CPDS Home Contact Professionalism: Chronological Summary


Mr Shane Bowering
c/- Sunday Mail

'C'mon Peter its time for action'

I should like to express support for raising concerns about bullying in the Public Service, as you did in a recent article. Anecdotal evidence suggests to me also that the problem is very widespread.

My interpretation of your article: There has been a flood of letters about public service bullying. Public servants believe they work in a climate of fear. When complains are made about bullying by supervisors, departmental investigations are a whitewash. Some believe that it is a waste of time to complain. Premier needs to consider creating an independent and transparent body which is removed from the umbrella of individual departments and reports directly to his office to investigate allegations of workplace bullying. This is about people's lives, not politics. Such a body should also coordinate all responses to FOI requests. Many complaints to CMC are now referred back to departments to investigate. The Premier needs to regain some of the confidence which has been lost in his stewardship (Bowering S., 'C'mon Peter its time for action', Sunday Mail, 19/6/05).

However the solution you proposed (ie putting responsibility for investigation of such matters under control of the Premier's Office to avoid departmental interference) would not work. Reasons for suggesting this are as follows:


John Craig