SEQ's Water Supples: A Comedy? - Email sent 12/11/09
Andrew Fraser
Safe for now, but there'll be a price, The Australian, 12/11/09
I noted your
useful comments on the complex side effects of the decision by Mr Peter
Garrett, the federal minister for the environment, to reject development of
the Traveston Dam in SE Queensland on environmental grounds.
My interpretation of your article:
Rejecting the Traveston Dam will have far
reaching consequences. The needs of a turtle have been put ahead of 4m
people in SE Queensland by federal environment minister. Thus Australia's
fastest growing region will have no dedicated water reserves, Dams
servicing 4.4m people in 20 years will be the same as those serving 1.6m
20 years ago. Wivenhoe Dam came on stream in the 1980s. The only other
addition was Hinze Dam serving Gold Coast. With supplies constrained,
costs will increase and alternatives (recycling / desalination) will be
considered. Desalination plants (which the state government sees as the
alternative) require huge amounts of energy. Recycled water is used
industrially, and in a major drought might need to be consumed.
However, there is
scope to further develop your theme, because:
Brisbane, the
centre of Australia's fastest growing region, was arguably built in the
wrong place - because of the region's lack of
reliable water sources.
Wivenhoe Dam, the region's main water storage, is not really suitable for
water supply. It was built for flood mitigation and is subject to very
large infrequent rain events, but lacks reliable ongoing rainfall (see
High and Dry: Why?);
the Wolfdene
dam-site, which might have provided more reliable supplies, was not
preserved - apparently because the Goss Government had politicised /
deskilled Queensland's public sector and thus (a) was unaware of the
limitations of Wivenhoe Dam; and thus (b) could not see the need for further
storages in SE Queensland (see
Paying the Price of Ineffectual Public Administration);
the fate of the
Traveston Dam proposal was determined on environmental grounds, though
its engineering suitability as a water supply source seemed anything but
certain. It is seldom good practice to build a shallow storage on an
alluvial plain (see attached email, Traveston Dam: The Weirdness
water, which seems to be the alternative for SE Queensland's water supplies,
is subjected to health and environmental concerns which do not seem to have
been mentioned by Mr Garrett in relation to his decision (see
following this email).
It could be worth
another story.
John Craig
Some Notes on the Desalination Alternative
Demineralised / desalinated water seems not to be
suitable for drinking without enhancement by the addition of minerals.
Demineralised water (a) is highly aggressive and can't be distributed through
pipes and tanks, as it leaches metals and other materials from pipes; (b) has
poor taste characteristics; (c) lacks minerals that are necessary for human
health. In some parts of the Middle East and Central Asia desalination
provides up to 50% of water. Preliminary studies have been made of the adverse
health effects of drinking demineralised water. Addition of minerals is
necessary ( Kozisek F
'Health Risks from Drinking Demineralised Water, WHO, 2004)
Desalination (which is growing rapidly world-wide)
involves high energy usage - which raises greenhouse concerns, and has very
significant regional environmental impacts, eg destruction of large areas of
ocean floor associated with high resulting concentrations of salt and other
contaminants (Dolnicar S and Schafer A
'Desalination and Recycling: Australians raise health, environmental and cost
Responses +
Responses Political 'Conspiracies'?
cynical observer raised the possibility, in response to the above email, of
political 'conspiracies' in decisions related to Traveston Dam.
"You might remember that a short time ago we
had a visit from Rudd. Clearly he was here to gauge political opinion on
Traveston and must have found Bligh to be a loser who would undermine
his plans so he cut her.
Rudd is determined to not be a one term Prime Minister like Whitlam and
he is a much better infighter than Whitlam. He is ruthless and Bligh did
not see it coming from her party mate. Incredible lapse of judgment.
The message for the LNP is who is: the next cab off the rank and how
they can retrieve the Rudd led operation. They are so stupid that they
have probably not yet understood the implications of the Rudd move.
The Wolfdene dam would now be full if it had been built. The message
about the incompetence of the pull-out at Wolfdene needs to be rammed
home. The ability to build a dam there has unfortunately now been lost
Hear on radio that they now want to raise the height of Wivenhoe amongst
others. Remember that there was a government report under Borbidge that
delineated all streams and dam sites in Queensland. The LNP needs to get
its hands on this report. Maybe it has been pulped ....... "
The present writer has no basis for expressing an opinion about such
However there is another conspiratorial possibility. As noted in
Traveston Dam: The Weirdness
Continues, the engineering viability of the Traveston proposal as a
reliable source of water supply did not seem to have been properly
established before proceeding with land acquisitions and detailed
environmental planning. Perhaps, after spending hundreds of millions, it
was realised that the project was not technically viable. If so, a
'political conspiracy' could have involved the federal government
providing the state with an excuse to abandon the project without the
embarrassment of admitting incompetence in spending huge amounts of
taxpayer money. Who knows?
Water Quality?
"I understand Dubai tried to sue Coca Cola for
all the stomach problems being experienced in Dubai. Coca Cola
successfully proved it was all a result of desalinated water.
Yes massive power requirements, a dead sea zone
for many miles; and need for everyone then to drink mineral water. French
mineral water in Dubai cheaper than Australian. mineral water in
Australia. But that's not the case here. This will cost money to drink
healthy water plus the costs of using it to wash etc. What it does to
industrial plants I have no idea. There is
not enough water in Australia to sustain a population any higher than
what we have. Someone needs to stop immigration for a number of reasons
including this and housing availability etc. There is no long term
planning or foresight whatsoever in this country. .... "