes OECD Growth Strategy (2001) for desirable policy to
increase growth.
outlines key issues in strategy (p3-11)
growth strategies
Education and Training Initiatives (note policy in Queensland
State Education 2010 )
Regional Growth including (a) infrastructure (b) regional trade
action plans (c) major regional tourism initiatives (d) regional
business development
Industry Growth and Innovation including (a) $100m Smart State
Research Facilities Fund (b) Queensland Innovation Strategy to provide
grants for infrastructure / skills (C) Queensland Industry Development
Scheme - government funding for new projects and (d) Governments
Biotechnology Industry Strategy
Market reform - involving competitive markets in rail, water,
2. Economic Performance and Outlook (p15)
employment will grow 2%
unemployment will fall - but remain at 8%
3. Revenue Outlook
Some changes in tax rates (p35)
Total General Government Revenue (gross) 2001-02 (p36)
Taxes Levies, fees and fines$5137m
Commonwealth payments $9388m
Revenue from Financial Assets $2903m [see detail below]
User charges $2515m
Royalties $696m
Grants and contributions $714m
Gains, Revaluation and other $2302m [see detail below]
"Equity return is a periodic payment made by agencies reflecting the
opportunity cost to the government of the assets held by agencies - and is
calculated on the value of the agencies total assets. In 1999-2000
agencies were fully funded for equity return and this has been built into
ongoing funding. In 2001-02 the equity return is expected to grow by 1.6%
in line with general growth in departmental equity" (p45)
Reconciliation with Consolidated General Government Revenue Data (p51)
Gross Intra-sector transactions Net revenue
Taxes Levies, fees and fines $5137m $297 $4840m
Commonwealth payments $9388m $9388m
Revenue from Financial Assets $2903m $315m $2588m
User charges $2515m $1264m $1251m
Royalties $696m $696m
Grants and contributions $714m $527m $187m
Gains, Revaluation and other $2302m $2084m $218m
Total $23657m $19170
"The main difference between revenue estimates here and in GFS is that
GFS is net estimate excluding intra-sector transactions and also excluding
gains and losses on asset sales and other asset revaluation adjustments"
4. Federal Financial Relations
Queensland has been disadvantaged by national tax reform because of
its prior competitive tax environment
Queensland receives funds for reduction in state taxes that average
$213 per capita as compared with national average of $819
Queensland receives only 1.7% of budget balancing assistance
Queensland's share of former Financial Assistance Grants has been
falling due to changes in Commonwealth grants Commission's assessment of
considering all Commonwealth payments to states in 2001-02, Queensland
will receive $270m less than its per capita share
Queensland the Smart State - Investing in
People and Communities
Smart State is a plan for the future. It sees Queensland with broader and
more technologically based industries and more skilled and adaptable workforce.
People will live in safer, cleaner and more secure environments. Communities
will be stronger. Government services will be more flexible and better
targeted. Economic strategies will be driven to new knowledge industries - with
thousands of IT and biotechnology jobs and a vibrant cohesive society looking
outwards to the world. Development will balance the competitive and productive
needs of business with quality of life for citizens and public service
delivery. Investing in People and Communities recognises that people are
our top priority. All efforts are to improve lives of Queenslanders via job
creation strategy, major jobs projects, schools, health services, etc.
Government will continue to improve its relationship with the community.
Government will support people at critical times in their lives eg early
childhood, in school to work transition and in retirement.
Securing Economic Prosperity:
Equipping traditional industries for new challenges, and investing in
and attracting new industries
$55bn in projects are planned or committed (according to Access
Economics Investment Monitor - March quarter 2001)
$5.115bn capital spending - more per capita than other states - 58%
outside Brisbane
Private sector partnerships eg: CS Energy's Callide Power Station;
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre; Intergen's plan for power
station at Millmerran; Airtrain Consortium for Brisbane Airport Rail link
Local infrastructure and services - assisting via subsidies
Trade - $23bn exports - 22% of GSP - up 5.7% pa (cf 4.7% pa growth pf
GSP) = 20% of national exports
Jobs - 30% of Australia's job creation since 1990-2000 - growth 2.5%
pa cf 1.2% pa nationally. More for Breaking the Unemployment Cycle;
strategic interventions intended for youth and aged
Smart State Research Facilities Fund - $100m to invest in world class
research facilities - administered by new Department of Innovation and
Information Economy.
Strategic industry development - emphasising aviation
Learning excellence - centres of excellence in Pharmacy and in
Technology / Maths and Science in secondary schools.
Farming for the Future
Understanding the environment (eg salinity and water quality)
Sustainable Land and Water management practices
Creating innovative technologies (applying advances in biotechnology
and food and fibre science and innovation)
Adapting to change (eg farm business improvement, climatic
information, market access and product)
Protecting Natural Assets
Enhanced protected Area Management
Great Walks
Protecting the Great Barrier Reef
Putting Families First
Child health care
Nurturing families
Safe communities
Community and infrastructure support
New Deal for YoungQueenslanders
Skilling for jobs - big increase in apprenticeships
Participating in Queensland life
Tackling Drugs
Law enforcement
Senior Queenslanders
Quality of life
Dental care
Safety and Justice
Police service
Secure prisons
Community renewal
Responding to disasters
Access to justice
Community Engagement
Office for women
Regional communities program
Multicultural affairs
Cape York partnership
Crime prevention
E-democracy trial over 3 years
Community cabinets
Qld events
Queensland's greats
Access Qld - a program to improve whole-of-government service delivery
Addendum A:
Recovering from Queensland's Debt Binge +
Your recent articles (which are
outlined on my web-site) have been useful in highlighting the need to
manage, rather than continuing to increase, Queensland’s debt exposure. In
brief I interpreted your articles taken together as suggesting that:
Queensland’s overall expenditure has exceeded gross state product
for a quarter of a century. Investments have not generated sufficient returns;
The state government’s debt position is much worse than other
states. State debt has been increasing rapidly, and continues to do so despite
asset sales;
The political system is not coming to grips with the problem;
Queensland’s development is uneven – with unmet needs in many
regions. Moreover Australia’s dependence on a mining boom creates a need for
matching infrastructure investment. This is being met by government in
Queensland and the private sector in WA. Queensland’s debt constraints are a
national issue;
Reliance on funding by issuing bonds has failed;
Selling assets or slashing the public sector won’t solve the debt
problem. Queensland’s problem is not as bad as that in Greece;
A moratorium on infrastructure spending is needed until the
problem is solved;
Solutions required involve: disclosing the problem; sticking to
core business; expert review of the issues; good project evaluation; tight
budget controls; and (perhaps) establishing a Queensland Development Bank
Your suggestion that
Queensland’s fiscal predicament is not as bad as that in Greece is presumably
correct. At its peak Greece’s sovereign debts were some 140% of GDP, whereas my
guess-timate is that in Queensland the combination of Queenslanders' share of
Commonwealth debts as well as those of state and local governments is only
(something like) 60% of gross state product. However as in Greece, there are
many other difficulties that: (a) have contributed to the emergence of the debt
problem; and (b) need to be addressed at the same time. Debt can’t be treated as
the only problem.
It is submitted for your
consideration that:
Queensland’s potential for a serious fiscal problem has been obvious for many
years, and the situation is probably worse than official data indicates, because: (a) there
have been many reports suggesting creative accounting; and (b) the position
is not transparent (especially in relation to government owned
Complications which contributed to the growth of the fiscal
problem or constrain solutions include: dysfunctional and crisis prone machinery
of government; weak civil institutions; economic strategies that are ineffective
in building the tax base; and Queensland’s ‘corporatisation’ approach to GOCs;
Something like your suggestions about a moratorium on
infrastructure investment and the creation of a Development Bank may well be
needed, though those options go beyond the measures that the
presumably-soon-to-be-elected LNP administration has proposed to resolve
Queensland’s fiscal problems. However better financial management cannot be
effective in isolation. Simultaneous and complementary attention needs to be
given to: (a) rebuilding an effective system of government – as without this
nothing that the public sector is asked to do is likely to be reliably achieved;
and (b) more effective economic strategy;
Success will require effective support from the public sector in
managing these complex issues, and the relationships between them.
Everyone loves presents, but it is better to buy / build what you can afford.
Queensland’s debt is over $85bn, much greater than any other state. Supposed
returns from $15bn in asset sales have made no difference to relentless rise in
debt. This is being ignore in state election context. QTC reports that gross
debt outstanding was $84.7 bn (up $11.7 bn / 16% in six months). Since 2004
debt has quadrupled from $21bn to $85bn – after being reasonably stable ($17bn
to $22bn) between 1992 and 2004. No political policies yet recognise the scale
of the problem – and a new commitment to restoring Queensland’s financial health
is needed. At present Queensland has more debt than NSW and Victoria combined,
with less than one third the income stream. A solution requires: disclosure;
expert involvement; better government business practices; and sustainable
financial arrangements. There is a need for: (a) clear and continuous disclosure
to citizens of ‘how we are doing financially’; (b) sticking to core state
businesses; . (c) expert reviews of state finances, federal-state funding
limitations, state budgeting processes, public sector decision processes and
outsourcing. Government activities could be improved by: (a) costing initiatives
before announcement; (b) targeting prudent decision making; (c) active / ongoing
project evaluation; (d) tighter budget controls; (e) more open / responsible
procedures; and (f) establishing sustainable financial arrangements with
industries / banks (eg by creating Queensland Development Bank). Debt is not
bad, but has been over-indulged. (McGovern M.,
economic binge is over, it's time for Uncle Debt to sober up quick,
Courier Mail, 9/3/12
In 2012 election campaign, politicians are making promises, but few seem willing
to face the spectacular rise in state debt. Public debt quadrupled from $21bn in
2004 to $85bn in December 2011, is about $90bn now and likely to be $92.5bn in
July The recent $15bn in asset sales made no difference to debt growth. All
parties are promising more infrastructure spending. Queensland’s debt is more
than NSW and Victoria combined, yet has less than 1/3 of their income to service
it This will be a national problem, yet not a voice is raised. Locals are
concerned about rising costs. Development in Queensland is uneven. If Australia
is reliant on the mining boom to rectify external imbalances, public bets on this
are being paced in Queensland. In WA, reliance has been placed on private
infrastructure investment. Queensland has more populated regions / public
infrastructure systems / contested ecosystems. Whole road systems need
refurbishment, and under-resourced communities struggle. Queensland has relied
on debt funding (bonds) to meet needs / obligations – and escalating debts show
this strategy has failed. Much of the needed technical analysis has been done.
Incoming government will be tempted to ignore the problem, or to sell assets.
But there is now too little to sell to make much difference. Slashing the public
sector is also considered, but services are already struggling. Reduction,
refocusing and re-skilling are more sensible than Austerity option. A moratorium
on infrastructure may be needed until the problem is resolved. Debt funding of
infrastructure is no longer possible – irrespective of hopes for public-private
partnerships. Sensible ways of funding public functions need to be found – as
applies in many developing nations. Vertical fiscal imbalances are only part of
the problem. Expenditure in Queensland has exceeded GSP for a quarter of a
century. Expenditures have not increased returns from production sufficiently.
The real problem is inadequate returns from investment. (McGovern M.,
in the shadow of debt in the Sunshine State, The Conversation,
The present writer has no clear picture of the overall debt level of
Queensland's Government. The latter includes a general government sector as well
as both financial and non-financial corporations - each of which has financial
and non-financial assets as well as liabilities (and also ongoing contractual rights and
obligations that might or might not be included as assets and liabilities). And one sector's recorded assets can include
another sector's liabilities. 'Official data (eg in Queensland. Treasury,
Mid Year Fiscal and Economic Review 2011-12) does not present a
consolidated view, or provide any means to produce a consolidated statement (eg
because of the varied and non-transparent way in which data are presented).
Many different claims (many of which are 'true' if one looks at the situation in
a particular way) are thus able to
be made about Queensland's debt levels.
Show: examples
For example:
Queensland's budget position is seen as unsustainable, and
a further credit downgrade is possible. Debt is expected to rise from $62bn to
$85bn. S&P will watch how spending is cut to restore a surplus (Ludlow M. 'Queensland
could face another credit downgrade, Financial Review,
Queensland has no net debt in 2011-12. Weakening property
market is undermining states' stamp duty revenues and raising the need for
smarter ways to prop up budgets. Stamp duties are now so high that they
discourage people from moving - and thus reduce revenue. Current state taxes are
not only inadequate, but are poisoning state economies (Murphy J.
'As house prices go, so do state budgets',
Financial Review, 31/3-1/4/12)
In 2011, it was indicated that sale of $15bn in assets would
reduce Queensland's debt from $70.3bn to $52.8bn - and this was expected to rise
to $84.9bn by 2014/15 resulting in $5.1bn interest payments pa. The Treasurer
described the state's position as equivalent to a household with an $85,000
mortgage, $45,000 invested in the sharemarket and $313,000 in assets (Moore T
and Hurst D ''We
need to start living within our means', Brisbane Times, 14/6/11)
And quite different perceptions of Queensland's fiscal position were indicated
in a March 2012 article that is
outlined below.
There have however been signs that something has been going
wrong with Queensland's public finances for many years because:
in the mid 1990s public spending grew much faster than the
state’s economy, and capital spending amounted to 1/3 of the national total;
the assets of government owned corporations (GOCs) were drawn down to fund
increased public spending (a practice that was started under the Borbidge
Government), and this seemed to be extended under the Beattie administration into
dubious arrangements (eg requiring
GOCs to take on new debt in order to make large (eg many hundreds of $m)
special dividend payments to the state government);
there were many other indications of creative (or
perhaps fraudulent) accounting practices in later years that suggested the need for a
forensic audit of Queensland's public finances;
Show: examples
Causes for concern included:
accounting standards that allowed governments to do the sort of
things that Enron had to break the law to achieve; removing government
borrowing from the budget by dealing with the consolidated capital position
of departments, whose unmarketable assets could be valued somewhat arbitrarily;
ignoring GOC losses in the budget; raiding a fund set up to protect
consumers; consolidating superannuation funds with general public
finance which made the government's position appear more favourable
during periods of rapid share market growth; allegedly hiding the cost
of redeveloping Suncorp Stadium in a web of financial fictions (see
Enronitis above);
published claims in 2003 that cash was being drawn from GOCs to
support the budget using accounting tricks (see About
2003-04 Budget above);
claims in 2004 by Commerce Queensland that budget figures were
'fudged' [1];
dubious dealings that were reported in relation to financial
corporations associated with the Queensland Treasury. For example:
the ALP's Labor Holdings reportedly made
substantial profits as a major shareholder in Metway Bank as the latter
was merged with the previously state-owned Suncorp when the latter was privatised
following the Beattie Government's first (ie 1998/99) budget (see reference in
Reform of Queensland
Institutions or a Rising Tide of Public Hypocrisy?).
QIC's chairman was apparently forced to resign in 2009 in the face of
concerns about conflicts of interest in relationships with business
associates (op cit) . For example:
QIC invested heavily in 2009 in rescue operations for the troubled
Brisconnections group that was developing the Airport Link tunnel project
when both the QIC and Brisconnections had the same chairman. The Airport
Link project had initially been financed through arrangements that
involved toll charges that would cover only a fraction of the capital
cost, apparently in expectation that ongoing borrowings for several
decades would fund initial capital costs until traffic volumes /
affordable tolls increased.
However this common tactic proved disastrous for initial investors, given: the restricted
access to credit resulting from the GFC; the declining (rather than
increasing) overall traffic in SE Queensland (in terms of vehicle kilometres travelled)
that seemed to be resulting from higher oil prices; and community
resistance to paying tolls. Subsequently estimates
of traffic through the Airport Link tunnel were endorsed by project
promoters that defied credibility - but perhaps had the effect of
making it unnecessary for investors in the project to admit that the value
of their investments needed to be substantially written down (see
Airport Link: An Example of the
a senior public servant suggested in the late 1990s (in a personal
communication) that some years earlier, a minister (who had by then become
very influential) had made unauthorised use of capital funds for a department’s recurrent spending
(a practice that some have described as the 'Worldcom' syndrome');
a state Treasurer resigned in 2000 after concerns were
reportedly expressed by
his office
about problems in Queensland’s budget;
financial challenges (eg a narrow / weak tax base; past rapid
spending growth; erosion of Queensland claimant status for Commonwealth
grants; reliance on raiding GOCs' balance sheets; eliminating the
distortions that accrual accounting permits; financial risks associated
with corporatisation; and Queensland's limited ability to borrow
(because so little of its revenue can be increased by the state
government own decisions);
pressure from other states to reduce Queensland's Grants Commission
the lack of credibility of forecast future budget surpluses, given
past reliance on raiding GOC's balance sheets (which has limited future
prospects); and the divergence between business expectations of large
increases in future capital spending, and budget documents that suggest
that capital spending would need to decline;
apparent budgetary 'fiddles' (eg removing capital transactions from
the budget; potentially also achieving this through Public Private
Partnerships; assigning unrealistic values to assets; and the lack of
clarity about 'equity return' from GOCs).
indicators such as: conclusions by a 1996 Commission of Audit that
funding Queensland's needs would be difficult;
unusually large commitments to achieve 'strategic goals'; increasing
deficits facing GOCs and their reduced net assets; dubious practices for
valuing assets; and the emergence of a cash deficit for the first time
in 20 years;
likely causes such as: Queensland's reduced share of Commonwealth
grants; the state's weak tax base; the way assets for which there was no
market could be valued in producing pseudo-commercial balance sheets
under accrual accounting
overvaluing assets; and the introduction of corporatisation and
commercialization practices which seemed to: (a) reduce GOC revenues; (b)
potentially require large future injections of capital; and (c) suggest
that losses would be incurred in future.
Auditor Generals expressed some concerns. For example, in 2002 an Auditor
General argued that more information needed to be given about business
transactions with the private sector [1],
and that financial reporting procedures to parliament by the government were
incomplete and misleading [1].
Then in 2003 he
questioned the legality of requiring GOCs to pay special
dividends on the basis of ‘reserves’ created by simply revaluing their assets.
These and other issues apparently led to government efforts to reduce the independence of
the Auditor General [1,
2]. In 2008 an Auditor General found that government spending was
inadequately explained or documented (Odger R and Wardill S., 'Auditor blasts shoddy
work', Courier Mail, 18/4/08);
the 2009 state election Queensland's premier (Anna Bligh, who had been Treasurer
from July 2005 until she took over as premier in September 2007) unexpectedly announced proposals for selling assets valued at $15bn in order to reduce
Queensland’s public debt levels after the state’s AAA credit rating had been
lost. However it was anything but clear: (a) why assets that appeared to
contribute very little to state revenues and required large further capital
injections could be sold for $15bn; and (b) what effect the sale would have on
Queensland's overall fiscal position (see
Privatisation of Public Assets above);
more concerns about Queensland's debt levels were expressed publicly.
Show: examples
Queensland's $65bn borrowings are of concern. This represents 2.5
times the average borrowings of other states. Debt in 2011/12 is likely to be
$15,000 per person, while Western Australia has the next highest level ($8,620
per person). It took the Howard government 10 years to pay off the Keating
Government's $91bn debts - with a much stronger revenue base. (Queensland
Government borrowings, Revenue Review 2009),
Queensland has $74bn debts which cost $5.2bn pa in interest at 7% -
yet has only about $30bn income. The Opposition is looking for $1bn in savings,
which is a fraction of the debt service cost (Smith M. 'State
Debt, 3/3/2009)
potentially serious capital account deficiencies were apparent in the 2009-10 state budget
About the 2009-10 Budget and
Queensland's 2009-10
Budget Stress: The Tip of an Iceberg?). These referred to: a lack of transparency
that makes it very difficult to understand the true financial position;
potential conflicts of interest in privatising assets; tests that need to be
applied in deciding whether to privatise assets; the relationship between
budget strategy and uncertain economic conditions; reforming federal financial
arrangements; and the need for professional support to government;
concerns have been expressed that the debt levels of
Queensland's local governments are increasing significantly, partly because the
state government can no longer provide help.
Show: example
Local council debt levels are expected to rise (to $22bn from $16bn over the
next 20 years) because their support from state is being reduced - by
eliminating water and sewage subsidies; capping dividends from council owned
water authorities and capping infrastructure charges {Agius K 'Queensland's
council's debt levels soar', Brisbane Times, 3/10/11)
some assertions about Queensland's financial
position are difficult to understand unless extremely large payments
(several $bn pa) were received from the Commonwealth for infrastructure
investment; or (say) the superannuation assets
of government employees that are held by QIC on behalf of Q-Super are being
treated as government assets. For example:
how can an ongoing (about) $15bn capital works program (most of which is
presumably not funded by current state-sourced revenues) and a (hopefully peak) $4bn
operating deficit in the general government sector (see
Queensland's State Budget 2011-12 At a Glance) be reconciled with
multi-year estimates of increases in Queensland's debts of only (say) $8bn
pa [1,
why did the state government's claimed net worth fall by $13.1bn 2008-09
without explanation (see above)?
the NSW Treasurer reportedly warned in 2012 that the Queensland
opposition might be shocked by the state of Queensland's finances if it won
the 2012 election (see below)
The difficulties that have become increasingly apparent over the years in Queensland's
fiscal position did not arise in a vacuum.
Queensland's machinery of government has long been weak - partly due to: (a)
the lack of high level and
up-to-date understanding by the civil institution (that have a major
influence on the policies adopted by political parties) about the nature and
functions of government; and (b)
federal fiscal imbalances that have made it almost impossible for states to
take real responsibility, or be democratically accountable, for their
nominal functions.
It was suggested
above that investment in Queensland has for
decades generated poor returns
and limited increases in gross state product. One factor in this is arguably
that economic strategies, though
improved, have been inadequate - and those strategies influence the character of investment.
Show: indicators
In 1991
Queensland's GSP per capita was about 87% of the national average. Though
this had risen to 94% by 2011, it remained below the national average
(see ABS, 5220.0 - Australian
National Accounts: State Accounts, 2010-11) and ABS
Australian Demographic Statstics). And Australia's perceived
productivity gains in the 1990s have subsequently stalled - a history that
might be due to changes in exchange rates as much as to anything else (see
Analytical Complexities)
Economic strategy in recent decades can (simplistically) be seen to have
involved either exploiting natural wealth
or diversifying through the development of knowledge based functions (ie the
'Smart State' agenda). The former however: is subject to boom / bust cycles; tends to be relatively
unproductive except during booms (as booms encourage over-investment that
causes prices to collapse when demand moderates); and creates moral hazards for political
and business elites (eg see
Blind Spots Cloud the RBA's 'Lucky Country' Vision?). And the 'Smart State' has
been sought mainly by publicly funding
of often very costly 'smart' inputs to economic systems that are not well
enough developed to use them productively (and also by providing government
'assistance' that obstructs real economic development). The alternative would be
to start at the
market / commercial competencies end and thereby create a real demand to give urgency and direction to
'smart' inputs (see
Queensland's Economic Strategy, 2002
and Commentary on Smart State,
A more market-focused approach might have considerably strengthened
Queensland's tax base, and government revenues.
And since about 2008 there have been perceived needs for large scale
often-deficit-funded public spending to counter the economic and social effects of:
economically-disruptive international financial crises; natural disasters; and a
significant decline in interstate migration (and thus in the prospects of what
can best be described as the 'migration
industries' that have been critical to SE Queensland's economy).
Queensland's growing fiscal problems have been paralleled by those
of the Commonwealth Government which provides about half of the revenues for state spending. For example very large increases in federal revenues in
the middle of the last decade were achieved on the basis of an economic boom
(which generated strong growth in asset values and thus in capital gains
taxation) and then fully committed on an ongoing basis (mainly by cutting tax
rates and increasing welfare programs). This
created what some observers saw as a structural budget deficit for the
Commonwealth (see The Long Term
Impact of the Global Financial Crisis) - noting that rapidly rising asset
values were dependent on a long boom supported by the excessively easy credit
(in the US and Japan primarily) that: (a) affected Australia through 'carry
trades' and (b) also fed the asset bubbles in the US that led to the GFC. And
the federal government's fiscal position deteriorated further because
of: (a) measures taken to minimize the initial impact of the GFC, and (b) the economic changes
resulting from the GFC. The Treasurer
confirmed the
structural factors affecting the federal government's tight fiscal position in
March 2012. And few observers seemed to accept the optimistic assumptions
underpinning the government's claim of a 2012-13 budget surplus (see
Australia's Federal Budget Surplus?). Another unfunded stimulus package
seemed a more accurate description.
It is difficult to propose solutions to Queensland's apparently serious deficit
/ debt
position in the absence of a consolidated picture of what the deficit / debt position
actually is.
However, if (as suggested above) Queensland's
debts have been escalating at something like $8-10bn pa (eg if debt increased
from $21bn in 2004 to $85bn in 2011), then there may be a need to dramatically reduce capital spending.
This would clearly have economic consequences - both in terms of
employment and the availably of economically important infrastructure. And if,
as seems possible (see above), deficit spending has
been much greater than this (eg $15-20bn pa) and partly funded and thus obscured
by creative accounting (eg reliance on hoped-for gains in the value of employees' superannuation
assets), then the situation could be even more difficult.
Show: Invisible Financial Obligations - A Scenario
Invisible Financial Obligations - A Scenario: In recent years Queensland's state government (including both
general government and GOCs) seems recently to have had a capital works program
(and thus presumably spending that is not covered by current revenues) of something over $15bn pa, yet only something like $8bn pa has
apparently been financed by identifiable increases in state debts. Another way
to express the discrepancy is that: from 2002 until 2012 something over $120bn
has been budgeted for state capital works; at the start of this period
Queensland's net financial assets were apparently some $10+bn; and at the end of
the period debts were $60-80bn.
Unless huge Commonwealth grants for infrastructure have been provided, financial
'magic' seems to have been been involved in making several tens of $bns of
financial obligations invisible, as the present writer defies anyone to explain
what has been going on from an examination of the non-transparent data that is
publicly available about Queensland's capital accounts.
A scenario that could be considered is that there has been intense
business pressure on Queensland's Government since the mid 1990s to spend (on
infrastructure) and a political desire to spend $bns on pet programs such as
Smart State. Initially this could be funded by stripping the assets of GOCs –
but this ceased to be possible quite quickly. Then GOCs were obliged to borrow
to pay special dividends (though borrowing for recurrent spending is
not a smart tactic). Around 2000 / 2001 there was still intense pressure
to increase deficit spending – but moderate techniques of creative accounting had
been exhausted. It was stated in budget documents at that time that the state
government's overall capital outlays would have to decline from $5bn pa to
an affordable $3bn pa. Then less moderate methods of creative accounting were perhaps
considered to generate up to something like $10bn pa extra for deficit
spending above what was being borrowed (noting that capital spending went up to
$18bn pa at one stage).
Part of this might involve (say) quietly treating
some Q-Super assets (eg money held by QIC on behalf of public servants)
as government assets. Gains on these in excess of actuarial
estimates of future defined-benefit pension obligations would give government profits (and
increased net worth which could perhaps be the basis of loans to other GOCs
without altering the government's overall debt position). This would only work
if asset values were rising strongly - as share and property values were prior
to the GFC. It would also create long
term risks, and might not be legal. Such tactics could be
similar to the risky way in which social elites in East Asia
savings to invest in their idea of national interest projects on the assumption that, if
industrial capacity / property / infrastructure is built, a way will be found
for the community to
pay for it. However such tactics would get government into trouble in
the post-GFC environment – when asset values started falling rather than rising
, and
deficits on normal operations compounded the problem.
If Queensland’s Government now needs to acknowledge previously
undisclosed financial obligations (eg a deficiency in the funds needed to pay
future defined benefit superannuation pensions): its credit rating could be further
downgraded; obtaining capital could be more difficult; borrowing costs would rise; and
umpteen $bn might need to be slashed from annual capital spending.
Moreover any solution can't be confined to adjusting the Queensland Government's
budget. There would simultaneously be a need to create more reliable machinery of government,
the most sophisticated methods for evaluating investment options can not
compensate if the problem is the lack of strategic awareness or expertise by those who
are required to use those methods. For example, it is widely presumed that
Queensland's economic prospects are bright because a mining boom will
continue to be driven by rapid growth in China and other emerging economies.
However this may not be correct (eg see
for a Crash?and
Who's got
there is arguably a pressing need for reform of Australia's federal
system because, at present: (a) fiscal imbalances render effective state administration virtually
impossible, as well as generating duplication, buck passing and waste; and (b)
narrow state tax bases discourage states from serious efforts to develop
productive modern economies - and thus weaken governments' tax base
generally. Reform
options are suggested in
Australia's Federation;
techniques have been identified (eg by the IMF) that permit government debts to be mis-represented
'legally', and this (together with indications of
creative accounting in Queensland over the last 15 years) presumably requires both
tightening up accounting practices and a forensic review of past activity (which
would tend to disrupt ongoing government activities).
Show: some techniques identified
Complex financial engineering techniques allowed Greece to
borrow heavily without having to account for debts. The rights to future income
streams were foregone in exchange for immediate cash advances, and this was
classified as a trading arrangement rather than a loan [1]
IMF published Accounting Devices and Fiscal
Illusions in 2012 which details techniques for misrepresenting public finances.
This refers to: (a) deferring spending; (b) shifting government investments /
debts off balance sheet; (c) selling assets and crediting the proceeds as
revenue without allowing for the loss of future revenue streams; (d) selling
buildings to generate 'revenue' without accounting for the ongoing cost of then
paying rent; and (e) failing to make necessary investments, and thus deferring
costs. (Martin P.
'Swan needs more than a bag of tricks',
Brisbane Times, 3/4/12)
At the same time a more serious approach to development of the economy
is long overdue, and this might be achieved by:
ensuring that states gain financial benefits from doing so by
changes to Australia's taxation regimes (eg see
Economic development
considering the effect of migration on economic growth and demand for
both labour and infrastructure investment (see
Speculations about Queensland's Economic Predicament).
Rapid population growth associated with high rates of migration seems to
generate both: (a) labour shortages due to the labour requirements of
'migration industries' (see
Australia's Economy - The Role of Migration); and (b) a need for massive
capital investments.
The presumably-soon-to-be-elected LNP administration has a plan for its
first 100 days that starts with setting a 4% unemployment target and asking
Treasury to put in place measures that will reduce costs facing the public [1].
These ambitions are unlikely to be practical given the fiscal can of worms
that is soon likely to be opened. Moreover they seem incompatible with
simultaneous LNP warnings about the possible need to raise taxes to cope with
Queensland's debt.
Show: details
LNP Deputy leader and shadow
treasurer (Tim Nicholls) says tax rises may be needed (eg changes to
coal royalties). He was wary of what might be found about state finances.
Queensland projected debt ($85bn by 2014-15) can't be turned around quickly. LNP
is committed to a surplus in 2014-45 following the $4bn deficit this year. NSW
Treasurer (Mike Baird) recently warned Mr Nicholls that he might be shocked by
Queensland's finances. Nicholls is not confident, but has to rely on official
Treasury data. LNP plans a commission to audit to take a new look at the state's
finances [1]
fiscal discipline (eg seeking a surplus in 2014-15; expenses growth
below revenue growth; undertaking cost-benefit analyses; planning to regain Queensland's AAA credit rating; and fully funding long term liabilities);
a 'war on waste' by ensuring that spending is measured against outcomes;
establishing a Commission of Audit to find ways to bring Queensland's
liabilities under control; and
seeking a mandate before privatising assets.
While such initiatives may seem appropriate, they must be inadequate because
their scope is too narrow. Without simultaneous / complementary action to
enhance machinery of government and economic strategy they would be undermined
by unresolved weaknesses elsewhere (eg consider a parallel with the apparent
of the recent Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry).
Show: other issues
Other issues: It can be noted also that conventional
ideas about good financial practices are not necessarily adequate. For example
outcome-oriented budgeting is subject to many difficulties (see
Evaluation of Managing for Outcomes, 1997).
And merely calculating benefit-cost ratios (rather than using methods which
increase them, such as those suggested above) is arguably no longer sufficient.
More generally, while financial calculations and outcomes are important,
there is a need to recognise the limitations of these in ensuring both
effective government and the development of a productive modern economy
(see The Advantages and Limitations of Financial
And even more fundamentally, while suggestions about sticking to 'core
business' are sensible, it needs to be recognised that the provision of
public goods and services to which financial management techniques can be
applied is not the 'core business' of governments, and success with the
latter (ie success in 'governing') is primarily dependent on knowledge,
experience and wisdom rather than on optimal efficiency in the use of the
quite limted resources that would be involved (see
Governing is
not just Running a Large Business).
The public sector potentially provides a source of experience and advice
about, and a means to manage the inter-relationships amongst, these diverse complex challenges.
However it can only do this if it is developed primarily as a source
of support to elected governments rather than being treated as a source of
obstruction and cost as has been the case for the past two decades.
And even if the goal were simply to reduce the cost of providing public
goods and services, a direct / meat-axe approach is likely to be ineffective. A political
focus on cost cutting will tend to put into the most senior positions public
servants whose sense of mission and skills involve 'doing things' (ie providing
services / undertaking projects) at minimal costs. This would be likely to
displace those with the knowledge and orientation required for 'governing' (ie
creating an environment in which others can 'do things', an approach that can potentially reduce government's direct and costly operational roles) -
Eliminating Waste Inefficiently (2005) and
An 'efficiency dividend' seems an inefficient way of improving the federal
government's financial position (2011).
Addendum B: Winning Political Wars is Not Enough
Show: Winning Political Wars is Not Enough
Winning Political Wars is Not Enough -
email sent 24/4/12
Tony Walker
c/- Editor, Australian Financial Review
I should like to suggest for your consideration a couple of
reasons to suspect that winning the political ‘war’ may be insufficient to
ensure competent administration in Queensland over the next few years.
interpretation of major points made in your article:
CampbellNewman has: moved early to get rid of
Labor era political appointees; given notice of intent to scale back ambitious
environmental programs; and put prime agricultural land off limits to mining.
Cabinet involves a reasonable balance. A Commission of Audit has been set up to
see where waste can be eliminated. Planning and other procedures are likely to
be loosened.
As your article noted almost the first thing that the new
administration did was to continue the politicisation of ‘senior’ public service
appointments that has played a significant role in making Australia’s
governments ever-more ineffectual and crisis prone over the past two decades. My
reasons for suspecting that the Newman Government is unlikely to avoid a similar
fate are in
Can the Commander Do?
Also there seems to be a need for much more than a review
of Queensland’s budget (that your article referred to) to see where waste can be
There are many published indicators of a history of
potentially creative / fraudulent accounting practices (see
Recovering from Queensland's Debt Binge). Thus establishing Queensland’s
true current financial position arguably requires a forensic review of the
accounts and ‘commercial’ dealings of both the general government sector and
particularly of the financial and non-financial corporations that the government
controls. However, while it is possible that such a forensic
review will be undertaken by the Commission of Audit, there is nothing in its
terms of reference that requires it to look closely at whether
officially stated figures are a true reflection of the state’s financial
position. Moreover it is not clear that sufficient qualified resources (and
time) are available to undertake a forensic audit.
If official data on Queensland’s position are correct, the
Newman Government faces a very difficult fiscal challenge (and one that excuses
not proceeding with many pre-election promises). However, if creative /
fraudulent accounting practices have been relied on to sustain (and obscure)
Queensland’s apparently extraordinarily high levels of deficit spending over the
past 10-15 years, then Queensland’s fiscal problems could potentially trigger a
national crisis.
John Craig
Addendum C: Other Suggestions about Fixing Queensland's Budget Problems
Other Suggestions about Fixing Queensland's Budget
Show: details
Queensland's new
government must clean up the legacy of 14 years of Labor rule, improve
infrastructure and deliver on its election promises. The resources boom should
be used for reforms, rather than pork-barrelling. A sustained rise in
borrowing has been ALP's legacy. In 2006-07 revenues exceeded current expenses
by $1.8bn and with $2bn public investment, the state was a net borrower of
$200m. By 2010-11 current expenses were up 40% and exceeded revenues by
$1.5bn. Public investment had trebled to $5.6bn and net borrowings blew out to
$7bn. LNP intends to reduce borrowings faster than ALP (with smaller
deficit in 2013-14 and larger surplus in 2014-15. A $1.1bn GST windfall will
be used for reducing debt - and public sector wage bill be grow by no more
than 3%. Spending restraint will be hard given Queensland's rising population.
Population growth is 1/3 more than nation as a whole - and growth in Brisbane
is even faster. Population doubled since 1981 requiring road / power spending.
Queensland's per capita education / health spending now exceed national
average (having been lower before). With record infrastructure spending,
problems in power systems have been overcome. There is scope for rationalising
services (eg hospitals) in regional centres. Similar issues affect transport,
and LNP promises to 50% of resource royalties into rural areas could result in
wastage. Arrangements like Infrastructure NSW are needed to ensure that
investment decisions are based on sound analysis. Transport problems exist in
Brisbane also (eg rail and bus system utilization is only 50% and revenues
cover only 40% of costs). ALP was increasing costs 15% pa to improve cost
recovery - but LNP proposes only 15%. GOCs also require higher cost control,
which account for 50% of capital spending, yet earn only 4% on capital (below
the cost of capital). There is a need for better evaluation of environmental
policies and for enhancing eficiency of the state's revenue base - and
generates only 25% of its revenues - compared with 30% average for all states.
Reducing unemployment to 15% will be hard - given a relatively inflexible
labour market and large differences in unemployment between regions. The Fair
Work Act and the carbon tax make the situation worse. But Queensland's
restrictions on trading hours have similar adverse effects. Expanding
Queensland Competition Authority's role to include efficiency reviews is
useful, but requires: (a) change to the QCA and (b) clearer fiscal rules.
There is an opportunity for useful reform, but also a risk of populist
temptations. New premier must show he has the insight Queensland's future
needs, rather than repeat past errors. (Ergas H.,
'Campbell must clean up state finances',
The Australian, 26/3/12)
In June
2012 the Queensland Commission of Audit produced an
Interim Report into the Queensland Government's financial position and
strategies to improve that position.
Deterioration of the State's Financial Position:
Queensland's Government has had an
unstainable level of spending in recent years, which puts the state's financial
position at risk. From strength six years ago, its position is now weak - with
a worse performance than other states since then. Treasury's May 2012 forward
estimates indicate an operating deficit of $4.9bn in 2012-13. Though small
operating surpluses are likely from 2014-15, this won't fund capital spending -
so fiscal deficits will continue. The Commission believes Treasury forward
estimates are too optimistic. Those estimates have none-the-less been used by
Commission, though major corrections will be needed to achieve its
projections. There has been a lack of fiscal discipline since 2006, as
expenditures rose strongly while revenues moderated.
Unsustainable Debt Position: The debt position is
unsustainable (with gross debt of $64bn in 2011-12 probably rising to $92bn in 2015-16).
Gross debt in the general government sector rose tenfold over the past 5 years -
and this precipitated a loss of Queensland's AAA credit rating. Queensland's
ratio of total debt to revenue has risen from 20% in 2005-06 and is expected to
peak at 132% in 2013-14 (well above the 100-110% trigger range for a AAA
rating loss). Interest costs are $3.5bn pa for total government (and $1.7bn in
the general government sector), and have been the fastest growing government
expense over the past decade.
Lack of Effective Expenditure Restraint: Between 2006-07 and 2010-11 annual expense
growth averaged 10.5%, while revenue only grew 6.9% pa. Queensland,
traditionally a low tax state, has a revenue effort 10% below the Australian
average, but since 2007-08 its level of services spending has been 6% above
average. From 2000-01 to 2007-08 Queensland experienced a revenue surge from
strong economic growth - and commitments were locked in to high levels
of ongoing spending. This created vulnerabilities when GFC and natural
disasters hit in 2008 and 2011, as government then had to borrow heavily.
Employee expenses (both in terms of staff numbers and wages) have been a major
factor in expenditure growth. Most of this was due to the cost of achieving
new policy objectives (in health, transport, disability services, education).
The Queensland public sector has expanded both absolutely and relatively from
146,000 in 2000 (4.1% of state population) to 207,000 in 2011 (4.5% of
population) with over half of the increase in health (mostly in front-line services) and many also in education.
Wage growth in Queensland outstripped that in other states, while public
service became increasingly top-heavy. Capital spending in general government
sector declined from just over 1.5% of GSP in 2000-2001 for several years,
before rising to 3.5% of GSP in 2009-10 (while that in other states has mainly
been around 1% of GSP). Queensland, being relatively decentralised, may
require higher capital spending levels than other states. Major spending has
occurred in relation to: SE Queensland infrastructure; electricity
network upgrades; water infrastructure; and hospital beds.
Consequences of Ill-discipline: Queensland now
faces a major financial challenge. Expenditure commitments have been locked
in, and unrealistic budget assumptions have masked the underlying structural
problems. Queensland can't have both low taxes and high spending. Options to
boost revenue are limited, given the state's narrow tax base and heavy
reliance on Australian Government payments. Thus most adjustment must be on
expenditure side. Thus the Commission believes that there is a need to:
review existing services; rationalise core services; and seek better ways of
delivering services. There is perhaps also a need to better manage risks
associated with government assets and liabilities (including risks that others
might manage better), and for better Parliamentary and budget management
processes. Queensland's position is unsustainable, and a major process of
fiscal repair is needed.
Other Risks and Contingent Liabilities:
Queensland faces risks in terms of funding pressures (eg in possible
departmental overruns, the carbon tax, and the Commonwealth Games) and
contingent liabilities (eg commercial risks and capital funding needs of GOCs).
The Proper Measure of the Budget Position:
The fiscal balance (which includes both recurrent and capital spending) is the
most useful measure - as it most closely equates with borrowing requirements
and with the underlying cash balance. Queensland's fiscal deficit is much
worse in 2012-13 than in 2011-12 because of prepayments by the federal
government. .
Restoring Queensland to Financial Strength: It
will take many years to restore Queensland financial strength. Two stages are
suggested. Firstly stabilizing growth in debt and returning to fiscal surplus
in 2014-15, and secondly reducing accumulated debt. A $3bn reduction in the
bottom line (against current estimates) will stabilize (but not start to
reduce) debt. A $6.5bn reduction in debt would then bring the total debt to
revenue ration to 105% - and perhaps allow a credit upgrade. It would however
still leave the state vulnerable to instabilities. Thus a total debt to
revenue ratio of 60% (as in 2007-08) would be a better target.
Recommendations: Fiscal surplus be sought by
2014-15 through a $3bn process of fiscal repair. Total government debt then be
reduced by $25-30bn. Then government set zero fiscal balance goal in the
general government sector. To achieve the fiscal targets: government should
retain the 3% cap on employee expenses. Revenue options (eg by broadening tax
bases and increased taxpayer compliance) should be sought. All expenditures
should be reviewed, and capital expenditures be appropriately prioritised.
Returns from existing government assets should be maximised. The government
should examine exiting functions better undertaken by other levels of
government, and seek to manage demand for government services. Asset sales
should be considered to achieve the objectives of the second stage of the
The present writer has attempted to understand Queensland's non-transparent
and increasingly exposed financial positionsince 2001 (see About Queensland's Budgets,
From that point of view the Commission's Interim Report is a useful account of the deterioration of
the financial position, and aids understanding in several ways.
In particular, it:
partially clarified Treasury figures on changes in Queensland's revenue and debt
situation over time;
highlighted the over-optimistic assumptions needed for the previous
government's claims of a quick
return to surplus;
identified the risk factors being considered (eg funding pressures and
contingent liabilities);
defined various different concepts of debt, which helps in relating claims
based on different assumptions;
identified actual (as compared with budgeted) government capital
spending (Section 8), which clearly played the major role in
Queensland's escalating debts;
outlined some aspects of the financial status of important non-financial GOCs
(Section 10);
However in many respects the report seems inadequate because its focus is too
narrow. The following is thus
an interim 'audit' of the Commission's contribution. In brief it is
suggested that:
Queensland's financial difficulties apparently started much earlier than
indicated by the Commission of Audit, though they were initially concealed by
'creative accounting';
there thus remains a need for a forensic audit, rather than continuing to
assume that official financial statements present a reliable picture;
there is a lack of transparency about the financial position of GOCs and
Treasury-linked financial institutions in particular. The latter appear to
have contributed to government's claimed revenues and later GFC losses
(and thus to the states debt levels) without what is going on being
transparently disclosed;
the Commission's claim that fiscal repair should focus on recurrent
expenditures because this was where the problem mainly arose seems wrong;
the methods suggested by the Commission to deal with the state's financial predicament (ie financial manipulations focused on cost
cutting and asset sales) are ineffective ways of improving financial
or service outcomes - and involve great risks. A primary emphasis on
government's core business (ie governing effectively) would be preferable as
it would allow: immediate financial pressures to be relieved while building
up, rather than dislocating, the competencies needed to deal with the
Government's other priorities; better policies to be devised and
implemented; distortions in government machinery to be reduced; future
challenges to be met with reduced
need for public spending and red tape; revenues to be increased; and the
potential for abuses of power to be reduced.
Growing Financial Problems have been Apparent for 15 Years
Queensland's financial problems clearly started much earlier than the
Commission's report implied. The interim report suggested (p4) that the
escalation of Queensland's debt started in 2006-07 when capital spending began
to be funded increasingly from debt rather than from recurrent revenue (ie
rising from 31% funded from borrowings in 2005-06 to 96% in 2010-11).
However there were fairly clear indications well before 2006-07 that:
revenue had been misrepresented to some extent by creative accounting to
allow an escalation of 'revenue funded' capital spending (eg
requiring government owned corporations (GOCs) to take on large additional debts to pay special dividends to
boost government revenue - see Note 53
on Queensland's Challenge, 2001); and
financial problems had been
emerging (eg consider the circumstances of a Treasurer's resignation in 2000;
government warnings in 2002 about the unsustainability of Queensland's
then comparatively modest levels of capital spending; and the present
writer's attempt in 2003 to outline the growing
pressures for significant tax increases).
Links: to sources on the above and many other indicators are in
A Debt Binge?, which drew upon diverse sources
mentioned in About Queensland's Budgets,
Loading $bns of extra debts onto (say) electricity GOCs in order to conceal
general government borrowing contributed to
the subsequent need for rapid increases in electricity prices which have caused
some community disquiet.
However general public recognition of Queensland's
worsening financial position has been almost unbelievably slow to emerge,
and there may be structural reasons for this (eg marginalising Auditor
Generals; buying the support of interest groups who might otherwise have paid
attention to what was going on; or concluding that investment would raise
productivity and thus sufficiently increase public revenues).
Show: examples
For example:
Auditor Generals, who report to Parliament about Executive finances, have
been marginalised perhaps because Parliament has long been dominated by
the Executive (see
The Upper House Solution: A Commentary which ascribes Parliament's weakness to civil institutions'
inability provide reliable / up-to-date information for
public debate about
Queensland’s government and its functions) ;
potentially influential interest groups may have failed to consider
the state's increasingly obvious fiscal problem because their support was
being 'bought' (eg unions gained wage rises for members; universities gained
'Smart' State funding; and
business associations' demands for large rises in capital spending were
met); and
governments (initially the Beattie Government) may have concluded that
much increased public spending on such 'desirable' activities would generate
a sufficient improvement in government revenues to make this sustainable.
This assumption was given credibility for a few years after 2000 by
useful increases in government revenues, though these may have been mainly driven by the long global boom
linked to the asset inflation that later gave rise to the GFC.
It is also noteworthy that in July 2005 (ie after the 2005-6 budget was
delivered) Anna Bligh took over as Queensland Treasurer and then as Premier
in 2007). The obvious intent of the Bligh Government was to overcome the
problems associated with the crisis-prone Beattie Government (see
Queensland's Next
Successful Premier, 2007). This may have included reducing the emphasis
on creative accounting and funding capital
spending more transparently by direct borrowing, though it clearly did not involve either: (a) considering the
effect that massive increases in capital spending then being planned would have on the state's credit rating; or (b) initiating the institutional
changes apparently needed for competent administration (op cit).
There has been
a need for a forensic review of the accounts and ‘commercial’ dealings of both
the general government sector and particularly of the financial and
non-financial corporations that the government controls to check into apparent creative accounting to
misrepresent Queensland's financial position for over a decade. Moreover:
techniques governments are using to 'legally' (though perhaps only
temporarily) misrepresent their debts have been identified
by the IMF, and it appears that some may have been
used in Queensland. [It can also be noted in passing that claims have
emerged that the true cost of water infrastructure in Melbourne has been
disguised, by the way commercial deals were structured [1]];
Australia's GFS (Government Financial Standards) have been
suggested to allow distortions like those Enron
(a US company that failed after it was discovered that its financial obligations had
been shifted off balance sheet) had to break the law to achieve;
two Auditor Generals expressed concern about Queensland's accounting
practices (see above);
indicators of
conflicts of interest (ie seeking private profits at public expense) have
become apparent in relation to public financing due to growing private involvement in /
control over public functions.
However, to
date, the Commission of Audit has simply relied on possibly-distorted
Treasury figures. As noted below (for
example), it is impossible from Section 8 to unscramble the diverse
contributions to Queensland's 'gross debt' and 'debt' positions to deduce
exactly why capital spending was significantly greater than increases in
recorded debt / gross debt figures.
While the conclusions reached from reliance on Treasury figures are bad,
they may not reveal the full extent of the problem and thus risk leaving in
place arrangements that will generate future problems. A more probing approach
to the Commission's task seems to be required.
The Commission's Interim Report suffers a lack of transparency
related to the use of highly aggregated Treasury figures, similar to that
which has limited proper understanding of what is going on from annual budgets
- a deficiency that particularly affects Government Owned Corporations (GOCs)
- see above.
For example, the Commission's report
shows a rapid increase in government's debt / revenue ratio after 2006-07
(Chart 1.5, p5). It is implied that this is due to increasing staff numbers,
wages and capital spending, combined with the effect of the GFC and natural
While these (particularly the escalation in capital
spending) were real factors, the Commission did not mention the effect of apparently significant losses incurred in about 2008 of funds held
by the Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC) on behalf of the Government and
potential state superannuants as
a result of the GFC, even though:
QIC's 2011 annual report showed that it was then managing about $60bn in assets
(including superannuation funds held on behalf of public sector employees);
QIC had perhaps enabled state revenues to be boosted prior
to the GFC by transferring the until-then
rapid escalation in asset values to the state government. It is noted that a (roughly) $2bn pa 'equity
return' appeared in state budgets to boost
government revenues around 2000 with no explanation (see Note 53 on
Queensland's Challenge, 2001);
QIC's 2011 report also showed that total funds under management had
declined from $83bn in 2008 to $52bn in 2010, and it may reasonably be assumed
that a similar reduction had affected funds held on behalf of the Queensland
Government and superannuants; and
Queensland's 2008-09
budget papers recorded a $13.1bn fall in asset values without explanation.
fact there is almost no information at all in the Commission's interim report
concerning QIC. This is of concern also because of potential conflicts of
interest that appear to have existed in relation to the financial dealings by
the QICs and other Treasury-linked entities (see
The Interim Report suggested (p190) that little can be done to boost
revenues, so adjustments to cope with the state's financial difficulties must
mainly come from reduced spending - particularly recurrent spending on the
grounds that this was the main source of the problem.
However this seems overly simplistic, because:
the escalation in not-always-well-directed capital spending fully (perhaps more than fully)
accounts for the officially-recorded deterioration in Queensland's fiscal position. In 2002 the
then premier noted that the states' $5bn pa budgeted
capital spending was unsustainable. None-the-less capital spending then rose
to a budgeted maximum of $18bn in 2009-10 (an
actual about $15bn according to the Commission's Chart 8.3). Moreover the
Commission's interim report does not make it clear whether ongoing creative
accounting might have been involved in minimizing the states' perceived
debts. or whether real revenue contributed to capital spending. It is noted
over the 11 years to 2010-11 total capital spending was about $97bn
(Chart 8.3). That total
was apparently some $20-30bn in excess of the the present writer's estimate
of the increase in Queensland gross debt (an official figure not being
apparent from the Commission of Audit's report, or obvious from any other
over the 4 years to 2009-10 total state capital spending was about $53bn
(Chart 8.3), some $17bn in excess of the $36bn increase in the state's
'gross debt' over that period - based on Chart 2.2 (and $22bn in excess of
the $31bn increase in the state's 'debt' based on Chart 2.6). 'Debt'
(arguably the most important measure) differs from 'gross debt' because of
adjustments detailed in Section 2.1 of the Commission's report;
reforms to Australia's federal system could be sought that provide
states with revenue sources appropriate to their responsibilities, and
thereby (a) eliminate the massive costs and distortions associated with
extreme federal fiscal imbalances; and (b) give states the financial
incentive to take economic development more seriously (see
Fixing Australia's
Federation and Australia's
Future Tax System: The Cost of the Financial Crisis and the Opportunity to
Fix Government). All states are experiencing serious financial
constraints - indicating that their share of overall revenues is too low.
With a broader set of revenue sources states would be able to increase their
tax rates and revenues;
better understanding of Queensland's strategic environment can increase
the economically and financially beneficial prospects of avoiding risks and
taking advantage of opportunities that arise in that environment (eg the
ongoing GFC and the
possible 'Asian Century').
There is no doubt that dealing with Queensland's bad financial position is
urgent. However the methods the Commission proposed to achieve
this (eg reducing
expenditure in Stage 1 and possible further asset sales in Stage 2 - see p 91)
are inadequate and potentially dangerous.
Priority should be given to maintaining and building effective public and
civil institutions - partly through requiring and encouraging them to meet the financial challenge.
Unfortunately the reasons for suggesting this are complicated.
The financial manipulations that the Commission envisages as the strategic
focus will do nothing to rectify the across the board weakness / ineptitude in Queensland's institutions
have been a significant factor giving rise to fiscal problems (see
How did it get to
be so bad?).
inadequate understanding by
civil institutions (because of Queensland character and history) of the nature and functions of government,
which at times lead to advocacy and political adoption of amateurish policies;
the difficulties and distortions created by federal fiscal imbalances;
seriously weakened and dysfunctional
machinery of government, which amongst other things deprives elected
governments of adequate 'reality' checks on their policies;
a weak tax base due to poor economic strategy; and
external difficulties such as: (a) a
need for high levels of spending to counter the effects of financial crises
and natural disasters; and (b) the federal government's structural budget
difficulties that have now also become apparent and must affect the funds
available for payments to the states which constitute the majority of the
states' revenues.
Most of these factors are not mentioned in the section of the Commission's
report (eg Section 1.5) related to risks and contingent liabilities, though
they are of critical importance.
Show: examples
For example, the Commission's Interim report points to the large increases in spending
in recent years and in particular to large increases in employee expenses
(p4). However this arguably arose because the Beattie Government: (a) attempted to
achieve more ambitious goals than its predecessors while hampered by the
ineffectual machinery of government it inherited; (b) encountered many crises;
and (c) sought to solve problems mainly by throwing money at them (see
A Simplistic View
of Past Queensland Administrations).
The crisis that emerged in
Queensland Health also illustrates this. Problems seem to have arisen primarily because of the
centralised and politicised environment in which Queensland Health operated,
yet inquiries into the medical competency problems at Bundaberg Hospital focused only on factors internal to Queensland
Health (see Intended Submission to Health
System Inquiry, 2005). Thus little real improvement in the way resources are
used has been possible despite massive increases in health-related employee
Simply focusing on financial goals (rather than
addressing them in the context of broader efforts to strengthen Queensland's
public and civil institutions) will at best give rise to ongoing crises by
impeding progress in:
meeting the numerous other challenges that government faces by
destabilizing the organisations that are expected to help government achieve
goals in areas such as transport, health, education and the economy;
At worst the suggested narrow focus on dealing with Queensland's financial
difficulties in isolation could lead to a breakdown of effective government,
greatly increased risk of abuses of power
and rising instability and insecurity in the community.
Moreover, a primary focus on financial outcomes is a very poor way of
improving government's financial position (eg see
Improving Public Sector Performance in
Queensland , 2005 and
An Efficiency Dividend is an Inefficient Way of Improving Efficiency, 2011).
Doing so will tend to result in an
administration dominated by those concerned with financial
arrangements or providing goods and service efficiently
(and the latter is only governments' secondary function for reasons suggested
in Governing is Not
Just Running a Large Business). This will reduce, or at worst destroy, government's
ability to undertake its core business effectively (ie 'governing',
which involves creating a non-centralised framework in which others can
'do things'), because the knowledge and skills required for 'governing' are
quite different and much broader (eg concerned with how the society and
economy as a whole works).
Show: a complicated aside
A Complicated Aside:
Desirable outcomes (eg improved finances) are best regarded as the result
of the activities of effective organisations, rather than as the 'button' to
push in order to make
organisations effective, especially in the public sector.
This can be illustrated by the example of improved accountability, which
was the primary outcome sought by Queensland's Goss Government in the early
1990s. Effective organisations are likely to reduce both the motivation and
scope for abuses of power and corrupt dealings (eg because employees will be
motivated by the organisation's goals, and under the scrutiny of competent
fellow workers). However the Goss Government's narrow focus on increasing
accountability (eg by across the board restructuring and restaffing to match
the perceptions of political insiders) resulted in the loss of hard-won
competencies needed to achieve practical outcomes and the creation of almost
unworkable machinery of government (see
Worst Government, 2005). It also created an environment that
facilitated abuses of power (see
Reform of Queensland
Institutions or a Rising Tide of Public)
While the issue is
too complex to pursue in depth here some suggestions about the reason for
suggesting an emphasis on effective machinery of government as a way to
improve financial performance (rather than pursuing financial goals in the
hope that this will result in effective institutions) are in:
Evaluation of Managing for Outcomes' (1997) - which
examined limitations on efforts to control government activities on the
basis of financial criteria. Many of the institutional problems that
Queensland has suffered over the past two decades seem to relate to this
(ie to centralised budget-linked control). For example, a crisis emerged
linked to the failure to develop electricity distribution infrastructure,
apparently because those who knew that this was needed were excluded from
the decision making process;
Advantages and Limitations of Financial Criteria - which considered the
role of financial criteria in coordinating economic activities generally.
Such criteria can be useful if they simplify the decision process facing
individuals, but hazardous if financial considerations become complex;
is not Just Running a Large Business - which suggests why the
financial criteria that are useful in managing a business are less
relevant in managing government's mainly-non-business-like activities; and
Side Effects - which highlights the way in which the application of
competition principles (that can at times be seen as needed for financial
criteria to be an effective basis for decision making) can have the
unforeseen consequence of making government less effective in 'governing'
(eg because it impedes the collegiality that is required to rationalize
the relationships amongst diverse complex policy issues).
If a government focuses on its core business (ie 'governing' effectively), rather than on
narrowly on financial schemes and
being efficient in 'doing things' (ie providing goods and services):
the core competencies required for ongoing success will be retained, mobilized
and strengthened, because they are being used to deal with financial difficulties
and other government priorities (rather than being marginalised and
scope for abuses of power will be reduced;
institutional constraints like those mentioned above are more likely
to be resolved and thus (for example): enable better policies to be
generated; reduce
administrative distortions and inefficiencies; and create a stronger tax
base, thereby increasing revenues.
solutions found to future challenges facing government will tend to
involve much reduced demands for
public spending and new 'red tape'. Past attempts to reduce 'red tape'
illustrate what happens when primary focus is given to streamlining
existing regulations, rather than to the machinery through which
regulation is developed (ie slight reductions in existing 'red tape' have
swamped by additional demands for regulation to achieve new goals).
Finallyasset sales are anything but a certain way of improving
government's financial position or the delivery of truly 'public' goods and
services (see
Infrastructure's New Road). The uncertain financial benefits and
potential conflicts of interest related to the earlier sale of Queensland
Government assets are outlined above (ie why assets producing little
revenue and requiring large future capital injections would attract large
sale prices was unclear and insiders appeared to have the potential for
private gains at public expense).
This illustrates the complexities and risks that asset sales potentially
generate and thus the importance of considering such options transparently
within a framework of effective public administration generally.
Former ALP government's capital expenditure in 2011-12 was paid
almost entirely from debt - according the Commission of Audit. This had
risen from 34% debt funding in 2005-06. From 2005-07 spending increased by
10.5% pa while government revenue increased by 6.9% pa. Treasurer says that
state had been living beyond its means before GFC and 2011 natural
disasters. In ALP's mid-year review capital purchases of $25 (and debt
increases of $25bn) were shown over 3 years - which was seen as needed to
maintain jobs in financial crisis. ALP also forecast $60m surplus in 2014-15
- based on various savings proposals (eg deferring new police academy and
facilitating voluntary separations). Treasurer detailed a further $185 in
savings yesterday. (Moore T. 'Debt
paid Labor's bills: audit', Brisbane Times, 15/6/12)
Queensland won't regain AAA credit rating til 2017/18 credit rating and would
need to find $30bn savings to achieve this - and to have fiscal capacity to
absorb shocks according to treasurer. Commission chairman warned that further
downgrades are possible without changes. Queensland has to pay $100m more now
than when it had a AA rating. Gross debt is now $64bn and could reach $92bn by
2015/16, Commission of Audit recommends two stage program (a) returning budget
to modest surplus by 2014-15; and find large savings by 2019/20. First step
(cutting $3bn pa in annual spending will slow economy by 0.75%. Stage 1 cuts
involve cutting public sector expense costs to 3%; increasing mining
royalties; broadening land tax; and increasing gambling taxes. There is
considerable pressure to cut permanent public sector jobs. Asset sales are
being considered after 2015/16 election - with possible sales of Q-Fleet,
Q-Build, Go-Print and CIREC earlier. $25-30bn in asset sales are needed
according to Audit - though government has not yet decided on this. Treasurer
said that previous budget was based on heroic assumptions, and was
unrealistic. Opposition treasury spokesman (Curtis Pitt) said the report was
politically tainted, and would be used to justify job cuts. Its forecasts
assumed repeats of the GFC, floods, cyclones. Public sector union, Together,
said that government needs to keep its promise about no forced redundancies.
Industry groups disagree about whether asset sales are needed, but agree about
the need for public sector job cuts. AIG sai that sale of Powerlink, CS Energy
and Stanwell would generate $10, but CCIQ said that this would only be a
temporary solution. (Moore T.,
State's AAA rating five years away: report', Brisbane Times,
Commission of Audit is right in saying that treasury forecasts of budget
turnaround are optimistic - a problem that is nationwide. Queensland's
position is worst because of large infrastructure spending, and lack of
disciple in last 6 years. Commission suggests that general government sector
should fund capital spending from revenue, and that GOCs should only make
financially viable investments. Asset sales seem to be needed. Suggested
revenue measure could adversely affect property market, Commission suggests
government should review programs, but a tougher approach is needed (ie to be
hard nosed about things that are nice to have but not vital (Uren D.
'Forget niceties and make real cuts', Australian, 16-16/6/12)
Newman Government is considering increased gambling taxes / mining royalties
and selling state-owed printing / vehicle and building businesses - as first
stage of two term plan to return budget to surplus. Sackings are possible.
Options suggested by Commission of Audit include ending first home owners
grant, increasing gambling taxes / mining royalties / property transfer duty,
and then in second stage selling $25-30 in assets. GOCs will need massive
capital injections, competing with health / education and social services for
funding. Public service pay cap of 3% has been set. Report said that
debt-revenue ratio is much greater than AAA credit rating limit. Peter
Costello blamed former government, not Treasury, for overly optimistic forward
estimates. Opposition finance spokesman (Curtis Pitt) criticised talking down
the economy, and rejected blame for state of the books. He said that debt and
deficit assumptions used in Costello audit assume repeat of GFC and natural
disasters (McKenna M and Barrett R
'Job cuts, tax hikes, asset sales on menu', Australian, 16/6/12}
Business (eg AIG's Matthew Martyn-Jones) insists that government sell
electricity assets to boost financial position and bring it into line with
other states. Commission chairman said that the problem was too big to be
solved by spending cuts alone - asset sales will be needed (Barrett R.
Business push for power sell-off, Australian, 16/6/12)
State budgets are in a worsening mess - not because of reckless spending but
because revenues are flat-lining. The problem is becoming obvious because Rudd
Government's stimulus spending that was channelled through states is ending.
Reduced GST is now impacting on state budgets - because people are spending
less overall and more on services that are GST exempt (eg health, education
and offshore spending). Also housing finance has slumped. Property values have
declined, and sales have slowed thus duties on property market transfers have
fallen. The mining boom is part of the problem because it has driven up $A and
worsened prospects of other sectors. Queensland is not benefiting as WA is
from this, because coal is not booming in the way iron ore is. Queensland's
royalty revenues fell $1.5bn pa . Revenue constraints are affecting the
federal government as well. ACT has reformed its tax system in ways that
should improve its revenues and sustainability (Hayward D.
'Boom and bust: the parlous health of our state finances', The
Conversation, 25/6/12)
Queensland is pushing ahead with significant public service cuts. On election
the Newman Government commissioned an audit of the state's finances. This
shows Queensland in a sea of red - because of Beattie / Bligh governments
heavy infrastructure spending. The problem is flat revenues, while costs rise
inexorably. States have narrow tax bases, highly reliant on GST and stamp duty
- and GST is no longer rising rapidly. Stamp duties are weak because of
problems in real estate. On expenses side, health and education costs are
rising rapidly (as wage rises in other industries spill over). Also government
now increasingly employs better educated / skilled individuals. States have
responded to problems with bouts of austerity. Queensland and NSW have gross
debts of $71bn and $54bn respectively, and in Queensland this is only 20% of
GSP (ie nothing like the problem facing Greece). Previous governments arguably
did the right thing in increasing infrastructure spending, while NSW failed by
not doing so. Whether there is a problem depends on whether you think deficits
are intrinsically bad. Queensland Commission of Audit provides alot of
information to alarm those who think deficits are bad. The real problem is
states' narrow tax base and poor revenue growth. Problems will continue until
vertical fiscal imbalance issue is resolved. (Eltham B.
'Newman swimming in a budget that’s a sea of red', Crikey, 25/6/12)
As suggested in
Auditing the Commission, it is probably unreasonable to just take official
figures on trust. There have apparently been a lot of accounting fiddles and ‘commercial’
dealings with non-transparent implications over the past 15 years;
Rapid interstate migration over
the past 30 years has been a significant issue because: (a) this generated a
lot of economic activity – and thus tax revenues; and (b) also generated a
delayed even more massive demand for infrastructure spending (see
Speculations about Queensland's Economic Predicament, 2010);
It is very likely that revenue
constraints facing federal and state governments will worsen – because the
economic environment is likely to generate something approaching a depression
(eg see
Australia's Federal Budget Surplus?). The latter outlines the
international problems that ‘everyone’ knows about. The real cause for concern
is that traditional countercyclical (fiscal and monetary) policy solutions are
being sought to what seems in fact to be a structural problem, and the latter
is receiving no serious attention (eg see
policy can't solve structural problems, 2011 and
China and Japan Need to Do More Than Contribute to Europe's 'Begging Bowel',
I was interested in your ‘insider’ view of the issues
affecting Queensland’s new government.
My interpretation of your article:
New governments take time to realize that they are in government – and the
Newman Government has been trying to do so for 100 days. Some ministers have
succeeded, but the Treasurer has not. This is illustrated by claims that the
Queensland public service was cruelly strung along by the previous government,
and that (though the government wants to preserve jobs) Labor’s debt makes this
impossible. Wage offers are being made that assume very low (1.6%) inflation –
and amount to wage cuts. Queensland’s coffers are said to be empty with debt
headed for $100bn – so that when unions demand more money for members, this is
claimed to be at the expense of reductions elsewhere. Growth in public service
numbers occurred in health, police and community functions. This resulted from
Queensland’s health crisis and problems in child safety / protection. If public
service numbers had only grown at the same rate as Queensland’s population,
there would be 18,000 fewer public servants, but problems in those areas would
not have been resolved. The Treasurer aims to cut non-front-line staff (which
raises questions about who handles hospital logistics) but also needs to cut
7000 front line staff. Employee expenses as a percentage of total government
revenue have not changed much. Queensland public sector wages grew faster than
average, but had been well behind (and remain somewhat behind) average national
levels. Queensland (particularly in the private sector) was a low wage, low
skill economy for much of its existence and has only recently started to catch
up. Queensland’s public sector already had a higher level of education and
training relative to the private sector. Over the past decade Queensland private
sector wages grew faster than those in public sector. When GFC hit the private
sector, it reduced output because of collapsing demand – but demand did not fall
for public services. Many ministers are like the Treasurer in acting as if they
are still in opposition – and producing inaccurate / superficial policy.
Governments have to base their actions on reality. The Newman Government will be
in real trouble when the inevitable policy crisis lands in their laps.
seems no doubt about your final conclusion – ie that the Newman Government will
be in trouble when it is confronted by Queensland’s next (and presumably
inevitable) crisis.
My reasons
for suggesting this are outlined in
Beyond Populist Rhetoric (2011);
Curing Queensland's Myopia (2011);
Next Unsuccessful Premier? (2012); and
Can the Commander Do? (2012). The latter points to the fact that successful
government requires mobilizing the knowledge and skills available through the
public sector, and that alienating / eliminating those with key knowledge and
skills (as the Newman Government also seems determined to do) is a formula for
ineffective performance and for ongoing crises like those that have been
inflicted on Queensland over the past two decades as a consequence of the
autocratic naivety of the Goss administration (see
Queensland's Worst Government?, 2005).
relation to Queensland’s financial position and the affordability of the public
service’s wage bill, I suspect that the Treasurer is: (a) correct in suggesting
that the situation is dire; but (b) ill-advised in claiming that employing too
many public servants is the primary source of the state’s financial mess. My
reasons for suggesting this are outlined in
Auditing the Commission (2012)
John Craig
Addendum F: More creative accounting in Queensland?
Show: More creative accounting in Queensland?
More creative accounting in Queensland? - email sent 31/8/12
Your article noted that the Queensland
Government is considering selling (then leasing back) various buildings in
My interpretation of your article:
QIC is considering buying about 15 Queensland government buildings for $2bn.
These may be lower quality offices that require substantial spending on
improvements at a time when the government is seeking to cut spending. Selling
to QIC would dampen claims that the government was privatizing those assets. There
has been discussion about the length of lease of these buildings by government.
Other options are also being considered, eg selling properties individually, or
setting up a trust (in which the government would have units) to hold the
It is worth recognizing that this tactic
(ie selling assets so as to reduce debt and then not counting the necessary
stream of future payments for the ongoing use of those assets as equivalent to a
debt) is one of the ways that the
IMF has identified that governments now misrepresent their true financial
The use of this tactic to reduce
Queensland’s apparent financial obligations seems to be just more-of-the same
creative accounting that has apparently been used to understate Queensland’s
debt position over the past 15 years (see
A Forensic Audit is Needed). As the latter noted, Queensland’s
recent Commission of Audit seemed to pay no attention to the
fairly obvious use of such devises – perhaps because Queensland’s debt position
was considered to be bad even without looking deeply at what had been going on
(and what your report suggests may still be going on).
John Craig
Addendum G: Reforming State Governments: Does Queensland's
Commission of Audit Have the Answer? +
Your article referred to proposals by Queensland’s latest
Commission of Audit (involving a former Australian treasurer and others) for
improving Queensland’s financial position, public sector performance and
economy. I should like to suggest for your consideration that, while the
Commission raised important issues, better options are available.
Key themes in the Commission
of Audit’s report (which is
outlined on my website) were: the need for change to overcome Queensland’s
fiscal problems; a parallel need to improve Queensland’s economic productivity;
the relatively greater size of state government in Queensland and the difficulty
of funding this; problems in the traditional role of Queensland Governments;
improving financial management; achieving better value for money in front-line
service delivery; and excellence in public administration.
The Commission of Audit’s proposals primarily involve
introducing market-like disciplines within government - like those applied under
National Competition Policy in the 1980s and 1990s [1],
and which were also advocated by an earlier Queensland Commission of Audit in
1996. The latest version also seems to parallel ideas developed in a report that
Commerce Queensland commissioned in 2006. The latter (by Des Moore) pointed to
real problems in the role of government in Queensland and suggested that
increasing the private sector’s role in the economy and in the delivery of
public services was the solution. However, as the present writer suggested at
that time, that proposed ‘solution’ was inadequate in itself (see
Comments on The Role of Government in Queensland).
The Commission of Audit’s interim report in 2012 seemed to be
based on a very narrow appreciation of Queensland’s fiscal problems and options;
The Commission’s report is based on conventional economic analysis
in an environment in which such ideas are being challenged and leading
economists say that they are no longer sure what to teach. While the effective
use of the financial resources that the Commission focused on are important,
better use of information is likely to contribute even more to economic
performance and effective government;
The application of contestability and ‘business-like’ methods that
the Commission advocates tends to:
be difficult to apply to governments’ service delivery, as the
latter typically involve functions affected by real market failures;
have the unintended consequence of eroding governments’ ability to
carry out its primary function (ie ‘governing’) and can thus generate expensive
policy blunders that are anything but a contribution to economic productivity;
A primary emphasis on ‘governing’ (ie on creating an environment
in which others can ‘do things’) is more likely to constrain the role and cost
of government than the primary emphasis on core service delivery that the
Commission of Audit suggested;
Treasury efforts to strategically control financial outcomes
(rather than creating an environment in which agencies can ‘do things’) have
apparently been one cause of the poor and deteriorating performance of
Queensland agencies, and would seem likely to be reinforced by some of the
Commission of Audit’s proposals for new financial controls;
Private sector involvement in the delivery of public goods and
services (eg on contract) can be highly beneficial, but private ownership and
control of functions subject to market failures creates problems;
Government should not be the major focus of efforts to boost
economic productivity (as it is much smaller than the private market economy and
is subject to many more constraints). Much better options for increasing
economic productivity are available through accelerating development within the
market economy itself by stimulating initiative-oriented investigations of
collaborative opportunities;
A public service must be ‘responsive’ to many different /
incompatible pressures (eg clients, governments, best practices, practical
factors, emerging trends) – and these can’t be balanced in the current highly
politicised environment. Likewise a ‘reform oriented’ public service is often
likely to explore options that are not yet (and may never become) politically
acceptable – and this again is incompatible with politicisation.
While the issues the Commission of Audit addressed (ie
government’s fiscal problems, cost effective government services, strengthening
the economy and public service reform) are important, progress would best be
achieved by treating them as ‘areas of critical concern’ within an ongoing
process of dealing with all government functions (eg by the use of methods like
those Queensland used with reasonable success for other ‘areas of critical
concern’ in the 1970s). Implementing the Commission of Audit’s proposals (eg
providing core services in a pseudo-business-like manner and increasing
centralised control of financial performance) would either: (a) dislocate other
government functions and thereby generate future problems; or (b) achieve very
little because irresolvable incompatibilities would be discovered with other
policy priorities. Thus there is arguably a need to:
Mobilize information and support from across the whole public
sector in developing and implementing solutions; and
Give attention to: (a) much more that the public financial
criteria that the Commission of Audit was asked to address; and (b) matters that
the Commission’s report did not mention.
In the context of efforts within the ALP to try to end the
repeated crises that had plagued the Beattie administration, brief suggestions
about the more broadly based ‘institution building’ efforts that seemed to be
needed to enable Queensland’s Government to avoid ongoing problems were outlined
Queensland's Next Successful Premier (2007). However neither the subsequent
ALP administration nor the current Coalition Government seems to have recognised
the complexity of their challenges. In fact the Newman Government arguably
risked amplifying Queensland’s chronic problems on day one (see
Can the Commander Do? 2012).
Thus Queensland remains in trouble. It fiscal problems are
real. Many of the options to deal with this have not been (and could not be)
considered because the question has been addressed narrowly through a Commission
of Audit. And, though the Commission has touched on real ‘areas of critical
concern’, its proposed way of dealing with these would probably create more
problems than they solve.
John Craig
Show: Outline of Commission's Final Report + Published Comment
In March 2013 the Commission of Audit produced a final report, of which a
brief outline follows together with some
published comment.
Fiscal repair Strategy: interim report suggested stabilizing position
(which 20012-13 budget achieved) and then paying down debt. Debt reduction
can't be achieved by changes to operating statement (as 50 years would be
needed for 1% of revenue to reduce debt by $25bn). State must decide whether
to tie up large sums in current businesses or seek better uses for that
capital (eg reducing debt / debt service costs and new investment). Without
rapid debt reduction Queensland won't retrieve its AAA credit rating.
Commission recommends selling assets - especially in the energy sector as
these are primarily commercial / provided privately in other states / create
commercial risks for government. Commission also recommends seeking higher
productivity mechanisms for service delivery (eg by greater reliance on
private sector service delivery) in the face of a growing / aging population.
The Economic and Fiscal Challenge: Queensland must lift productivity to
sustain economic growth. Economy has been driven for 25 years by population
growth, increased workforce participation and mining development. These are
not sufficient over the next 25. Productivity has been falling. Projections
should much slower growth over the next 40 years - which is a major problem
for aging population. Productivity performance must be improved.
Business-as-usual projections suggest ever rising state debt / GSP ratios.
Productivity gains of 0.8-1% pa are needed for stable fiscal position (ie a
one third unit cost of service delivery by 2050-51). This is equivalent to
0.5% pa rise in GSP.
The Size of Government: Government is Queensland's largest employer /
purchaser, and thus has significant economic impact. It has been larger than
elsewhere partly because of decentralisation. State expenditure has risen
since 2003-04 relative to other states. States are under constant pressure to
undertake new functions / services, though their tax bases are narrow.
Increased revenue requires that the federal government increase taxes and
redistribute this - which seems unlikely.
The Role of Government: Queensland Government is involved in commercial
activities that are efficiently delivered commercially elsewhere - and this
creates commercial risks and diverts resources from core health / education /
social services functions. There is no universal rule on public / private
functions. Governments at times started functions (with large start-up
risks) that were later privately provided - when appropriate regulatory
structures were created. GOCs are at risk in commercial environment because of
limited flexibility / entrepreneurship. Governments need to create an
environment for services to be provided efficiently / at low cost / with low
risk. Privatised government enterprises can be more cost effective if they
operate with government interference. Government responsibility for services
does not mean that government delivery is required. There can be a continuum
from pure public to pure private delivery. Elements of traditional public
services are increasingly provided privately. Key principles in managing and
delivering services involve: focus on core services; contestability; demand
management; workforce flexibility; capacity building (eg in contract
management); reducing overhead costs; stronger financial management; and
public / private productive capacity. Government should: provide core / public
good services; work with non-government providers for other social services;
and ensure services with a strong commercial component are privately provided.
Keeping taxes low is encouraged. As revenue is constrained, spending should
also be limited. The report addresses: orderly exit from functions government
should no longer be involved in; achieving better value for money in front
line services; and structural / organisational / management options to make
the public service more flexible, responsive and cost effective.
Government Commercial Enterprises: Government must make better use of
its balance sheet by releasing capital to pay down debt and free up funds for
new investment. Commercial test are suggested for ongoing government
involvement (in reasonably contestable markets, monopoly undertakings, and
others). This suggests disposing of commercial energy / ports operations, and
funds management (ie the QIC). Electricity assets should attract private
buyers - and generate a significant return of capital to government. Without
asset sales further essential infrastructure investment will be constrained.
And without sales, capital to pay down debt could be derived from these
businesses by long term leases, securitisation of income streams, joint
ventures, partial sales and contacting out of some operations. The combined
book value of Queensland Government's energy companies is about $25bn.
Subsidies for road and rail transport services are increasingly costly. These
should thus be delivered through contestable contracts under franchise and
lease arrangements. Irrespective of whether they are to be divested, GOCs
should be reformed in terms of removing restrictive workplace agreements /
unnecessary policy restrictions on commercial operations - and making
cost of policy requirements transparent and paid separately from commercial
operations. The GOC legislation was introduced in the early 1990s and not
fundamentally reviewed since. The GOC model has been compromised by adding
policy requirements that add dead-weight costs that interfere with commercial
operations - and reduce returns to government. These costs should be
transparent. Policy requirements have destroyed business value and increased
the need for government equity injections. The GOC governance model needs to
be modernised - with greater separation between government's role as owner,
regulator and policy maker. GOCs should have a single shareholding minister.
Financial Management: High standards of financial management are
needed. There has been a loss of financial discipline and lower financial
management standards. Charter of Fiscal Responsibility standards were not met,
and major infrastructure investments were not disciplined. This led to cost
escalation. High standards of financial and project management are needed.
Government decisions have long term consequences, yet have been made on the
basis of short term considerations. An intergeneration report with a 40 year
time horizon should be a starting point - and be supported by a 10 year state
infrastructure plan. Given constraints on public funds more use will need to
be made of the private sector in funding public infrastructure. The Value for
Money Framework needs to be revised to recognise the potential for greater
innovation / cost effectiveness and better project management. Maintenance
needs more emphasis - as it has been neglected relative to new investment.
Significant maintenance backlogs exist in Health, Education, Transport and
Main Roads. Agencies should produce fully integrated total asset management
plans (involving new / replacement assets, maintenance and whole-of-life costs
as well as rationalisation / disposal plans) as inputs to the proposed State
Infrastructure Plan. In the past this has been done in a piecemeal fashion. A
revised Charter of Budget Accountability is needed. Improved financial
management will give government better value for money. There is a need to go
further than Office of Best Practice Regulation and Queensland Competition
Authority in reducing regulatory burden on business. Time-frames fro approvals
should be reduced. a Queensland Productivity Commission should be established
to provide advice on productivity improvement in the public sector and general
economy. It would periodically review departmental budgets to streamline
existing operations. Reforms to federal financial relations will be needed to
strengthen Queensland's economy (which is outside the scope of the report).
However attention needs to be given to which level of government should
perform functions and how confusion / overlap can be avoided.
Front-line Service Delivery: Better value for money is vital.
Government's primary responsibility is to ensure that services are delivered,
not that government itself does the delivery. Queensland has become a
high-cost provider of services in recent years. This has not been matched by
increased output. This must be reversed by greater efficiency or partnering
with private / non-government providers. There are also increasing demands for
services. Thus all service areas need constant scrutiny. The Commission has
closely studied: which services government should provide; current efficiency
/ effectiveness in service delivery; and options for improvement. There are
deficiencies in many areas. Data problems make it hard to assess this fully -
though available indicators suggest poor hospital efficiency. Greater use of
case-mix funding is recommended to improve this - and meet the National
Efficiency Price (which is needed by 2014-15 to reduce Queensland's cost
burden under new health funding arrangements). Contestability should be
introduced in the delivery of services - in order to find innovative / lower
cost solutions. There is a need (especially in health) to clarify which
functions the federal and state governments are responsible for. In education
most attention needs to be given to improving student performance outcomes,
and narrowing performance gaps - and this requires autonomy and accountability
by individual schools. Current efforts to increase competition in the VET
sector should continue. An independent industry-led skills authority should
drive this process. Queensland should focus on certificate level training to
reduce overlaps with federal government. Ownership of TAFE assets should be
separated into a commercial entity. Given increasing demand for emergency
services, better methods of resource allocation are needed.
Public Sector: Goal should be high standard of excellence and becoming
best administered state. Public service is out of date in terms of structure,
organisation and management. It has changed little for 20 years. Current
arrangements emerged from PSMC in the early 1990s. Commercialization /
corporatisation reforms of mid-late 1990s have stalled. This public service
needs to be streamlined / modernised. A highly skilled and professional
workforce is needed, Reforms to boost flecibility, capacity and mobility
include: rationalizing employment legislation; consolidating awards;
establishing a new broad band classification system; appointments to band in
public service rather than in agencies; flatter organisation structures; and
more effective performance management. Public Service Commission needs to
refocus on setting / coordinating service-wide strategies for human resources
and industrial relations. The overhead costs of supporting front-line service
delivery needs to be reduced. Many internal services are provided to captive
clients by government mandated monopolies. These are theoretically (but not
actually) subject to competition. More use should be made of corporate
services, ICT and back-office administrative support from contestable markets.
Conclusion: Many recommendations have been made. A small task force
from key public sector agencies should be established to handle implementation
in accordance with government decisions. Recommendations will save rather than
cost money. They are directed towards improving the performance / productivity
of the public sector and Queensland's growing prosperity.
Former federal treasurer (Peter Costello) told Queensland Government to sell
energy companies, allow private sector to provide more government services and
introduce tougher budget safeguards. Power sale would complete national
Electricity Market and boost productivity - which has stalled in recent years.
Summary of Audit Commission's report is available - and has the potential for
nation wide influence. A major theme is overhaul of public service - so as to
achieve a return to reforming government. Audit report also involved Doug
McTaggart and Sandra Harding. It called for privatising energy and port assets
- as an alternative to further cuts in government spending and tax rises. Sale
of $25bn in assets would restore Queensland's AAA credit rating. While
government owns these businesses it is exposed to commercial risk. Electricity
assets should not however be sold in present environment. Report also called
for public transport services (eg Brisbane Rail) to be offered for sale under
franchise / lease-back agreements. The report suggests that business as usual
is not sustainable. Recommendations include creating a Queensland Productivity
Commission; a 10 years state infrastructure plan; an intergenerational report
on population aging and a new charter of budget accountability (Ludlow
M., 'Costello pushes national plan for state reform', Financial Review,
Mining companies are concerned about possible privatisation of
Gladstone port after privatisation of Dalrymple
Bay coal loader led to long delays in upgrading infrastructure (Ludlow M
and Cranston M., 'Miners wary of another port sale', Financial Review,
Queensland Commission of Audit proposes biggest shake-up
of public sector since Goss Government in 1989. Commission was established by
Newman Government in 2012 with broad terms of reference: improving state's
financial position / service delivery / GOCs. Its interim report recommended a
2 stage fiscal repair to reduce state debt and restore AAA credit rating. The
first stage led to cuts of $5.5bn and 14,000 jobs in Newman Governments
2012/13 budget. Commission now recommends reducing government debt by
$25-30bn. This will be hard in a community accustomed to low taxes, and
counter-cyclical government spending. Queensland has long been a public sector
economy (as government is largest employer and purchaser of goods and
services). In part this is a result of decentralization - and their could be
opposition to privatization and loss of regional employment / access to
services. There is nothing new about driving productivity through
marketisation and contestability; exposing public services to competition; and
sale of GOCs. These were the core of 1980s and 1990s microeconomic reforms -
that are broadly agreed to have underpinned Australia's recent economic
prosperity and resilience. Similar proposals were canvassed by 1996 Commission
of Audit under Borbidge Government and a national Commission in which Peter
Costello was involved under Howard Government. But Queensland politics, the
realities of minority government, the One Nation challenge caused reform to be
tempered. And after deep cuts in Costello early budgets, the proceeds of
mining boom were used for a decade of fiscal expansion. Now governments are
fiscally constrained, at the same time as there is concern about unemployment
and regional services. Large scale debt reduction needs creative thinking.
Asset sales have been discussed by media. The report also suggested the need
for fundamental public service reform to allow it to be flexible, responsive
and cost effective in supporting front-line service delivery. Commission
proposes a more flexible broad-banded classification system for public
servants - to encourage flexibility, capacity and mobility and challange
siloed culture. This raises questions about specialist vs generalist skills.
Building skills / capacities is a major focus of Commission. Report also seeks
systemic reforms to Commonwealth-State financial relations (an area that
attracts increasingly broad endorsement). Peter Costello suggested that the
proposed reforms could be a blueprint for national reforms. It is difficult to
maintain political interest in public sector reform, and Queensland's public
service has confounded successive governments' reform efforts
(Tiernan A.,
'Pain or promise looms under Costello's Queensland plan', The
Conversation, 7/3/13)
A claim has been made that head of the Commission of Audit (Peter Costello)
has a conflict of interest because of his involvement in a company that would
profit from asset sales (Hawthorne M., 'Costello
conflict claim', The Age, 7/3/13)
A phone poll suggested that there was 80% opposition to sale of government
assets - though accusations were made that this had been rigged by union ('Qld
privatisation opposed by 85%: poll', BusinessSpectator, 10/3/13)
Show: A Broader Approach to Reforming State Administrations is Needed
The Commission of Audit’s interim report in 2012 was plagued by
serious inadequacies– and was not a foundation for adequate reform proposals
Auditing the Commission). The latter drew attention to:
Queensland's financial difficulties starting much
earlier than indicated by the Commission of Audit's interim report, and problems
apparently being concealed by 'creative accounting' and a lack of transparency;
The resulting need for a forensic audit, rather than continuing to
assume that official financial statements present a reliable picture –
especially given a lack of transparency about the financial position of
government owned corporations and Treasury-linked financial institutions in
the Commission's claim that fiscal repair should focus on
recurrent expenditures because this was where the problem mainly arose seemed
wrong - because significantly increasing state capital spending (which had been
about $3-5bn pa) had been officially said to be unaffordable in 2002, before
it escalated to a maximum of around $18bn pa - a change which suggests where
a lot of Queensland's debts have come from;
the methods suggested by the Commission to deal with the state's
financial predicament (ie financial manipulations focused on cost cutting and
asset sales) are ineffective ways of improving financial or service outcomes -
and involve significant risks;
an alternative suggested approach that should allow: immediate financial
pressures to be relieved while building up, rather than dislocating, the
competencies needed to deal with the Government's other priorities; better
policies to be devised and implemented; distortions in government machinery to
be reduced; future challenges to be met with reduced need for public spending
and red tape; revenues to be increased; and the potential for abuses of power to
be reduced;
While the financial criteria that the Commission of Audit was
asked to examine are important, there are limitations on what can be achieved
through maximizing financial performance. The probable emergence of a
paradigm shift in conventional economic assumptions is indicated by: (a) the
economic success (so far) that East Asian societies have achieved by
unconventional practices [1,
(b) the emergence of a global financial crisis to which quantitative easing is
(so far) seen to provide the path to recovery; (c) leading economists who say
that they are no longer sure what to teach [1,
and (d) uncertainty at a major university about whether conventional economics
should be taught at all [1].
Suggestions about what this all might imply are in
The Advantages and Limitations of Financial Criteria, 2010 and
Fixing Economics, 2012. Financial criteria are a way of managing certain
types of human activities - because they are a form of 'information' which
allows decentralised decision making which overcomes the limits that
complexity imposes on centralised control. However for reasons suggested below,
taking steps to more effectively manage all types of information offers greater gains than merely managing financial
'information' in
terms of improving both Queensland's economy (by accelerating development of
economic systems) and public sector (by facilitating better decisions [eg
see 1, 2]);
The Commission also dealt almost exclusively with governments'
secondary function (ie the provision of public goods and services) and
virtually ignored its primary function (ie governing). Though the former are
significant, the latter offers far greater prospects for dealing with the
challenges that the Commission investigated (for reasons suggested below -
1, 2).
market liberalization (eg financial deregulation and tariff reform)
raised Australia's economic productivity and resilience from the 1980s.
However attempts to boost efficiency / productivity in the provision of public
goods and services by: (a) the pseudo-businesslike approach to management
('managerialism'); and (b) applying market pressures / contestability under the
National Competition Policy from the 1990s had seriously adverse
side-effects on governments because necessary knowledge, skills and collegiality
were displaced (see Decay of
Australian Public Administration and
Neglected Side Effects of NCP). This contributed to poor decisions about
public functions and cost blow-outs that were anything but useful
contributions to economic productivity. In Queensland this seemed to lead to
failures and unnecessary costs in many functions (see
Evidence of Dysfunctions) though electricity, water supply and hospitals
were most notably affected (eg see
Structural Incompetence and
SE Queensland Water Supply Crisis);
there is no doubt (as the Commission suggested) about the need to boost
Queensland's economic productivity. This is
needed not only because of weak
productivity performance and an aging population, but also because of the real risks
of further global financial and economic problems (eg see
Debt Denial: Stage
3 of the GFC?). Thus if the present environment is not a good time to privatise
electricity assets (as was reportedly suggested), the prospects that future environment will be worse should
not be neglected. However governments can do far more to boost economic productivity by ‘governing’
(ie creating frameworks within which others can 'do things') than they can by
merely concerning themselves with their own operations (see
Lifting Productivity: Considering the Bigger Picture). Though (as the Audit
Commission noted) government is a significant component of Queensland's
economy, non-governmental areas are more than twice as large. Boosting economic
productivity through empowering non-political leadership of economic learning
within the market economy should have significant benefits in terms of boosting
economic / employment growth as well as governments’ tax base. A new
Queensland Productivity Commission (to provide policy advice as the Commission
suggested - p 19) would be much less useful. While studying productivity
issues is necessary, stimulating initiatives to improve it would generate
immediate practical gains. A more serious
approach to overall economic development by states would be more likely if their tax bases were attuned to value added, rather than to economic turnover
as at present
Economic development incentives, 2009). The use of similar methods can arguably
address social needs within the community or create solutions to
environmental challenges with less need for costly public programs (see
Reducing the Need for
Entitlements in a Competitive Economic Environment) - and thus indirectly
generate economic benefits by helping to reduce tax rates;
The Commission of Audit made useful references to problems in the role
of government in Queensland (eg in terms of comprising a larger-than usual
component of the economy, and the commercial risks facing inflexible
government-owned corporations in a competitive environment). There is no doubt
about the latter risk (see also 2001 comments on Queensland's 'corporatisation'
alternative to privatisation in
Government Business Enterprises). However this is only part of issues
related to:
the high level of dependence of the Queensland community on external
institutions (ie foreign investors and government); and
a traditional state-corporatist system of
political economy that viewed the 'private' sector as an extension of the
state (see
Dependence Characterises the Queensland Economy, 1994), That style of
political economy, which in Europe has at-times been associated with
authoritarian / fascist regimes:
was historically present in Queensland through so-called ' agrarian
socialism' and through efforts to create a Queensland Inc (ie financial
institutions under the state Treasury) in the 1980s;
was expanded to some degree in the 1990s by: (a) involvement by business
groups in ownership and control of 'public' goods and services; and (b)
increased reliance on business to re-write regulations that affect their
commercial operations; and
seems to be reflected in the Commission of Audit's proposals for
widespread more-than-contractual private sector involvement in the performance of public
Thus Queensland seems to be flirting with
problems like those that existed in the
UK in the 19th century, where private involvement in public goods and services
led to problems and abuses of power and (via the
Northcote-Trevelyan Report) to the development of a professional
permanent public service to abate those risks. Creating a professional
public service in Queensland (which has not been valued recently) would
take many (eg 10) years - see further below;
Government’s primary business is ‘governing’ (ie creating a
framework in which others can do things - for example, but not only, by
creating a legal system) and its secondary
task (ie providing public goods and services) usually involves functions that are
subject to market failures (see
Governing Is not just running a large business). The latter is part of a
document that refers to the breakdown in effective government that resulted from
late-1980s-early-1990s efforts to make the public sector more responsive and
business-like on the basis of advice from academics and business interests with
little or no understanding / experience of the functions of government, or what
was needed for governments to be effective;
Just as governments' core role is 'governing', so the core role of
central agencies primarily involves creating a framework within which
operational agencies can 'do things' (eg a framework related to overall
policies and machinery for coordination / financing). Centralised 'strategic planning' can
not work (see Strategy Development in
Business and Government, 1997), and attempts to impose such planning
through Queensland's Treasury seems to have been a significant factor in poor
and deteriorating performance of state agencies over the past 2 decades (eg
see Systemic Defects in Public
Administration in relation to problems in Queensland's Health). The
Commission of Audit's proposals for new financial procedures (eg for asset
management - p18) and identifying innovation options (p19) touch on desirable
reforms - but these need to be actioned through operational agencies rather than
through centralised bodies (eg a new Queensland Productivity Commission) that
seek to second-guess agencies' options. Likewise the Commission's efforts to
identify: which functions government should provide; current efficiency and
effectiveness and service delivery; and options for improvement (p20) can not
be regarded as any more reliable than centralised economic planning has proven
to be - because they are necessarily only based on part of the
required information ;
governments can reduce the cost of service delivery by an emphasis on
'governing' (ie seeking first to find ways to meet needs without direct
government involvement) - because the set of skills and approaches that would
come to dominate in the public sector would be different to those that
dominate under a 'service / project delivery' (ie what can government itself do)
emphasis. When an emphasis on 'doing things' (eg efficient service delivery /
projects) dominates, governments will be advised / assisted to set up new
programs to meet emerging needs. When an emphasis on 'governing'
dominates, governments will be advised / assisted to find solutions that
primarily involve others 'doing things'. This is not to say that efficient
service / project delivery are not required in government, merely that these
should be sought through operational, rather than central, agencies;
States have no prospect of being effective until Australia’s
federal system is reformed – and this primarily requires that the federal government
also focuses on ‘governing’ (ie making it possible for others, especially
other levels of government, to 'do things') rather than
trying to do and control everything (see
Fixing Australia's Federation, 2010). Current arrangements not only generate
complexity, duplication and buck passing, they also make effective planning
and delivery of state functions virtually impossible (eg by forcing states to
focus on lobbying for funding rather than on their functions and by
centralising control within states especially in the hands of Treasuries /
Intergovernmental-relations staffs - and this separates decisions from those with the information needed to make them)
- see
Federal Financial Imbalances in Australia's Government Crisis.
While the Commission of Audit referred (p19) to the need for reform, its
proposals for tight future financial control would both depend on, and
reinforce, the adverse effects of federal financial imbalances. For example,
the Commission of Audit referred (p23) to the need to comply with complex measures
of hospital efficiency in order to gain funds under new health funding
arrangements while simultaneous pointing to the lack of information on
which such judgments may be made. The fact that the complexity of public
functions renders efforts to provide funding on the basis of simple
performance measures almost useless (see
Evaluation of Managing for Outcomes, 1997)
again suggests that a Commonwealth Government emphasis on 'governing' rather
than on micro-managing outcomes will be critical to actually improving public
Private Involvement in Service Delivery
While there can be great benefits in the private provision of
goods and services on behalf of governments (as the Commissions report noted),
private ownership and control of assets / services subject to significant
market failures can
have adverse effects. The latter include: the need for complex and costly involvement by
government which offsets potential production efficiency gains; loss of public sector
knowledge and skills needed to act in the real public interest; and distorting
/ corrupting government (see
Intrinsic Problems with Public-Private Partnerships). Thus the Audit
Commission's suggestion (p7) about a 'continuum' between pure public and pure
private service provision is suspect (eg it can be a formula for creating
problems like those associated with the US's so-called' 'military-industrial
complex'). It is also worth recognising that problems in upgrading facilities
at the Dalrymple Bay Coal Loader appeared to arise because: (a) private ownership of
natural monopolies requires strict regulation to prevent owners exploiting
users; and (b) it was simply
impossible for regulators to create an appropriate pricing regime - ie one which
involved pricing that was both fixed and variable (see
Regulatory Failure through Privatisation of Monopolies). The mining industries'
reported nervousness about privatisation of Gladstone port facilities
appears well
The Commission's suggestion that Queensland's debt problems have to be
resolved by selling assets is overly simplistic, because:
part of the
fiscal problem is arguable states' chronically inadequate share of revenue under
Australia's federal financial system;
fiscal considerations can't be considered in isolation in dealing with
functions that are subject to significant market failures (see
the Commission apparently assumed that 'commercialized' public
assets could be sold without explicitly considering whether market
failures in those functions could lead to significant problems. Very
large price increases accompanied the 'commercialization' of electricity
functions - which was hardly encouraging;
the Commission suggested (p15) that the government should
compensate 'commercialized' GOCs for the cost of regulatory requirements
imposed on them (requirements that may arise because their function involves
significant market failures) - even though government routinely applies
hopefully-public-interest regulations to the general community and other
businesses without such compensation;
Public Administration
Great care is needed in public sector change. Government deals with
thousands of functions, and success requires integrating new priorities with
what already works. Emphasis on a few currently politically-important goals without
allowing integration to occur can be damaging and costly. Queensland achieved
fairly successful change in the 1970s by identifying 'areas of critical
concern' (ie regional / environmental goals) and stimulating / enabling existing
organisations to propose solutions. This allowed those goals to be addressed,
existing competencies to be reinforced and a more cohesive and purposeful
public sector to emerge - until the process was disrupted in the 1980s by
requiring that priority be given to supporting 'major projects' at the expense of other
requirements. The Goss Government was the last to attempt significant public
service 'reform'. However, by adopting a 'tear it all apart and start
again' approach to achieve its very limited range of goals, it created a situation
even worse than the one it inherited, and
laid the foundations of the dysfunctions, crises and wastage that have
characterised Queensland administrations ever since (see
Worst Government, 2005);
The Commission of Audit suggested the use of 'contestability' in
relation to the provision of public services (p 22). However for many public
functions policy considerations can't be successfully separated from service delivery,
so 'contestability' in service delivery also translates into
policy fragmentation (ie into an inability to mobilize cooperation in integrating
complex policy issues);
The Commission of Audit suggested that a ‘responsive’ public sector is wanted. But
there was no clarity about what it needs to be responsive to – and there is
usually a world of difference between the expectations of clients (eg those to
whom government agencies provide goods and services) and political expectations
that reflect interest group pressure (see
Why are Bureaucrats bureaucratic? 1993). In the days of professional public
services (ie when careers were not destroyed when public servants offered a
reality check on political ideologies) this gap could be bridged. Making public service unquestioningly compliant
with political perceptions (ie by boosting
the role of cronies and 'yes men') eliminates critical knowledge and
experience - and
generates 'structural incompetence';
the system of government that Queensland inherited from the UK can
not work reliably without a professional public service (eg because of
the importance of institutional competence suggested in
Another Strategic Option:
Boosting Accountability through Enhancing Competence?).
politicisation over two decades has eliminated this. Competent
government might be able to be created without public service professionalism,
but this would require significant and time consuming changes to the
overall machinery of government (eg changes to: (a) ensure that civil
institutions become able to provide a 'reality check' on populist
political ideologies; and (b) contain the distortions that commercial
conflicts of interest create);
governments deal with immense and
rapidly-increasing complexity - and (though this is not all that is
required) effective bureaucracies can help governments cope with complexity
by potentially mobilizing and coordinating up-to-date practical
information about diverse inter-related functions. This is
particularly important given the challenges posed
by East Asian societies that (in some respects) function as 'whole of society'
bureaucracies and in which power (and the
Art of
War ability to persuade others to weaken
their positions) depends on having access to strategic information (see
East Asia
in Competing Civilizations);
Infrastructure requires far more than a 10 year plan - eg it
needs competent
institutions that have the mandate and the financial resources to address the
issue (see Defects in Infrastructure
Planning and Delivery in Queensland, 2002). The lack of financial
resources is not a viable justification for private provision of
infrastructure - because private investment is only viable on a user-pays
basis, and government could equally increase its investment capacity by
this means;
The lack of transparency about
Queensland's financial predicament that has existed for a decade was
not addressed by the Commission of Audit. Moreover the Commission proposed
(p14) various methods to free up capital without outright sale public
assets - and it is anything but clear that these would not result in
misrepresenting the state's financial positions (as, for example, sale and
leaseback arrangements can potentially do - see More
creative accounting in Queensland?);
Queensland financial challenges can't be viewed in isolation, because:
Queensland has limited tax sources (as the Audit Commission noted); so
much of its revenue is currently derived from the Commonwealth; and the latter
faces structural budget deficits that started several years ago and have only
recently been acknowledged (see
Global financial crisis). The latter points to: (a) committing revenues
that were generated by an economic boom / bubble to social programs that
that are difficult to unwind; and (b) the importance of those transfer to
maintaining a reasonable degree of equity in the more competitive
environment that was needed to boost economic adjustment and productivity.
Those structural problems are likely to be compounded by populating aging
(an issue that the Commission of Audit wisely recommended attention to) because:
aging increases health and welfare costs while reducing economic growth
and available public revenues; and (b)
population aging has international implications that are now starting
to become apparent in Japan and Europe.
Addendum H: Comment on: Qld Government should sell assets – further
spending cuts would weaken economy further
Show: Comment on: Qld Government should sell assets – further spending cuts would weaken economy further
There is little prospect that asset sales would improve the state
government’s financial position if, as seems likely, the world now suffers a
financial crisis that puts 2008 in the shade (eg consider: the apparently
unsustainable global financial regime [1];
Europe’s unresolved sovereign debt problems [1];
Japan’s emerging crisis [1];
growing concerns about China’s debt problems [1,
2]; the unexpected crash in gold prices [1]
which appears to mainly reflect a loss of confidence in ‘paper gold’ [1]
that might affect financial systems in the same way as the 2008 sub-prime
crisis; and uncertainty by reserve banks about whether the quantitative easing
(that has kept the global economy afloat by providing cheap credit to
governments / banks) should be ended because of its unforeseen consequences [1]
– noting that one likely consequence of ending QE will be an escalation of
interest rates that would drive many heavily indebted governments to default)
John Craig
Addendum I: More Important Choices for Queensland
Show: More Important Choices for Queensland
More Important Choices for Queensland - email sent 16/4/14
The concerns that your article expresses about the State
Government’s ‘Strong Choices’ approach to resolving Queensland’s budget problems
are appropriate. However the lack of available facts and logic implicit in the
‘Strong Choices’ process is merely a continuation of the non-transparent
approach to budgeting that got Queensland into trouble. Moreover, while more
work is needed to develop viable solutions, it would seem unwise to leave this
to Treasury.
Your article suggested that the goal should just be to more
effectively make a case for asset sales. However there is arguably a more
pressing need to:
Develop principles for
determining whether functions that are subjected to market failure should best
be publicly owned or privately owned. Private ownership of public goods can require prescriptive
regulation and is not necessarily the best option – quite apart from the risks
you mentioned such as the public getting ripped off while ‘cronies’ make large
profits. The complexities involved have been generally neglected in efforts over
the past decade or so to encourage private ownership of ‘public’ goods (eg see
Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure , 2002+). Government debt may
be vital for the provision of some public functions (ie those subjected to real
market failures) – and this needs to be evaluated rather than presuming that
private provision is always an effective alternative;
boost the budgetary
position of all governments by strengthening the economy so as to create
stronger tax bases
– eg using methods suggested in
A Case for Innovative Economic Leadership (2009) and
Reinventing the Regions (2010). Similar methods were developed by
Queensland’s public service in the 1980s and were starting to be used with
beneficial effects – but were disrupted by politicisation of public services
from the early 1990s;
encourage reform of Australia’s taxation systems to: (a)
reduce the complexities and costs associated with federal fiscal imbalances; and
(b) provide states (who have most responsibility for encouraging economic
development) with a financial incentive to take their responsibilities seriously
– and thus to further strengthen tax bases overall (see
Australia’s Future Tax System: The Opportunity to Fix Governments, 2009);
create more effective
and efficient machinery of ‘government’. A great deal of
Queensland’s debt constraints arose because governments sought to undertake
their functions (eg a massive expansion of infrastructure spending) with
machinery that had been rendered ineffectual (see
A Dysfunctional and Difficult Environment). Key components of the systemic
weaknesses that led to large cost the blow-outs and wastage that left Queensland
with such high debts arguably included: (a) public service politicisation which
led to an ongoing loss of the experience need for effective government and for
the provision of a ‘reality check’ on wilder populist ideas (see
Decay of Australian Public Administration, 2002); and (b) attempts to use
business-like methods to undertake governments’ primarily non-business-like
functions (see
Governing is Not a Business). Poorly considered attempts to improve the
efficiency of governments in the production of goods and services seriously
reduced their ability to ‘govern’ – and thus at times contributed to expensive
policy blunders (eg see
Neglected Side Effects).
Dealing with Queensland’s debt constraints is not merely, or even
primarily, a ‘budgetary’ problem. It thus can’t be resolved by those concerned
with finance (eg by a Commission of Audit and / or Treasury). A much broader
approach is essential (see also
Reforming State Governments: Does Queensland's Commission of Audit Have the
Answer?, 2013).
In particular Treasury should arguably not take the lead in
dealing with Queensland’s debt problems because:
many of the initiatives that are probably needed to correct the
problem are outside its jurisdiction;
the lack of transparency in ‘Strong Choices’ about Queensland’s
debt problem and options is entirely consistent with the lack of transparency
that has characterised Queensland’s budgeting for many years – especially in
relation to the state’s capital accounts which include dealings with the assets
that might now be sold (eg see
The Need for Transparency, 2010). Present debt problems would have been
nowhere near as severe if there had been more transparency in relation to
Queensland’s capital accounts in the past (eg consider the mid-1990s practice of
requiring GOC’s to borrow to pay large dividends to support Consolidated
there are questions about Queensland’s past financial dealings
that the Commission of Audit did not ask (eg see
A Debt Binge? (2012) and
Auditing the Commission (2012)). As your article suggested there are
potential risks of corruption and patronage associated with the sale of public
assets. And there are
indications of conflicts of interest in relation to past privatisation
proposals in Queensland that have not yet received public scrutiny.
I would be interested in your response to my speculations.
John Craig
Accounting Tricks Make it
Impossible to Know Queensland's Real Financial Position
Show: Accounting Tricks Make it Impossible to Know Queensland's Real Financial Position
Accounting Tricks Make it Impossible to Know Queensland's Real Financial Position - email sent 12/7/15
Your article realistically pointed out, in relation to
Steven Wardill’s article (‘Pitt’s
Debt Trick’, Courier Mail, 10/7/15), that an ‘accounting trick’
(ie transferring $4.1bn of Queensland’s general government debt to government
owned corporations - GOCs) does not improve Queensland’s real financial
However the issue is far more complex than this. Various
different forms of ‘creative capital accounting’ have apparently been
used in Queensland (presumably on Treasury advice) for almost 20 years (eg see
2002+). Requiring GOCs to borrow to fund general government spending was a
very early example of this, and one that was relatively simple and transparent
(see Emerging
Financial Problems, 2001). However there have been many less transparent
examples, and these (and the lack of any consolidating explanations and
information) have made it essentially impossible to gain an understanding of the
real status of Queensland’s capital accounts (see A
Debt Binge, 2012).
The previous Queensland Government established a Commission
of Audit in 2012 to review the state’s financial position. However the
Commission took Treasury figures in relation to Queensland’s capital accounts
at face value – and this was arguably naive as there were many reasons to
doubt their reliability (see Auditing
the Commission, 2012 and A
Forensic Audit is Needed, 2012).
While it is desirable to challenge new ‘creative
accounting’, it would be extremely unwise to ignore the fact that this seems
to have been going on since the mid-late 1990s. And, in considering that risk,
it would also seem desirable to recognise that:
State Corporatism is a (widely-criticised)
system of political economy under which the 'private' sector is viewed as an
extension of the state. It is viewed as an alternative to both democratic
capitalism and socialism. Corporatist practices have
had a place in Queensland’s political economy (eg as agrarian socialism)
and similar thinking apparently emerged in the 1980s (eg in efforts to create a
coordinated Queensland Inc under Treasury-supported state financial institutions) as alternatives
to proposals (by the present writer and others) for the development of an
effective market economy (see
Characterises the Queensland Economy, 1994);
the subsequent expansion of ‘corporatist’ arrangements gave
private interests a significant stake and role in Queensland’s GOCs and state
financial dealings – and these have potentially given rise to conflicts of
interest (eg see apparent examples in Reform
of Queensland Institutions: or a Rising Tide of Public Hypocrisy?,
John Craig
Queensland's budget problems
started MUCH earlier
Show: Queensland's budget problems started MUCH earlier
Queensland's budget problems started MUCH earlier - email sent 20/6/16
Your article pointed out that Queensland’s budget
position has deteriorated over recent decades. However official budget figures
do not provide a reliable picture of what has happened – especially in
relation to the capital accounts and the consolidated position of the general
government sector and government-owned corporations (GOCs). The following
extract from your article is thus misleading.
figures show debt levels began to soar in the last few years of the Beattie
Labor government, and then through the Bligh Labor government as it moved to
meet infrastructure shortfalls and pay for services in the face of falling
The reality is that Queensland had been on a path to budget
problems from the mid-1990s when government spending started escalating (see
Financial Problems, 2001 and Comments
on 2001 Budget, 2002). In the 1990s Queensland had, for example, increased
its capital spending to about 1/3 of the total for all states and committed
large amounts to favoured programs that had never been seen to be available
There has recently been concern about Queensland
Government efforts to deal with problems in its recurrent budget by extracting
assets from, or transferring debts to, GOCs (eg see Remeikis A., Queensland
may raid Defined Benefit Scheme surplus, Brisbane Times, 24/5/16). However,
it needs to be recognised that such practices have a VERY long history. A more
serious approach to strengthening Queensland’s economy (and thus the federal /
state tax base) is arguably required to overcome these problems (eg see
Preference for Economic Futility, 2016).